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 -라틴어와 그리스어를 중심으로-


    외국어에 득도하려면 단어를 정복하라는 말이 있다. 이는 영어에도 해당되는 진리이며, 단어의 뜻을 모르고는 아무리 탁월한 문법 실력을 갖췄다 한들 문장의 뜻을 해독해낼 수 없음은 자명하다. 상대방의 말은 물론 TV나 방송이 잘 안 들리는 이유도 대부분 어휘의 뜻을 이해 못해서이다. 어휘 능력을 향상 시키면 독해 능력과 청취 능력이 높아지고, 이는 결국 영어가 다루는 무한대한 정보의 바다를 쉽게 항해토록 해줄 것이다. 따라서 어휘 능력의 향상은 아무리 강조해도 지나치지 않을 것이다. 그러나 어휘에 대한 아무런 생각 없이 사전에 정의한대로만 기억을 하면 쉽게 잊어버리게 됨은 우리가 이미 경험한 바다. 

    영어에 영향을 준 라틴어는 그 10%가 직접적인 영향을, 나머지 90%는 불어를 통해서이다. 1066년 프랑스 노르망디 공 윌리엄이 영국을 정복함에 따라, 로망스어(로마제국의 확대에 따라 라틴어가 지중해 연변의 토착어와 결합한 언어로, 불어, 이태리어, 스페인어, 포르투갈어, 루마니아어, 까딸로니아어 등을 말함)계통인 프랑스어는 영국의 궁정, 행정기관, 학교, 귀족들의 언어가 되었고, 이에 따라 영어에 극적인 변화가 온다. 불어를 공부하는 이가 영어와의 유사성에 의문을 품는 것은 바로 이러한 이유들 때문이다. 그 후 르네상스 시기의 학문과 예술의 만개는, 그리스어로 하여금 문화어로 자리를 잡게 했으며 앞으로의 기술 발전에 따른 새로운 용어 역시 그리스어에 토대하여 조어가 될 것이다. 

    여기서 영어 어휘를 이해하기 위해서는 적어도 라틴어 및 그리스어에 대한 기본 지식이 있어야 함을 알 수가 있다. 이 책은 바로 이에 초점을 두고 만든 책이다. 이 책을 반복해서 읽다 보면 어휘의 구조를 분해할 수 있는 능력이 생길 것이며, 어떤 자료를 읽더라도 어휘에 대한 공포감이 사라질 것이다. Excruciate의 예를 들어 보자. 한 눈에 라틴어에서 온 ex(from) + cruz (cross) + ate(become) 의 조합이라는 것을 알 수 있다. 그 뜻은 대략 “십자가로부터”라고 짐작할 수 있고, 십자가로부터 나오는 거야 당연 고통 아니면 구원 정도일 것이며, 문장 속에서의 그 뜻은 전후 문맥으로 보아 금방 알 수가 있는 것이다. 또한 어근 spire(to breathe)를 이해하고 나면, aspire, conspire, inspire, expire, respire, perspire, transpire 등 많은 파생어를 이해할 수가 있게 되는 것이다. 많은 단어가 이런 식으로 구성 되어 있어, 이 책을 공부하고 나면 영어 단어에 대한 이해의 폭이 넓어지고, 사전의 두께가 얇아짐을 느낄 수 있을 것이다.

    예문은 중학생도 이해할 수 있는 문장부터 대단히 난해한 문장까지 배열하여, 중학생부터 전문 분야의 독자까지 고려했다. 용이한 기억을 위해 짧은 문장을 위주로 편집을 했지만, 독해력 훈련을 위한 긴 예문은 19세기 문학작품에서 인용했다. 따라서 이것이 어렵게 느껴지면 그냥 넘기면 된다. 여기서 특기할 사항은, 앵글로색슨어에서 온 영어는 교양, 문화어가 별로 없다는 점이다. 대부분의 교양, 문화어는 라틴어 및 그리스어에 뿌리를 둔다. 문장의 격조가 높을수록 라틴어 및 그리스어 파생어의 출현 빈도가 높아지고, 따라서 이러한 어휘들에 대한 이해는 그 만큼 독서 및 회화 수준이 높아짐을 의미한다. 본문에 소개 된 많은 문장들은 그 어휘의 성격상 경제적이고 격조 높은 회화 능력을 제공할 것이다.

    끝으로, 예시된 어근이나 접두, 접미사만 발음할 때는 로마자 발음으로 한다. 약간의 예외가 있지만, 여기서는 라틴어나 그리스어를 공부하는 것이 아니므로, 예외적인 발음은 무시한다. 이 책은 스스로 정의하도록 훈련을 하는 데 목적이 있는 만큼, 어휘의 뜻을 스스로 정의하려고 노력한 다음, 사전을 참고한다. 또한 slash(/) 의 앞에는 결합형, 뒤에는 원형을 표기했지만, 더 깊은 연구를 필요로 하지 않는 독자는 이 원형을 무시해도 좋을 것이다. 본서는 모든 어근이나, 접두사, 접미사를 망라한 것이 아니고 활용도가 큰 것만 소개했음을 밝힌다.


1. 발음 기호는 다음의 예를 따른다. 발음기호상의 문제가 있을 시 영한사전을 참조한다.

all[ɔ:l], cart[ka:rt], gag[gæg], fate[feit], ache[eik], allot[əlat],

bed[bed], easy[i:zi], yet[yet], beach[bi:tʃ], the[ðə], she[ʃi:]

hit[hit], kitten[kitn], side[said], thin [θin],

know[nou], boy[boi], out[aut], loot[lu:t], foot[fut], you[ju:],

cut[kʌt], further[ˈfərðər], just[dʒʌst], sing[siŋ]

        *제1악센트는 ('), 제2악센트는(,)로, 관련 음절의 앞에 표시하였다.


2. 중요하지만 간과하기 쉬운 몇 가지 문법을 정리하였다.




I.  Base(어근)  

     1. Latin Base 

     2. Greek Base 

II. Prefix 

     1. Latin Prefix 

     2. Greek Prefix 

 III. Suffix 

     1. Latin Suffix 

     2. Greek Suffix 

IV. 외래어



I. Base(어근)

    1. Latin Base

    로망스어 계통은 복합어(compound word)형태를 

취하는 것이 많고 따라서 불어의 영향을 받은 영어의

많은 어휘 또한 같다. 복합어란 둘 이상의 형태소가 

결합한 것으로 한국어의 경우 맏아들(맏+아들), 

돌다리(돌+다리) 등이 그 예이다.

결합은 terr+i+tory, sacr+o+sanct, quadr+u+ped 등의 

예처럼, 발음의 용이성을 위해 a, e, i, o, u가 개입한다.

ac, acr, aceto/acerbitas(sourness, bitterness, sharp)

∙Caribbean salad sauces have exceedingly acetic 

flavors; lemons are used for making them. 


∙The candidate was unpopular because of his

 sarcastic and acidulous speeches. 

*sarcastic[sɑ:rkӕstik]: 비꼬는, 풍자적인.

* acidulous[əˈsidʒuləs]: 시큼한, 신랄한.

∙The conference was marked with such acerbity 

that they failed to solve the problem.

∙The issue of raising the price of cigarette causes 

acrimonious arguments.

∙Acetaldehyde, acetylene, acetylcholine,

diacetylmorphine… 등과 같이 화학, 제약

용어에 많다. 

*aceto처럼, 어미가 o로 끝나는 어근은 모음 앞 

 또는 마지막 음절에서 o가 탈락한다.


Transactions of shares on Wall Street were up today. 

 *trans: across, through, beyond. 

 *up: end, over.

∙What was your lover's reaction to your question?

∙The mercenary was deactivated, so the soldiers went 

back home.

 *mercenary: 용병. 

 *de: away from, out of.

alien/alienus(another's, foreign)

∙He paid off all his bank loan, so he is free from 

the alienability of his property. 


∙His alibi was approved because he was verified

to be in another place when his wife was 


 *alibi ['æliˌbai].

∙Most immigrants feel alienated in new environment.

∙His real name is William Sydney Porter, but he lived

and wrote under O. Henry, his alias


*O. Henry(1862~1910): 미국 작가. "The Last Leaf", 

"The Gift of the Magi" 등 많은 단편을 남겼다.


∙Our airplane is flying at the altitude of 12,000meters, 

which is measured by the altimeter.

Altocumulus and altostratus are the middle level 

clouds; their altitude is generally from 2,400~


*cumulus: pile, 누적. 

*stratus: 층.


amo/amare(to love)

∙Mr. Clinton's love affairs are his amours


∙Korea and the USA exchanged a student service

 program to promote international amity


∙The shopkeeper is always amiable to his customers.


∙He is an amateur at golf; he loves the game.

anim/anima(breath, spirit, soul)

Animism, the belief that everything carries a

 spirit, was very common in the ancient civilization.

∙Chris was so lively that he animated the party 

last evening.

∙Timothy has suffered from inanimation because of 

his long lasting sickness. 


annu/annus(year, age)

∙After retiring from the office, he lives on annuity.

*annuity [əˈn(j)u(:)iti].

∙A man who has lived many years is said to be 


*super+ann+u+ate. u는 운 때문에 첨가 된 음소.

∙ “In this year our good King Richard died,” wrote the

 chronicler in the Kingdom’s annals

* “이 해에 우리의 선하신 리처드 왕께서 붕어

하셨다.” ,라고 편사가는 왕국의 연감에 기록했다.


∙An aquaplane is towed on water. 


∙In Segovia, a small town of Spain, there still remain 

complete aqueducts constructed by the ancient 

Roman Empire. 

 *duct: lead.

∙A water festival which involves swimming and 

diving is sometimes called an aquacade. 

*cade: parade.

∙The aquiculture is distinguished from fishing by 

the idea of active human effort in maintaining or 

increasing the species involved, as opposed to 

simply taking them from the wild.      


*aquiculture: aqua+culture. 

* agri(field)+culture. 

*fishing: 채취어업.

*aquiculture를 주어로 하는 수동형(…is 

distinguished…by)의 제2형식  문장임. 

조금 까다로운 문장구조인데, 

as는 관계대명사로서 선행사는 멀리 떨어져 

있는 aquiculture이다. that(is) opposed to…처럼 

관계절 안의 어떤 요소가 생략 된 경우, 관계대명사 

that 대신 as가 사용 될 수 있다. 관계절이 후치된 

이유는, 선행사 바로 뒤에 놓을 경우,

주어를 이루는 절이 장황해져 문장의 균형이 깨지기 

때문이다(The aquiculture as opposed to simply taking 

them from the wild is distinguished…).

*자연으로부터 단순히 어류를 채집하는 것과 

대척되는 양식어업은, 관련 어종의 보존이나 

증식에 인간이 적극적인 노력을 기울인다는

점에서 채취어업과 구별된다.

∙as용법 중 다음 사항은 특별히 유의할 필요가 있다.

1) 부사절을 인도하는 종속접속사.

*We arrived at the station just as the train left.

2) 전치사로서 like의 뜻.

*He acted as a gentleman, but actually not.

3) 관계대명사

*This is the same car as I have. 같은 종류의 차.

*This is the same car that I lost처럼, as 대신 that일 

경우는, 내가 잃어버린 바로 그 차 즉 나의 차라는 

뜻이 된다.

*I have the same ideas as(or that) you have. 선행사가 

추상명사일 때에는 as 또는 that 모두 가능하다.

4) as는 또한 아래와 같은 형태로 목적보어를

 인도한다(nom항 참조).

*We regard(speak, think of, acknowledge, consider, 

speak of, look upon) him as

                        our friend(명사, He is our friend).

                        foolish(형용사, He is foolish).

                        belonging to a decent family(현재


                        failed in the competition(과거분사).

                        of great importance(전치사구).

*특히 이때의 as는 그 자체의 뜻이 없이, 다만

 목적어와 목적보어를 주어 술어 관계(him as our

 friend =He is our friend)로 만드는 연계사(Nexus)

 역할을 한다.


audio/audire(to hear)

∙After a successful critical hearing, or audition, 

a singer might entertain audience in an auditorium

*audience: 듣는 사람, 청중.

*auditorium: 듣는 장소, 강당.

∙The sound is transferred to the eardrum through 

the auditory canal.

*tory: 어간이 뜻하는 곳을 가리키는 장소 또는 

 행위자를 가리키는 사 또는 형용사 어미. 

*depository = deposi/deponere(to put)+tory,


*eardrum: 고막. 

*auditory canal: 이도耳道.

∙An audiometer is an instrument which measures

 sensitivity of hearing.

∙He is an audiophile; he is enthusiastic about hi-fi


*phile/philos: lover of.


∙An eagle is confined in an aviary; it is a big cage.


∙My friend learned avigation; he is a pilot.

∙The contemporary aviation is completely controlled 

by computers.

*contemporary: 당대의, 현대의.

∙Betty Scot was the first woman cross-country

 driver from  New York to San Francisco in 

1910. She was also the first aviatrix of the

 United States. 

*trix: 여성을 뜻하는 명사 또는 형용사형 접미사.

 executrix(여성 유언집행자), inheritrix(여자 상속인), 

oratrix(여성 연설자), legislatrix(여성 입법의원) ,etc.


∙As a slave, Spartacus rebelled against Roman Empire.

∙Japan's bellicose disposition against the United 

States brought the Pacific War. 


∙Whenever he had too much drink, he became belligerent.


∙Chris received a benefit for his good work. It was a 

big promotion.

∙The priest gave the benediction on Sunday morning. 

*dic/dicere: to say.

∙Count Hieronimus von Collored, the ruler of

 Salzburg, was a benefactor to Wolfgang Amadeus 


*count: 백작. 

*benefactor: 전주錢主

∙A benevolent woman donated the money 


 *anonymously: 익명으로

∙George's science teacher looked benign ,but 

George knew that she  exhibited quite a temper 

when students were late to class.

*temper: 화, 노기.

∙To our family she has always been represented in

 softened colors by the benevolence of Mr. Charles 

Vernon, and yet, in spite of his generous endeavors to

 excuse her, we know that she did, from the most selfish

 motives, take all possible pains to prevent his marriage

with Catherine.      

               -Lady Susan by Jane Austen-    

*color: 겉치레.

*제2형식 및 제3형식 문장이 and로 연결 되어 있다. 

*첫 문장에서는 사구 to our family가 도치 되었고, 

다음 문장에서도 부사구 in spite of… her가 


*찰스 버논 씨의 배려로 인해, 그녀는 언제나

외관상으로는 부드럽게 우리 가족을 대했지만, 

그녀를 용서하려는 그의 관대한 노력에도 불구

하고, 그녀의 말할 수 없는 이기심으로 인해, 그가 

캐서린과 결혼을 못하도록 그녀가 할 수 있는 모든 

짓을 다 한 것을 우리들은 알고 있다.

bon/bonus(good, beautiful, right)

∙Oil was discovered under her property; it was a


∙That painting is a bona fide original, not a fake. 

*fide/fidere: to trust.

∙The general bonhomie that characterized the party

 made it a joy to attend.

 *that이하 party까지가 선행사 bonhomie에 걸리는

주격관계대명사절로 주동사는 made, it는 가목적어, 

a joy는 목적보어, to attend는 진 목적어이다. 

제5형식 문장으로 기억해 두면 크게 도움이 될 


*bon+homme(man, friend). 

*bona fide: 진짜인.

∙We built a bonfire to celebrate Independence Day.

∙Christopher gave a bonbonniere to Catherine who 

loved sweet candies.


∙Because we were running out of time, the lecturer 

had to abbreviate her speech. 


 *ab: ad의 자음동화(consonant assimilation)형.

 *ad: at, toward, about.

∙She says what she wants to do with brevity. She says

breviloquently. *loqu/loqui: to speak.

capit/caput(head, top)

∙Seoul is the capital city of Korea.

∙Islam accepted Christians during the period of its

 prosperity, but they had to pay capitation instead.

Capit is a root that means head, so the heading of a 

chapter or an article is called a caption.

∙Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were decapitated 

by guillotine at the height of the French Revolution

 in 1793. 


*guillotine: 단두대.

*루이16세와 마리 앙트와네트는 프랑스 혁명이

최고조에 달했던 1793년에 단두대로 목이 잘렸다.

carn/carnarius(butcher, flesh)

∙The incarnation of Jesus Christ is the basic belief of 

Christian theology.

∙The film "'The Killing Fields" vividly depicts the

 bloody carnage wreaked by Pol Pot's followers in


 *wreak[ri:k]: cause, inflict. 


∙To have carnal knowledge of somebody means to

 have had sex with that person. 


∙Cows are not carnivorous; their teeth are not sharp 

to be so.

*so는 앞의 carnivorous를 받는다.

∙so의 용법에 관한 다음 사항은 특별히 유의할 

 필요가 있다.

1) 명사를 받는다.

*Alex looks like a gay. So he is.

2) 형용사를 받는다.

*Alexandra is very beautiful, and so are all her sisters.

3) 동사를 받는다.

*Alex had promised to come early, but he didn't do so.

4) expect, hope, imagine, say, suppose, think 같은 

동사가 올 때, 앞 문장 전체를 받는다.

*Alex will come early, and I hope so.

5) 앞 문장의 일부를 받는다.

* "You are not 20 years old.".  "I am so!"

6) 접속사적 부사로서의 so.

*The restaurant was closed, so we went to a 

hamburger shop.


∙A centurion commanded a company of 100 soldiers.

∙When they entered into the cave, they found there 

were so many unpleasant centipedes crawling on the


 *centipede: centi+ pede(foot). 

 *crawl[krɔ:l]: 기(어가)다.

∙But the highest minds of the world have never 

ceased to explore the double meaning, or shall I

 say the quadruple or the centuple or

much more manifold meaning, of every sensuous

 fact; Orpheus, Empedocles, Heraclitus, Plato, 

Plutarch, Dante, Swedenborg, and the

masters of sculpture, picture, and poetry. 

-Essay by Ralph Waldo Emerson- 

*the world: 인류. 

*fact: 작품. 

*sensuous: 감각적인, 관능적인

*manifold: 중첩(된),다양한. 

*cent+u+ple: 백 배, triple: 세 배,

quadruple: 네 배, quintple: 다섯 배. 

*ple/plus: 배倍를 뜻하는접미사.

*그러나 인류의 지순한 정신은, 모든 감각적인

작품 즉, 올페우스, 엠페도클레스, 헤라크리투스, 

플라톤, 푸르타크, 단테, 스웨덴보그를 비롯하여 

조각, 미술 그리고 시의 대가들이 이루어 놓은 

탐미적인 모든 작품들이 갖는 두 배, 또는 

네 배 아니 백배도 더 된다고 말할 수 

있는 다양한 의미들을 부단히 천착해 왔다.


cogni/cognoscere(to know)

∙The king enjoyed traveling through the town

 incognito and mingling with the populace. 

 *mingle: mix.

 *populace[ˈpapjulis]: people.

∙I met an old friend, but he showed no recognition 

that he remembered me.

∙The size of the universe is incognitable.



∙It is contradictory that we say we can see an

 incorporeal ghost; it is the same as to say that

 we can see the wind. 

 *contradictory: 모순된.

∙If you are corpulent, you should lose your weight to

 escape from hypertension.

 *hypertension: 고혈압.

∙The murdered victim's corpse lies on the street.



∙Joan is a very cerebral girl; she majors in physics

 in college.

∙The president has been cerebrating for overcoming 

economic crisis.

Cerebritis is the inflammation of the brain tissue 

which is caused by infections in the brain; its

symptom is such as red patches on the face, neck, 

and other parts of body.

 *patch: 반점斑點, 헝겊 조각.



∙A diplomat carries his credentials with him to show

 who he is.

∙The bank statement gives credence to his story that

 he borrowed the money and did not steal it. 

* bank statement: 은행 예금내역서.

∙He is so credulous that he is easily cheated by others.

∙Sometimes, news is so amazing that you are 



∙She wished to discredit it entirely, repeatedly 

exclaiming,  "This must be false!" 


-Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen-

*exclaiming은 wished의 부대상황을 말하는 


* “이는 거짓임에 틀림없어!” ,라고 반복해서 외치며, 

그녀는 전혀 그것사실이 아니기를 바랐다.



∙Jesus Christ was crucified.

∙Christina wears a crucifix on a chain around her neck.

∙In ancient Rome, officials killed criminals by 


 *fix/figere: to fix, fasten.

∙I have an excruciating stomachache.

 *ex: from, out of. 

 *stomachache: 복통.

∙Eight hundred fathoms broad at this point,

 the Niger flowed between banks richly grown with

 cruciferous plants and tamarind-trees.

-Five Weeks in a Balloon by Jules Verne-

*fathom: 6피트. 

*이 지점은 그 넓이가 8백 패덤으로서, 

십자화과 식물과 타마린드 나무가 무성하게 자란

강둑들 사이를 니제르 강이 흘렀다.



∙The Roman Senate deified Emperors after their 


*Roman Senate: 로마 원로원.

∙The King deigned to visit his poor people.

∙Europeans in the 17th and 18th centuries

 believed in deism.

*deism: 이신론理神論. 창조주는 인정하되, 

인간사에 그의 개입을 부정하고 인간의 

이성을 통하여 진리에 접근할 수 있다는 신관.

대체적인 유럽인들의 종교관이다.

∙Jupiter was the most powerful of the Roman deities.

∙A horrible fancy came into my head that Moreau, after

 animalizing these men, had infected their dwarfed 

brains with a kind of  deification of himself.    

   -The Island of Doctor Moreau by 

            Herbert George Wells-

*긴 문장이지만 제1형식의 문장이다. that 이하는

 fancy를 수식하는 계대명사절. 즉, head는 

선행사가 아님. 선행사 fancy 다음에 바로 관계절이 

왔다면, 주어인 fancy와 주동사인 came이 너무 멀리 

분리되어, 문장의 균형이 깨진다.

 *모로우는 이 남자들을 동물화한 다음, 자신을 

신격화 시켜 그들의 작아진 머릿속에 주입시켰다는

무서운 생각이 나의 뇌리를 스쳤다.


dent/dens(tooth, ivory)

∙My seventy-year-old father has dentures.

∙When I begin a new paragraph, I indent five spaces.

∙ "Th" in English is a dentilingual phoneme. 

 * lingual: tongue, language. 

 *phoneme: 음소.

∙Statues, stained glass, rose windows, arabesques, 

denticulations, capitals, bas-reliefs… she combines 

all these imaginings according  to the arrangement 

which best suits her. 

 -Notre~Dame de Paris by Victor Hugo- 

*culus: cle(축소사 어미). 

*제3형식 문장으로 주어는 she. 문장 앞에

열거된 목적어들을 지시대명사 these가 받고 있다. 

즉, these imaginings는 가목적어임. 

*뭇 조각상들, 스테인드 글라스, 장미형의 창문, 

아라베스크, 소치상小齒狀돌기, 기둥머리들, 

음각화들…, 이 모든 상징물들을 그녀는 (노틀담 

성당은) 자신에게 가장 알맞은 배열에 따라 



dic, dict/dicere(to say)

∙To say what will happen, or foretell, is to predict


∙When Edward VIII who fell in love with 

Mrs. Simpson, an American divorcee, abdicated the 

British throne, the entire world was surprised.

 *divorcee: 이혼녀. 

 *ab(away from) + dic + ate. 

 *Edward VIII(1894-1972): 영국국왕.

  1936년 즉위, 그해 12월에 왕위를 포기함.

∙The Pope gave benediction to the people gathering 

in the Vatican plaza. 

*ben + e + dic + tion. 

*ben(bon): good.

∙After a patient inquiry, which lasted nearly three 

hours, and which exhausted every available 

source of information, the jury pronounced the

customary verdict in cases of sudden death by


-The Woman in White by William Wilkie Collins-

*ver/verus: true. 

*제3형식 문장으로 주절의 주어는 jury이다. after …

information 까지는 부사절로, 두개의 which는 모두 

선행사 inquiry를 수식하는 주격 관계대명사이다. 

*거의 3시간에 걸쳐 가능한 모든 정보원을 샅샅이 

검토한 끈질긴 심문 끝에, 배심원들은 사고에 의한 

돌연사로 상투적인 평결을 했다.

∙Whereupon, not being able to contradict these 

unpleasant facts, he contradicted his own strongest

bias and said, "I am a fool”.

-Middlemarch by George Eliot-

*being은 이유를 말하는 분사이다.

*조금 어려운 문장이지만 찬찬히 

각해보면 이해를 할 수 있다. 

*contra + dict. dic에서 파생된 

 어휘들로는 dictaphone, dictum, interdict...등등

 많은 어휘가 있으며, 

 dic의 뜻을 분명히 기억하고 있으면 이 어휘들을

 일일이 기억하지 않아도 문장의 맥락에서 

 그 뜻을 알 수가 있다. 

*bias: 편견. 신념. 

*contra: against.

*그 일에 관해 곧, 이 같은 불쾌한 사실들을 부정할 

수가 없었으므로, 그는 자신의 강한 신념과는 달리, 

“나는 바보입니다.”라고 말했다.

∙현재분사나 과거분사가 여러 가지 문법적 기능을 

한다는 것을 우리는 이미 알고 있다. 

그러나 다음 사항은 특별히 유의할 필요가 있다.

1) 감정이나 느낌을 나타내는 동사의 현재분사나


*The teacher is boring: 선생님이 피곤하게 

한다(선생님이 피곤의 원인임을 말하고 있다).

*The teacher is bored: 선생님은 피곤하다.

*The teacher was disappointing: 선생님이 실망 

시켰다(선생님이 실망의 원인 제공자임을

말하고 있다).

*The teacher was disappointed: 선생님은 실망했다.

2) 시간이나 이유를 말하는 분사구문.


(1) Before leaving, Joan apologized to James again.

(2) Having parked the car(주차를 한 다음), we went 

into the house.

(3) After leaving home(집을 떠나고서야), 

I began to appreciate my family.

(4) Left alone(홀로 남게 되자 또는 홀로 남게 

되었을 때), she began to cry. 물론 이 문장은 

이유(홀로 남았기 때문에)로 번역을 해도

문제가 없을 것이다.


(1) Being the oldest child(가장 손 위였으므로) in

 my family, I often had to take care of my younger 


*sibling[sibliŋ]: 형제, 자매.

(2) Having left my wallet in the restaurant(식당에

 손지갑을 두고 왔기 때문에), I returned to get it 

 next day.

(3) Frightened by her mother's screaming, she 

began to cry.

(4) Very embarrassed, he apologized to the director.

(5) The play having ended, everyone left the theater.

(6) The festival was planned for summer, summer 

 being the time of year when most people take


(7) Seeing no road, we took a tall hill to the left of the

 distant Acropolis for a mark…

3) 부대상황(~하면서)을 설명하는 분사구문.

*She wished to discredit it entirely, repeatedly 

exclaiming, "This must be false!"

*exclaiming: 외치면서...

*Ann patronized the students, treating them like 

simpletons, which they deeply resented.

*Concealing the name, but concealing nothing else,

 he described what had happened on the previous day 

at Lady Lydiard's house, and then put the question 

plainly to his companion. 

        -My Lady's Money by Wilkie Collins-

*그 이름은 감췄지만, 그 밖의 것은 들추어내면서 

그는 그 전날 리디아드 부인 집에서 있었던 일을 

상세히 설명한 다음, 그의 동료에게 분명하게


4) 앞의 명사에 추가 정보를 제공하는 단순한

수식구로 형용사 역할.

*Anyone planning to travel in the tropics should know

 malaria = Anyone who is planning to travel in the

 tropics should know malaria. 

이처럼 who, which, that으로 유도되는 

주격관계대명사는 이를 생략하고 본 예문처럼 

분사구로 대체할 수 있다. 이때의 분사

단순한 형용사 역할을 뿐이다. 

물론 이 문장은 Anyone, planning to travel in the

 tropics, should know malaria처럼 삽입구로 처리할 

수도 있다.

*Anyone bitten by a malaria-carrying mosquito 

can get the disease = Anyone who is bitten by a 

malaria-carrying mosquito can get the disease.

*Mr. Hamilton,(who is) worried about getting sick,

 took malaria pills every day. 

분사구는 이처럼 삽입구로 처리할 수도 있다.

5) 분사구문이 삽입구로 되어 있을 경우는 앞의 

명사에 대해 추가 정보를 제공하는 단순한 

수식구인지 아니면 시간 또는 이유 중 어느

것인지를 잘 가려야 한다.


digni/dignitas(worth, dignity)

∙Falling on the ground in public caused me 

some indignity.

∙Jonathan was very indignant when he was 

checked by the police who treated him as a criminal.

∙The dignitaries from the many countries dined with

 the President.

*dine: 만(정)찬을 먹다.

He arrived dressed in jeans for the wedding; his dress

 was undignified.



∙Two sopranos sang a duet in the opera.

∙I use my van for a dual purpose, namely for business

 and personal use.

 *van: (덮개가 있는)화물차.

∙Our building is a duplex, and we rent the other

 half for the office.

*plex: divided unit.

∙He acted with duplicity; it is not good for human



duc/ducere(to lead)

∙His wife's love of Miami Beach induced him to take

 a vacation on it.

∙Alan Gilbert conducts the New York Philharmonic


∙He educed some interesting data about the Inca 

music from "El Condor Pasa".

∙To educate is literally to lead out. The three-letter 

root of  education is duc and it means lead. 

*e(ex): out of(from)

*e+duc+ate의 접두사 e 는, d 때문에ex에서 x가

 탈락된 것임.

∙Europe has had many princely leaders known as 

dukes, but  America’s democratic climate is hardly

conducive to the growth of a crop of dukes and 

their wives, duchesses



*con: with. 

*crop: 떼, 수확물. 

*유럽에는 공작이라 알려진 많은 왕자급 

지도자들이 있지만, 미국은 그 민주적인

분위기로 인해 공작이 라던가 

공작부인 같은 무리들이 성장하기가 어렵다.


dur/durare(to last)

∙He entered the military at his age 18 and stayed for 

the duration.

∙Athletes endure pain to win races.

∙The sinews and muscles, which had once denoted

 great strength, though shrunken, were still visible; and 

 his whole figure had attained an appearance of

 induration, which, if it were not for the

 well known frailty of humanity, would have seemed

 to bid defiance to the further approaches of decay. 

  -The Prairie by James Fennimore Cooper-

*frailty: weakness. 

*sinew[ˈsinju:]: 힘줄. 

*decay: rot.  *denote: indicate.

*whole figure: 풍채, 모습.

*bid defiance: 도전장을 내다.

*if it were not for A…: 만일 A가 아니라면. 

*제2형식 및 제 3형식 문장이 등위접속사 and로 

연결되어 있다. were의 주어는 물론 sinews

 and muscles이고, 두번째 문장의 주어는 figure, 

주동사는 attained이다. which 이하는 induration을 

꾸미는 형용사절로, 관계대명사의 계속적 

법이며, 그 안에 또 if로 유도되는 종속절이 있다.

*힘줄과 근육은, 한 때 엄청난 힘이 있었음을 보여 

주었는데, 비록 쪼그라들었지만 아직도

그러한 흔적이 눈에 띄었고 그의 전신은 불굴의 

자태로, 잘 알려진 인간의 약점만 아니라면,

(인간의 육체가) 더 이상 썩어 가는 것에 도전장을

낼 듯했다.



∙An egocentric person does not consider the feelings 

of other people.

∙If he thinks he is a great human being, then he is an


∙Sigmund Freud defined the psychic apparatus of

 human being in three categories; id, ego, and 


*psychic apparatus[ˌæpəˈrætəs]: 심리 도구. 

*id: 이드. 원초적, 본능적, 공격적이며 향락 지향적인

 본능. 자아 및 초자아에 의해 검열 됨. 

*ego: 자아. 이드, 초자아 및 외부환경과 교감하는 

의식적이고 논리적인 본능. 

*super-ego: 초자아. ego와 id를 제어하는 도덕적인

양심. 부모의 교육 또는 사회적 훈련을 통해 

형성되며, 옳고 그름의 판단 기준이 됨. 

*Sigmund Freud(1856-1939): 오스트리아의 심리학자. 

정신분석 분야에서 위대한 업적을 남김.



∙Poverty is the perennial problem of humankind. 

*per+enn+i+al,  *per: through.

∙There is a biennial art exhibition in Venice which was 

opened in 1895. It would celebrate its centennial in 

1995 and bicentennial in 2095. 

*cent(100)+ennial. *bi: two.


ferv/fervere(to boil)

∙The candidate gave a fervid speech calling for the

 people to support him.

Fervent cries for help came from the 

earthquake-stricken area.

∙Helen has an effervescent personality. 

*ef: ex의 자음동화 형.


fid/fidere(to trust)

∙A prizefighter who has faith in himself is said to be 



*prizefighter: 직업 권투선수.

∙Dianne divorced her husband for infidelity.

∙He was not able to believe his campaign manager's

 perfidy in voting for his opponent. 

*per: through, across, beyond.

∙His great powers, his masterly manner, and 

the experience which I had had of his many 

extraordinary qualities, all made me diffident

 and backward in crossing him. 

-Sign of the Four by Arthur Conan Doyle-

*제5형식의 문장이다. S+made+me+O.C(diffident

 and backward).

*all은 앞에 열거한 모든 것을 받는 대명사. 

*di는 two의 뜻도 있지만 여기서는 not의 뜻이다.

*그의 위대한 힘, 당당한 태도 그리고 내가 경험한 

그의 비상한 자질들 등, 이 모든 것들로 인해 그를 

마주치자 나는 자신감을 잃고 뒤로 물러섰다.


firm/firmitas(strength, firmness, stability)

∙The furniture shop sent me written confirmation of 

my order for a new sofa.

∙My mother is infirm with old age.

∙He raised his head toward the firmament and prayed

 for forgiveness.

∙He affirmed his plan to make payments on time. 

*af: ad의 자음동화형.


flag, flam/ flagrare, flammare(to burn)

∙In the conflagration that followed the 1906

 earthquake, much of San Francisco was destroyed.

∙Mr. Denis has an inflammation in his throat from

 too much dust.

∙Baroque architecture emphasized the flamboyant 

trimming on buildings. 

*Baroque: 예술사적으로 대략 1600-1750년

까지의 기간.


flex/flexus(bending, turning, curving)

∙His life was saved when his cigarette case deflected 

the bullet.

∙Lillian looked at her reflection in the mirror.

∙Personal flexibility is required for maintaining a good 

human relation.

∙The inflection in his voice goes up when he scolds his

 staff members.



∙His novel is filled with the florid description of the 

Amazon rain forest. 

 *rain forest: 우림 지대.

Florida, the southern state of the United States, 

means the field of flowers.

∙The actress was wearing a florescent dress when she 

appeared in the party.

∙In the spring they bloom with a beautifully 

shaped inflorescence.


flu/fluere(to flow)

∙Because our daughter is sick, our vacation plan is

 in flux

* be in flux: to be always changing.

∙If the influx of the North-Korean refugees into the 

South Korea happens, it will bring a big national


∙A beaver is fluvial animal; it lives in the wetland. 

* wetland: 습지대.

∙The mechanic put fluid in the brake system.

∙He speaks Korean very fluently.

∙I remember it now, and I know that it was

the effluence of fine intellect, of true courage; it lit up 

her marked lineaments, her thin face, her sunken 

grey eye, like a reflection from the aspect of an angel.      

        -Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte-

*It는 앞 문장의 무엇인가를 받는 대명사이다. 

*이제야 나는 기억하는 바, 그것은 세련된 지성, 

진정한 용기의 발로로써, 천사의 모습을 반영한듯, 

그녀의 뛰어난 자태, 섬세한 얼굴, 움푹 들어간 

희색 눈을 비추고 있었다.


fort/fortitudo(strength, courage)

∙The soldiers were awarded the medal for their 

fortitude in the battle.

∙He fortified himself with a glass of whisky before

 going out in the cold weather.

∙Soldiers attacked the fortress high on a hill.

∙He had brought some soldiers with him from 

England, who took possession of the old fortress on 

Castle Island and of the fortification on Fort Hill.      

-Grandfather's Chair by Nathanie Hawthorne-

*who의 선행사는 him이 아닌 soldiers. 

*그는 영국으로부터 병사들을 몇 명 데리고 왔는데, 

그들은 캐슬 섬과 포트 힐의 옛 보루들을 점령했다.


frang, fract/frangere, fractus(to break)

∙The announcement was spoken so quickly that I 

understood only a fraction of it.

∙The fragmentation of Korea in two brought a 

war to its people.

∙He violated the traffic law and had to pay a 

fine for the infraction.

∙Diamond is an infrangible precious stone.

∙This dish is fragile, so be careful.



∙The Lions club is a fraternal organization which has

 more than two hundred member counties around

 the world. 

*라이온스 클럽은 전 계 200개 이상의 회원국을 

 갖춘 형제 같은 조직이다.

∙He belongs to the fraternity of educated people.

∙Cain committed fratricide by killing his brother, Abel. 

*cid/cidere: to kill.

∙If Korean War breaks out again, some million people

 will be killed and wounded in no time. It will be 

 another fratricidal war.

*in no moment: 순식간에. 

*한국전쟁이 재발한다면 수백만 명이 순식간에

죽거나 부상을 당할 것이다. 이는 또 다른 동족상잔의 

전쟁이 될 것이다.

∙To mingle with conquered people in a social or 

brotherly way is to fraternize with them. 

*mingle: 섞(이)다. 

*to부정사가 각각 주어, 어를 이루어 제2형식

 문장을 만들고 있다. 

*피정복 민을 사회적으로 또는 형제애적인 방법으로 

묶는다는 것은 그들과 형제처럼 친하게 지내는 



gno/gnoscere(to know)

∙Iliya Petrovich was cognizant of the fact that

 Raskolnilov killed an old pawnbroker. 

 *pawnbroker: 전당포 주인.

∙My old friend recognized me when we met 

 again 20 years later.

∙Her ignorance of the speed limit made her drive 

 faster than 80miles per hour.

∙The president wore dark glasses and traveled

 incognito in market-places, so no one would know


∙This direction towards an object is commonly 

 regarded as typical of every form of cognition, and 

 sometimes of mental life altogether.

 -The Analysis of Mind by Bertrand Russell-

*direction: an approach. 

*이 문장은 앞부분이 없어 정확한 뜻을 

파악하기가 어렵지만, 어쨌든 문법적으로는, 

and sometimes 다음에 This direction 이 생략된 것이다. 

*어떤 대상을 향한 이 같은 접근은 통상 모든 

인식형태의 전범範으로 간주 되며, 때로는 

정신생활의 전범도 전적으로 이와 같다.

grad/gradi(to go, to step)

∙My family came to my high school graduation in

 the last summer.

∙Some secretaries objected to fetching their boss a

 cup of coffee because they feel degraded by being 

 made to do such lowly tasks.

*fetch: bring, go and get

∙He got an upgrade from tourist to first class on

 the airplane.



∙This year's harvest is so good that our granary is full.

*접미사 ary는 다음과 같이 정리할 수 있다. 

      **형용사형 어미: elementary, honorary, stationary, 

        tributary, etc.

      **사람을 지칭하는 명사형 어미: actuary, notary, 

        secretary, voluntary, etc.

      **장소를 지칭하는 명사형 어미: library, 

        glossary, commissary, etc.

∙Sand has a granular texture.

∙Workers granulate sugar so that it will pour easily.

∙Oil paint became ingrained into the surface of canvas.

∙Birds eat grains; they are granivorous animal.


grand/granditas(greatness, grandeur)

∙The grandeur of the Grand Canyon makes us 


∙Politicians can never speak simply; they are always


*loqu: speak.

∙The aged matinee star still had grandiose notions of

 his supposed importance in the theatrical world.

 * matinee: 오후에 공연하는 연극이나 영화.

∙We had a splendid time in Paris; its grandiosity is

 never forgettable.


grat/gratia(grace, pleasure)

∙He made gratuitous comments about my hair 

style; I didn't like at all.

∙Parents find gratification in the success of 

their children.

∙The ungrateful general did not write a

 "thank you" note for the gift from the president.

∙All family members should gratify each other.

∙The Goatherd scolded them for their ingratitude in 

leaving him, when during the storm he had taken 

more care of them than of his own herd.  

       -Fables by Aesop-

*goatherd: 염소 치는 사람.

*take care of: ~을 돌보다. 

*had taken의 시제는 scolded보다 앞선다.

*그 염소치기는 자신을 내친 그들을 

배은망덕하다고 꾸짖었는데, 폭풍우가 부는

동안 그는 자신의 염소 떼보다 그들을 더욱 

보살핀 적이 있었다.


grav/gravitas(weight, imortance)

∙Objects fall to earth because of the force of gravity.

∙The capital city should gravitate toward another 

province where more space is available. 

*gravitate: move.

∙We use a gravimeter when we need to measure 


∙North Korean satellite failed to get out of gravisphere

 because of its powerless projectile.

 *projectile[prəˈjekt(i)l]: 추진체.

He is in tragic situation because his bladder cancer is

 getting ingravescence.          

*bladder: 방광.


greg/grex(crowd, flock)

∙She is very gregarious; she loves to be together with


∙A minister’s flock is called a congregation. 


∙In the United States in the 1950s, the law

segregated whites and blacks. 


∙The compliment of John Thorpe's 

affection did not make amends for this

thoughtlessness in his sister. 

She was almost as far from believing as 

from wishing it to be sincere; for she had 

not forgotten that he could mistake, 

and his assertion of the offer and of her

encouragement convinced her that his mistakes 

could sometimes be very egregious.

In vanity, therefore, she gained but little; her 

chief profit was in wonder.     

-Northanger Abby by Jane Austen-


*조금 어렵지만 격조가 높다. 

*e(x)+greg+i+ous: 해악, 남보다 뛰어난.

*~wishing it~의 it는 앞의 affection 을 받는 


*존 소오프의 따듯한 태도를 칭찬할 만 하다고 해서, 

누이에 대한 그의 냉대를 눈감아 줄 수는 없었다. 

그의 태도가 진지하다고 바랄 수도, 믿을 수도

거의 없었는데, 그가 뭔가 잘못을 할 수도 있다는 걸 

그녀는 잊지 않았고, 아울러 그의 그러한 제안이나 

격려의 말로 보아, 그의 잘못이 언젠가는 대단한 

해악이될 것이라고 확신했기 때문이다. 

따라서 그녀는 이기기는 했으나 헛수고가 되어

얻은 것이 거의 없었고, 그녀가 주로 얻은 이익이란 

매우 회의적인 것이었다.

∙He inspected the copra-drying that had been going 

on, and went through the barracks to see if there 

were any sick lying hidden and defying his rule

 of segregation.    

     -Adventure by Jack London-

*copra: 말린 야자열매. 

*any: 여기서는 대명사의 역할을 하고 있다.

*그는 그동안 해온 코프라 건조 일을 검사한 

다음, 막사(군막) 사이를 걸어가며, 누군가 병들어 

누운 채 눈에 띄지 않아, 그가 정해 놓은(사람들 간) 

격리원칙을 위반하고 있지 않은가를 살폈다.

∙ of에 관한 다음 사항은 특별히 유의할 필요가 있다.


- The United States of America. 미국(이라는) 합중국

즉, 미국과 합중국은 동격의 관계에 있다.

- The Continent of America. 아메리카(라는) 대륙.

-  Lawrence Harvey Zeiger under the pseudonym of 

Larry King. 랠리 킹(이라는)가명의 로렌스 하비 



-  The beauty of Korea. 한국(의) 미. 

- The citizen of this city. 이 도시(의) 시민. 

 - The ambition of man. 사나이(의) 야망.

*주격 관계: 

- The decision of Mr. President: Mr. President 

decides. 대통령(이) 결정한다. 주격 관계에 있을 

때는, 이처럼 of 앞에 동작에 관한 추상명사가 


동작에 관한 추상명사는 다음과 같이 

목적격 관계에 놓이는 경우도 있다. 

*목적격 관계: 

-The defeat of the presidential candidate = The 

presidential candidate was defeated. 

즉, 그 대통령 후보가 누구를 패배 시킨 

것이 아니라, 누군가 그를 패배 시켰다는 뜻. 


 - The compliment of John Thorpe's 

affection = People compliment John… 즉, 

존이 칭찬하는것이 아니고 

존을 칭찬하는 것이다. 

목적격 관계에 있을 때, of 앞에

반드시 동작에 관한 명사가 오며, 

by가 그 동작명사의 행위자를 이끈다.

- The invasion of (1) Iraq by(2) the Unites States of 

(3)America was criticized by(4) the people of(5)

 the Islamic countries. 이 문장에서, 

(1)은 목적격의 of, (2)는 invasion의 행위자가

 the United States라는 것을 가리키며, (3)은 동격, 

(4)는 수동태의 by, (5)는 속격 관계에 있음을 알 수

있다. 이 문장은 That the United States of America

 invaded Iraq was criticized…로 바꾸어 쓸 수 있지만, 

얼마나  어설프고 장황한가?

-The kings were opposed to the oppression of the 

 poor by the elite(the elite oppressed the poor), 에서 

 oppression의 행위자는 elite, the poor는 

oppression의 목적어라는 관계가 있다. 

이 문형을 기억해두면 크게 도움이 될 것이다. 

이 문장은 수동태의 형태를 취하 고 있지만

수동태가 아니고, opposed는 과거분사로 다만 

보어 역할을 하고 있음을 유의해야 할 것이다.

 *엘리트 계급이 가난한 사람들을 핍박하는 것을

 왕들은 반대했다.



∙Chan is progressing nicely in the study of Spanish.

∙He committed an act of aggression by walking up to

 the lady and hitting her.   *ag: ad의 자음동화 형.

∙The boy lied and cheated, but his mother forgave

 his transgressions.

∙Cell phone rates will be degressive and at least 10%

 lower than at present.

∙We saw the egressing sun from its total eclipse.

 *eclipse: 가림. 가려짐. *e+gress. 

 *solar eclipse: 일식. *lunar eclipse: 월식.

∙Christopher explains, "If a dozen wines under 

cork are cellared for, say, two years and then tasted,

there will be quite a variation between the bottles

because some may be advanced in their aging

but others will be tainted, because there has been

some ingression of oxygen."

*cellar: 지하창고(에 두다). 

*taint: 오염(되다). 


* "코크 마개를 한 열두 병의 포도주를 

지하저장고에, 이를테면 2년간 저장 후

맛을 본다면, 시간의 경과에 따라 맛이 

좋아질 것도 있고 산소의 유입으로 인해

나빠 질 것도 있을 수 있다" ,라고 

크리스토퍼는 설명한다.


hab/habitare(to dwell)

∙The habitat for antelope is mainly on the highland of

 mountains, not the valley. 

 *antelope: 영양(羚羊)

∙The apartments in this area are in bad 

conditions; they are unfit for human habitation.

∙The inhabitants of Geneva enjoy the views of

 Mont Blanc.

∙ My old cabin in the valley is habitable but not 

very comfortable.

∙One clear example today is how the Internet not only

 provides resources for more information, but

 habituates persons to interactive communication.     

     -John Paul II-


jac, ject/jacere(to throw)

∙The doctor injected some medicines into the

 patient with a needle.

∙Man has always hurled projectiles at his 

enemy, whether in the form of stones or of highly 

explosive shells.

∙He could not repress an ejaculation of surprise 

when he heard the news.

∙The pilot was ejected from the falling aircraft.



∙The person who reads and writes is literate.

∙The illiteracy in Korea is very low. *il: not

∙The current literature on electronic products is 

highly technical.

∙We also have to know the literati of nineteenth-century

 London to study English literature.

∙The literal meaning of "buck" is "adult male 

animal", but it is also used to mean "a US dollar" 


∙The nineteenth-century literature has so many

 information about the life style of the people

at that time.



∙Localism is an expression that is used only in a

 certain place or  locality.

∙The hang-glider fell and dislocated a foot.

∙Our company located its new office building in

 the downtown.

*suburb(s): 교외. sub+urb.

∙Chan relocated from Seoul to Pusan.

∙Although the Red Cross had allocated a large sum for

 the relief of the sufferers of the earthquake, many 

Haitian perished.

*earthquake: 지진. 


*relief: 제거. 

*Hatian: 아이티 사람.

 ❑ locu/loquela(speech)

∙She is talkative; she is a loquacious woman.

∙Hamlet’s “To be or not to be,” spoken alone on 

stage, is a soliloquy.

*solo/solus; alone.

∙The Defense Minister resorted to circumlocution to 

avoid the direct reference to the sunken patrol boat. 

*circum+locu+tion: 에둘러 말하기. 

*circum : around.

*resort to: ~에 의지하다. ~에 호소하다.

*patrol boat: 초계함.

∙  ; but on arriving at the kitchen, the first thing he

saw was his antagonist talking calmly at the step of

a heavy carriage, drawn by two large Norman horses.

His interlocutor, whose head appeared through the 

carriage window, was a woman of from twenty to 

 two-and-twenty years

    -The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas- 

*antagonist: 적대자, 대항자.  


*on arriving: on+동명사: ~을 하자마자, ~을 했을 때.

*two-and-twenty: two plus twenty.

*그러나 부엌에 도착하자마자 그가 맨 처음 목격한

것은, 두필의 커다란 노르만 말이 끄는 대형 마차의

승강대에서 조용히 말하고 있는 그의 적이었다. 

그의 대화 상대는 마차의 창문으로 머리를 내민 20세

에서 22세가량의 여자였다.


luc/lucere(to shine)

∙Chan wrote a lucid explanation of the text.

∙John Locke, the English philosopher, elucidated that

 individuals should be able to use the principles of 

natural law as a guide to living without a central 

governing authority. 

*natural law: 자연법.

∙Our voices rang around him joyously in the still

air, and above his head the sky, pellucid, pure, 

stainless, arched its tender blue from

shore to shore and over the bay, as if to envelop the 

water, the earth, and the man in the caress of its light.

-Tales of Unrest by Joseph Conrad -

*pel+lucid. *pel: per(through)의 자음동화 형. 

*Our voices rang…이라는 1형식의 문장과

the sky…arched라는 3형식 문장이 and로 연결된

중문 구조이다. pellucid, pure, stainless는

모두 sky를 부연 설명하는 형용사들이다. 

above his head는 the sky에 걸린 형용사구가

도치된 것이고, from shore to shore and over the bay는

arched를 제한하는 부사구이이다. arched의 목적어는

blue이다. as if 이하는 종속절로 arched에 걸리는 

부사구이다. arched와 envelop이 서로 대응하면서

문장의 뜻을 명료하게 하고 있다. 동사 envelop은 

세 개의 목적어 the water, the earth, and the man in

the caress of its light를 취하고 있다. its는 물론 

sky를 가리킨다. 시처럼 아름다운 문장이므로, 

독자가 아름다운 문장으로 번역해 본다.

*still: silent, quiet. 

*ring around: 감싸다. 

*arch: (둥그렇게)드리우다. 

*in the caress of its light: 하늘의 빛이 애무하는. 

*as if 다음에는 주어, 술어 동사를 생략하는 경우가

있다. 이 문장은 원래 as if (the sky arched) to 

envelope...로, 괄호 안의 것이 생략된 것이다. 

*우리들의 목소리는 고요한 대기 속에서 그의

주위로 즐겁게 퍼져 나갔고, 그의 머리 위, 

투명하고 깨끗하며 구름 한점 없는 하늘은, 

마치 물과 뭍 그리고 하늘의 빛이 애무하는

인간을 감싸 안으려는 듯 

해변들과 만 위로 섬세한 푸른빛을 드리우고 있었다.

∙They compose an ardent epistle, a declaration in

 fact, and they carry the letter upstairs themselves, so

 as to elucidate whatever might appear not perfectly

 intelligible in the letter. 

- Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy-

*they를 주어로 하는 두개의 3형식 문장이 

and로 연결 되어 있다.a declaration은 앞의

epistle을  반복하는 동격어이고, 

두개의 the letter는 앞의 epistle을 받는다. 

*그들은 강경한 내용의 서신, 사실을

선언하는 서신을 작성한 다음, 그 서신으로는 

완벽하게 이해할 수 없을 수도 있는 일을 

밝히기 위하여 몸소 위층으로 

그 편지를 가지고 간다.

*epistle: 편지, 서신.


magn/magnificare(to enlarge, greatness)

∙Lenses magnify words, so we can read them easily.

∙It is difficult to comprehend the magnitude of

 his crime.

∙The defense attorney ridiculed the magniloquent

 speeches of the prosecutor. 


*defense attorney: (피고를 위한)변호사.

∙Finally, even if I had wanted to be anything but 

magnanimous, and had desired on the contrary to 

revenge myself on my assailant, I could not have

 revenged myself on any one for anything because

 I should certainly never have made up my mind to do

 anything, even if I had been able to. 

-Notes from the Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky-

*제3형식 문장으로 주절의 주어는 I. 

even if I had…절은 양보를 나타내는 종속절로

도치되어 있고, 코머로 연결된 두개의 had를 

인도하고 있는 특수한 형태이다. Finally는 주동사구

could not have에 걸리는 부사.

*assailant: 공격자. 

*make up one's mind: 결심하다.

*revenge oneself on: ~에게 복수하다. 

*마지막으로, 나는 다만 관대한 사람이 되기를

원했지만, 이와는 반대로, 나를 공격한 자에게 

복수를 원했음에도, 어떤 일로 누군가에게 

복수를 할 수 없었던 것은, 그렇게 할 수는 

있었지만, 분명한 것은 복수를 결코 결심하지 




∙Skunks don’t smell good; they are malodorous


∙Chan is a new immigrant in this country; he is 

maladjusted to school and cannot concentrate on 

his work.

Malnutrition is common in some poor countries. 


∙The doctor is responsible for the malpractice after 

the patient died.

∙ A spaceship malfunctioned and exploded in outer 


*outer space: 우주. 외기권.

∙People uttered dreadful malediction against the

 dictator of their country. 


*utter: 말하다. 

*dreadful: 무서운, 두려운.

∙ "Prejudice!" he cried. "You astonish me. And suppose

 she was all that! She is also a woman of flesh and blood. 

There is always something to weigh down the spiritual 

side in all of us. But to make of it a reproach is what I

did not expect from you. No! I did not expect that. One 

would think you have listened to some malevolent 


  -Under Western Eyes by Joseph Conrad- 

*weigh down: 깊이 생각하다. 중시하다. 

*to make of it…에서 it는 앞의 to weigh down을 가리킴.

*flesh and blood: 육체. 인간. 

* “편견이야!” ,라고 그는 소리쳤다. “나를 놀라게

하는군. 그게 그녀의 전부라고 생각해봐! 그녀 역시

평범한 여자라고. 우리들은 모두 누구에게나

정신적인 면에서 늘 생각해 보아야 할 그 무엇이 있어.

하지만, 그렇게 하려면 비난을 해서는 안 된다고. 

그럼! 당연하지. 당신이 무슨 나쁜 소문을 들었다고 

생각할 사람도 있을 거야.”



∙ He killed his mother; it is a matricide. 

*cide/cidere: to kill.

  Matrilineal descent refers to kinship through the 



*kinship: 혈족 관계.

∙ A mother who rules a family or tribe is a matriarch.

*who이하 tribe까지는 선행사 mother를 꾸미는 

주격관계대명사절이다. 주동사는 is로 복문 구조이다. 

* matr+i+arch,  *arch: rule, lead.

∙ A hospital matron supervises the care of expectant 

mothers in the maternity ward.

*ward: 병동. 

*expectant mother: 임신부.

∙ Henry Cabot Lodge derived his middle name from the 

    maiden name of his mother; therefore, 

    for him the name Cabot is a matronymic.

     *derive A from B: B로부터 A가 유래하다(얻다). 

 *maiden name: 처녀( 때의)이름. 

 *헨리 캐봇 랏지의 가운데 이름은 그의 어머니의 

 결혼 전 이름에서 온 것으로,

 따라서 그에게 캐봇이라는 이름은 모계 이름이다.

 *matronymic은 그리스어 접두사인 metro를 취해 

 metronymic이라고 한다.

∙ Tierra del Fuego, first arrival - Good Success 

 Bay - An Account of the Fuegians on board - 

 Interview with the Savages - Scenery of

 the Forests - Cape Horn - Wigwam Cove -

 Miserable Condition of the Savages - Famines - 

 Cannibals - Matricide - Religious Feelings -

 Great Gale - Beagle Channel - Build  Wigwams

     and settle the Fuegians - Bifurcation of

 the Beagle Channel - Glacier - Return to the

 Ship - Second Visit in the Ship to the

 Settlement -Equality of Condition amongst 

 the Natives

-The Voyage of the Beagle by Charles Darwin-

*gale: 강풍. 

*Beagle: 찰스 다윈이 타고간 배의 이름. 

*Tierra del Fuego: 스페인어로 “불의 땅”이라는 뜻임. 

*fuegian: Tierra del Fuego 사람.

*Good Success Bay : 만 이름.  

*Cape Horn: 곶 이름.

*Wigwam Cove: 만 이름. 

*bifurcation: 갈라지는 지점. 분기점.

*Tierra del Fuego는 1520년 마젤란이

이 지역을 지나면서 대안의 땅에 번쩍이는 불을

보고 붙인 이름이다. 띠에르라 델 푸에고는 칠레 및 

아르헨티나의 남부지역을 포괄하는 빠따고니아

지방의 남쪽 끝으로, 이곳 주민인 Patagonian(fuegian)

아직도 원시적인 생활을 하고 있으며, 질병등

악조건으로 소수만이 남아 있어 이 종족의 보존 

문제가 국제적 현안이 되고 있다. 

1832년, 찰스 다윈이 남아메리카대륙의 최남단인 

띠에르라 델 푸에고에 도착, 원주민과의 접촉 

상황을 메모 식으로 적어 놓은 일기의 일부이다. 

완전한 문장이아니지만 활동 상황이 눈에 생생하다.

독자 여러분도 이렇게 단어만 나열하는 식으로 매일

일기를 쓸 수 있다. 어느 날엔가는 영어로 쓴 완전한

 문장의 일기를 쓸 수가 있게 되는 것이다.


migr/migrare(to move from place to place)

∙The migratory routes of cranes go on for thousands 

of miles.

*crane: 두루미.

∙John F. Kennedy's grandparents immigrated to the 

USA from Ireland.

∙My assistant is an immigrant from Russia.

*immigrant는 들어온 이민자, emigrant는 나간

이민자를 말한다.

∙Buddhists believe in transmigration of souls.


mis(s)/mittere(to send)

∙The diplomat we send out is an emissary.

 *e: ex(out)의 x 탈락 형.

∙A missionary is a person we send to convert 

the heathens.

*heathen[ˈhi:ð(ə)n]: 이교도.

*convert: 변화시키다. 개종시키다.

∙She received a missive from the electric company

 asking for the payment of an overdue bill.

*overdue: 납기가 지난, 기한이 지난.

∙Flu viruses are transmissible by physical contact or 

by air.

*trans+miss+ible. *flu: influenza.

∙Chan was offered admission to Purdue University.

*Purdue University: 미국 인디애나 주 소재 대학. 전기

공학과 항공공학으로 유명하다.



∙That man is promiscuous; he is with a different 

woman every night.

∙She keeps all sorts of miscellaneous items in her

garbage, such as a statue, a shovel, and a broken TV.

∙Such as differential settling of immiscible liquids or

crystals due to density contrast also favor metal 

concentration during silicate magma transport. 

     -Economic geology by Michel Jebrak-

*crystal: 결정체. 

*density: 밀도. 

*contrast: 차이.

*due to: ~에 기인하는, ~때문에. 

*silicate: 규산염. 

*magma: 마그마. 

*주동사는 favor.

*settling: 침전물. 

*such에서 also까지가 주어. 

*밀도 차로 인해 혼합 불가능한 액체나 고체 같은

 상이한 침전물 역시, 규산염 마그마가 이동하는 

 동안 금속물질이 응축하는 걸 돕는다.



∙All of us are mortal and will die one day.

∙The mortician prepared the body of the princess

 for burial.

∙When the patient died, his body was sent to the


∙Even the handkerchief in my breast-pocket, 

 worn for elegance and not at all for use, was wet

 through by the time that moribund  woman sank for 

 the last time into the arms of her lover.

    -My Antonia by Willa Cather-

*handkerchief … was wet라는 제2형식 문장. 

in부터 use까지 3개의 형용사구가 handkerchief를 

꾸미고 있다. 

*품위를 위해서이지 결코 사용하기 위해서가

아니었던 내 윗주머니의 손수건마저도, 죽어 가는

여인이 마침내 연인의 품에 안길 때에는 

흠뻑 젖어 있었다.



∙She has multiple reasons for not marrying him.

* multi+ple.

∙The new government has a multiplicity of problems

 to solve.

∙The doctor then communicated, in reply to

 multifarious questions from his young friend, a

 precise account of his patient's situation, which was 

 quite as consolatory and full of promise, as Oliver's 

 statement had encouraged him to hope; and to the

 whole of which, Mr. Giles, who affected to be busy 

 about the luggage, listened with greedy ears.      

           -Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens-

*consolatory: 위안이 되는. 

*affect: ~인 체하다. 

*promise: assurance.

*and로 연결된 두개의 which는 모두 선행사 

account에 걸리는 관계대명사이고, 

그 앞의 세미콜론은 이를 더욱 분명히 하기 

위해서이다. 이 세미콜론을 코머로 

바꿀 경우, 다른 코머와의 구별이 곤란할 뿐만 

아니독자를 혼동 시킬 수가 있다. 

*그러자 그 의사는 자신의 어린 친구가 하는 

여러 가지 질문에 대한 답변으로, 환자의 상태에 

대해 상세한 설명을 했고, 올리버의 진술이 

그에게 격려가 되어 희망을 갖게 된 것처럼, 

이 설명은 대단히 위안이 되고 든든한 마음을 갖게 

하였는데, 자일즈 씨는 짐 때문에 바쁜 척하면서도, 

이 모든 이야기에 탐욕적인 를 기울였다.


mut/mutare(to change)

∙H. M. de Vries discovered the mutation theory of 


*Hugo Marie de Vries(1848-1935): 네덜란드의 

 식물학자. 달맞이꽃의 교잡을 통한 돌연변이

 법칙 발견.

∙Life is mutability; today's happiness can be changed

 into unhappiness morrow.

 *morrow: tomorrow.

∙The law of gravity is constant and immutable.

∙A burgeoning population, reasonable rental rates 

and the commutability to major markets in New 

York City and Philadelphia have made Somerset,

 Morris, Warren, and Hunterdon Counties a popular 

business environment for private owners, minimal 

space users, special project users and remote 

corporate locations.

        -An Essay from The Free Online Library-

*burgeon: 급격히 성장하다. 싹이 트다. 

*주어 (A, B, and C)…made…목적어(C, D, E and F) 


 의 형식을 띈 제5형식 문장이다. 

*급증하는 인구, 합리적인 임차료 그리고 뉴욕시와 

 필라델피아에 있는 주요 시장에로의 왕복 교통의 

 용이성 등으로 인해, 소머싯, 모리스, 워렌 그리고 

 헌터던 군은 개인 사업자, 최소 공간 이용자, 

 특수사업가 그리고 원격지 소재 회사들에게 인기

 있는 사업 환경을 제공해 주었다.


neg/negare(to deny)

∙At the age of two, he knew only one word: "No!" 

 He wasn't merely negative, but he was pure negation. 

*not merely, but (also)=not only, but (also).

∙Because he had abandoned his post and joined forces

 with the Indians, his fellow officers considered the

 hero of Dances with Wolves a renegade.

∙And this affords the ultimate denegation, or negation

 that denies itself, of life by death. 

* or negation that denies itself는 denegation과 

동격의 삽입구이다.

∙There were two new hotels―one a "Temperance

 House",  whose ascetic quality was confined only to

 the abnegation of  whiskey―a rival stage office, and 

 a small one-storied building,  from which the "Sierran 

 Banner" fluttered weekly, for "ten dollars a year, 

 in advance".        

         -Devil's Ford by Bret Harte-

     *ascetic: 금욕(의). 

     *temperance: 절제, 금주. 

     *flutter: (깃발이)나부끼다.

     *stage office: 우체국 겸 주막. 

     *두개의 새 호텔이 있었다―그 중 하나는

“금주의 집”으로, 그 금욕적 성격은 위스키에만 

국한 되어 있었고, 경쟁자인 주막은 조그만 일층 

건물로,  “일 년에 10달러, 선불”이라고 쓴,

“씨에르란의 깃발”이 그 건물에서 일주일 내내



noct/nox(night, death)

∙Jamie obtained a watchdog to prevent the nocturnal 

raids on his  chicken coops. 

*coop: 닭장, 새장.

∙Cats are nocturnal animals.

∙Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven is a nocturne for 

the piano.

∙The nocturnal panorama of Seoul is greatly



∙Chan had nocturia when he was a kid.

 *noct+ uria(urine).

∙They sung psalms all nights as they were used to do 

on the vigils or pernoctations preceding the festivals 

of the martyrs.

    *psalm[sa:(l)m]: 찬송가, 시편.  *vigil: 밤샘, 철야.

     *festival: 축제, 제례祭禮.  *per: through. 

     *martyr: 순교자. *precede: ~에 앞서(가․오)다.



∙In this book, Chan finds his knowledge of Latin and 

Greek word  parts useful in translating medical


*nomen+clature/calare(to call).

∙Within Christianity, there are many denominations,

 such as Roman Catholics, Protestants, and the Eastern

 Orthodox Church.


∙My director nominated me to attend the meeting.

∙우리는 문장 형식에 관해 이미 알고 있다. 그러나

 제5형식 문장의 목적보어(object complement)에 

관해 다음 사항은 유의할 필요가 있다.

1) to infinitive.

*We believe him to be honest.

*목적보어로 to infinitive를 요구하는 동사는 대체로

 다음과 같다.

ask, believe, cause, command, entreat, declare, entreat, 

expect, force, get, imagine, judge, know, like, nominate, 

prove, report, suppose, think, want, wish.

2) 지각동사 또는 사역동사는 목적보어로 동사원형을

 취한다는 것을 우리는 이미 알고 있다.

*He saw a young girl cry.

*He made a young girl cry.

3) as 보어.

*아래와 같이 명사, 형용사, 과거분사, 현재분사를 

목적보어로 취한다.

    **People considered him as their leader.

    **People considered him as intelligent.

    **People considered him as lost in the competition.

    **People considered him as astraying in the street 

        every night.

    **astray와 stray의 차이점은 다음과 같다.

        ***He has astrayed; he left school and started 

                using drugs.  즉, 나쁜 의미일 때.

        ***He has strayed to enjoy a nocturnal atmosphere. 

            나쁜 의미가 아닐 때.

4) 주어+동사+it(가목적어)+목적보어(형용사, 

명사)+진목적어(to  infinitive)의 형식.

*The general bonhomie that characterized the party 

made it a joy(or joyful) to attend. 

*party까지가 주어구이다. 즉,

A+made+it+a joy+to attend의 제5형식 구문이다.


nunci/nuntiare(to declare)

∙Christopher pronounces his words clearly.

∙This annunciation excited great commotion among

 the different sectaries.

 *commotion: disturbance.

 *sectary: 파벌, 신도.

∙He renounced drinking alcohol by telling his friends 

that he had quitted drinking.

∙The two countries exchanged the denunciation for the

 border conflict.

∙Good enunciation is required to speak clearly and 




Monocle consists of a circular lens; it was used for 

 the close examining something and for gentlemen's

 fashion in the last centuries.

Binocular is used to see something nearer; it has 

two lenses.



∙Many religious people believe that God is omnipresent.

∙An omnium-gatherum is a collection of many different 


∙Under Hitler, the Nazi government seemed omnipotent

no one dared defy the all-powerful state. 

*potent: powerful, effective.

∙I may not be omniscient, but I know a bit more than

 you, young man. 


∙Human being is an omnivorous animal; others are 

either carnivorous or herbivorous. 

*carnivorous: 육식을 하는. 

*herbivorous: 채식을 하는.

ora/orare(to speak, to plead)

∙The ancient Greek and Roman tried to learn the future

 through oracles, who were supposed to have the ability

 of prediction.

∙The president gave a brilliant oration on how to 

overcome the economic crisis.

∙At first, indeed, I pretended that I was describing the

 imaginary experiences of a fictitious person; but my 

 enthusiasm soon forced  me to throw off all disguise, 

 and finally, in a fervent peroration, I  exhorted all my 

 hearers to divest themselves of prejudice and to

     become believers in the Third Dimension. 

-             -Flatland by Edwin Abbott- 

     *fictitious: imaginary. 

     *enthusiasm: 열정. 

     *throw off: 털어내다, 벗어버리다.

     *disguise: 위장(하다). 

     *exhort: 설득하다, 권하다.

     *divest: 빼앗다, 벗기다.

     *fervent: hot. 

     *처음에는 정말 나는, 가상의 인물에 대한 상상속의 

     경험을 진술하듯이 했지만, 곧 나의 열정은 나로 

     하여금 모든 가식을 팽개치도록 했고, 마침내 나는

     열변을 통하여 나의 모든 청중들에게 편견을 버리고, 

     3차원(현실)의 신봉자가 되라고 설득했다.


∙Our economy is not at parity with that of the United 


∙There is disparity between what politician say and 

what they do.

∙Women tend to be weaker than men in the upper 

body because they have less overall muscle tissue in 

this area. But, the imparity is not so big in the 

lower body. 

*여성의 상체는 남성보다 약한 경향이 있으며 

이는 이 부위의 전반적인 근육 조직이 남성보다 

성겨 있기 때문이다. 그러나 하체의 경우 이 같은 

차이는 그다지 크지 않다. 

*번역은 문장을 완전히 이해한 다음, 

가장 자연스러운 우리말로 옮기도록 

노력한다. 이 문장에서는 less가 

그에 해당한다고 할 수 있다.



∙Moses ruled Israel as if it had been his family; he was a


*archo: ruler, leader.

∙Patronymic is a name derived from the name of the 

father of paternal ancestor, like Mcdougal(son of 

Douglas), Fitzptrick (son of Patrick), and Isaacson(son 

of Isaac). 

*onym/onoma: name.

∙He used his patrimony to buy a farm.

∙Beatrice Cenci claimed that she committed 

 patricide to defend herself from her father’s cruelty. 

*베아트리체는 아버지의 학대로부터 자신을 

보호코자 아버지를 살해했다고 주장했다.

*Beatrice Cenci: 학대로 인해 친부를 살해한 16세기 

이태리 여성. 참수형을 받았다.

∙"Why, that is the very worst offence they could 

possibly commit; for, don't you see, Renee, the king is 

the father of his people, and he who shall plot or 

contrive aught against the life and safety of 

the parents of thirty-two millions of souls, is a 

parricide upon a fearfully great scale?"

-The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas-

*aught: something. 

*parents가 단서가 되어 parricide의 뜻을 쉽게 알

 수가 있다. 

*offence: 범죄. 

*contrive: ~을 고안하다, 궁리하다.

*parents에 대응하는 라틴어는 parens이다. 

그 동사형은 parere로서, 그 뜻은 to obey 또는 

to satisfy이다. 

부모님에게는 복종 또는 만족시켜 드려야 할

대상이라는 뜻이며, 또한 My parents are…처럼

언제나 복수형을 취한다. 

*why: (새로운 사실에 놀라서) 이런!, 아니!,

어머나!(상대의 말이나 질문에 대해) 그렇고말고 등

 * “아무렴, 그것이야말로 그들이 저지를 지도 모를 

최악의 범죄인데, 왜냐 하면, 국왕이야말로 백성들의 

아버지이므로, 따라서 누군가 3200만 백성의

어버이의 생명과 안전을 해치려고 뭔가 음모를 

꾸미거나 획책하는 자는, 그야말로 천하에 몹쓸

존속살인자라는 것을, 르네, 자네는 모르는가?”



∙Ann patronized the students, treating them like 

simpletons, which they deeply resented. 

*simpleton: 바보.

∙St. George is the patron of the Great Britain.

∙He patronizes Wal-mart; he visits it so frequently 

to buy daily items.


ped, pede/pes(foot)

∙According to Aristotle, human being is a feather-

less biped.

*bi: two, twice, double.

∙Horses, dogs and cats are quadrupeds.

∙Since sesqui means “one and half,” a sesquipedalian

 is a word that is supposedly about one and a half feet.

Pedestrians crowd the street in the weekend.

∙John has a speech impediment that prevented him

 from speaking clearly.


pel(l)/pellere(to push)

∙When the Pacaya volcano erupted, it propelled lava 

high into the sky. 

*Pacaya: 중미 과테말라에 있는 활화산.

∙The malodor of skunk gas is so repellent that it repels

 its enemy.

*ordor: 냄새.

∙Poverty compelled many people to leave their

 natal province.

*natal province: 고향.

∙Eagerness to be a brilliant cellist impelled her to

 practice hardly.


pend/pendere(to hang)

∙Two bodies were pendent from the hanging tree.

∙A pendulous lamp swayed due to the earthquake; it

 was going to fall down to the floor. 

*sway: 흔들(리)다. *due to: ~ 때문에.

∙The hands of electronic clock move not by pendulum 

but by battery.



∙The United Nations is in a plenary session today.

∙When we arrived in the island, we were surprised at 

the plentitude of treasures in the cave.

∙To exploit the island, we needed to replenish the

 supply of food and arms.

pose(i)/pausare(to stop, to put)

∙You can place old books in a repository or

 otherwise dispose of them.

∙In 1961, the army deposed the president and set up

 a military government.

∙You can compare the two paintings clearly when 

you juxtapose them, although both of them are the 

same impressionist works.

    *juxta: next to, 옆.

    ∙In the battle field, Kim interposed his body between

     two building to  escape flying bullets from enemy 


     *sniper: 저격병.

    *bullet: 총탄.


port/portare(to carry)

∙A Laptop computer is portable.

∙Korea exports so various industrial products and

 imports raw materials. 

*im: inward, not.

∙The immigrant official took foreign criminals to 

the airport for deportation.

∙So when I saw you throw down your paper and enter

 upon a train of thought, I was very happy to have the

 opportunity of reading it off, and eventually of 

 breaking into it, as a proof that I had been in 

 rapport with you. 

-    -Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes by 

                Arthur Conan Doyle-

    *read off: 모두 읽다. 

    *break into: ~에 몰두하다.

    *마지막의 of도 opportunity에 걸리는 형용사구이다. 

    *a train of thought: 사색의 열차, 긴 생각.

    *그래서 나는 당신이 서류를 내던지고 긴 생각에

 잠기는 것을 보고는, 당신과의 관계가 돈독했다는 

 증거로서, 그것을 모두 읽고는, 마침내 그 서류(에

 적힌  내용)에 몰두하게 되는 기회를갖게 되어 매우 



prec/precari(to pray for, to beg)

∙The fact that his uncle poisoned his father left 

Hamlet in precarious mental health. 

*precarious는 기도로서만 극복 가능한 위험한 

상황을 뜻하는 형용사.

∙Shaking his fist at the stormy sky, Macbeth 

imprecated the gods.

    *fist: 주먹.

∙People praised her, but she responded to it with 

self-deprecating  because she was a modest person. 

*modest: 겸손한.

*it는 물론 앞 문장 People~her를 받는 대명사이다.



∙We first went to a primary school, and our first book

 was a primer.

∙The Neanderthal Man is one of our primordial 


  *prim+ordi/ordiri(to begin)+al.

Primeval creatures live in the ocean depths. 

*ev/aev: age.

∙Like most of the high nobility, who rightly enough 

 believed that primogeniture and birth were of the 

 last importance to them, she preferred to show her

 distaste for the present order of things, by  which 

 the youngest prince of a numerous family had been 

 put upon the throne of the oldest, by remaining

 at her chateau.

-        -Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief

                     by James Fenimore Cooper- 

     *앞의 by는 원인, 뒤의 by는 수단을 말한다.

     *which는 she~things까지를 받는 관계 대명사. 

     *distaste: 혐오(하다). *chateau: 성. *대부분의

    귀족들이 장자상속과 출생이야말로 그 중요성에 

    있어 그들에게 최후의 것이라고 굳게 믿듯이, 

    그녀는 사물의 현재 질서를 싫어한다는 걸 보여

    주기를 선택했고, 그래서 자손이 많은 한 왕가의 가장 

    나이 어린 왕자가 그녀의 성채에 머물게 되어, 

    가장 나이가 많은 왕자에게 돌아갈 왕관을 쓰게 



pugn/pugnare(to fight)

∙The wild dog is a nasty, pugnacious animal. 

*nasty: 불쾌한, 더러운.

∙The immoral behavior of the congressman was 

repugnant to the people of the country.

∙The auditor's report impugned the accuracy of the

 treasurer's financial record because it had so many 

 suspicious payments.

     *impugn[imˈp(j)u:n]. *auditor: 감사관.

     *treasurer: 회계담당자.

     *suspicious: 의심스러운.

purg/purgare(to clean)

∙The government had a purge of the corrupted civil


∙The editor expurgated certain vocabularies from the 

manuscript, so the author was angry. *manuscript: 원고.

∙The Catholic Father prays for the souls in purgatory.


∙Some diseases, including smallpox, have been

 eradicated by modern medicines.

∙The today's students are less radical than those in


∙The oppression of the people by a dictator can bring 


Radical 4 is equal to 2.


rapio, rapto/rapere(to seize, to abduct, to rape)

∙The audience listened with rapt attention to the speech 

of their leader.

∙Looking at the beautiful full moon on the misty 

mountain gave me a feeling of rapture.

Raping a little girl is an unpardonable felony. 

*felony[ˈfeləni]: 중범죄.


ratio/ratio(calculation, reason)

Rations are can foods for soldiers.

∙A society lacking of rationality cannot advance. 


∙The rationale for increasing interest rate is to control


∙He was derationed because he didn't come on time.

rect/rectus(right, straight)

∙My teacher rectified the miswordings I made in my 


∙My textbook is shaped like a rectangle

*angle/anglum: 각도.

∙The president's moral rectitude is much respected 

by people.

∙He died of rectum cancer.


reg/ regere(to rule)

∙After financial crisis, the government starts to 

regulate all banks and financial companies.

∙Elizabeth Regina(Queen) ruled the entire empire in a

 regal manner.

∙Daewongoon, the father of King Gojong, acted as the

 King's regent because the King was too young to be

 the ruler of the country.

∙In 1649 King Charles I was beheaded: an act of

 regicide as irregular as it was barbaric.

*두 문장은 동격 관계에 있다. 

*cide/cidium: killing.

    *barbaric[ba:rˈbærik]: 야만적인.

∙colon(:)의 용법에 관해 다음 사항은 기억할 

 필요가 있다.

1) 사물의 나열:

Please bring the followings to the examination: two 

pencils, an eraser, a blue book, and your brain.

2) 동격:

A doctor has to have two important abilities: the

 ability to listen and the ability to analyze.

3) 직설법의 인용문이 올 때:

The best advice I ever got from my mother was this: 

"Remember that you are choosing not only a wife for

 yourself but also a mother for your children."


resid/residere(to sit down)

∙I am a resident of this town.

∙I have residency in this town.

∙A variety of birds reside in this wood. 



rupt/rumpere(to break)

∙You are breaking into our conversation. Please don’t 

interrupt us.

∙Soon this rumbling volcano will erupt. 

*rumble: 우르릉 울리다.

∙The hurricane disrupted our going to a summer 

 place; we had to come back home.

∙ Again, just as at the first moment of hearing of her

 rupture with her husband, Vronsky, on reading the 

 letter, was unconsciously carried away by the natural

 sensation aroused in him by his own relation to the

 betrayed husband. 

  -Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy- 

 *on+동명사: ~을 하자마자, ~을 했을 때.

 *carry away: ~을 가져가다, ~을 흥분 시키다. 

 *betray: 배반하다. 

 *was를 주동사로 하는 제2형식 문장. 

 *again은 carried away에 걸리는 부사로 도치되어


 *그녀가 남편과 마찰을 빚고 있다는 것을 처음 

들었을 때처럼, 브론스키는 그 편지를 읽자마자, 

그녀를 배신한 남편과 자신의 관계로 인해 그의 

내면에 이는 본능적인 감정 때문에 무의식적으로 

다시 몸을 떨었다.


sacr, secr/sacrum(sacred, holy object)

∙To Christians, baptism is a sacrament in which divine 

 grace or blessing is conveyed to the believer who

 participates in it.

∙Promise is sacrosanct. You should not break it.

∙It is sacrilege to destroy sacred objects.

 *lege/legere: to steal.

∙The Japanese army desecrated this holy place when

 they invaded this country.

∙Each shall have his own thought; that is a

 consecration of the rights of intelligence; and each

 shall have his own field, is a consecration of the right

 to property that has been acquired by toil. 

-        -The Country Doctor by Honor de Balzac- 

    *누구든 자신의 사상을 소유할 것인 바, 이는 

     지성에 관한 (성스러운) 권리가 부여되는 것이며, 

     누구를 막론하고 전답을 소유할 것인 바,

     이는 노고에 의해 획득한 재산에 대해 

     그 권한을 부여하는 것이다.


sanct/sanctitas(sanctity, purity)

∙The priest had an air of sanctitude.

∙People should respect the sanctity of the National 

Cemetery they visit.

∙The Iron Triangle is holy ground, sanctified by the

 blood of so many young soldiers. 

*the Iron Triangle: 철의 삼각지대.

∙In most cases, however, the spirit of medieval

 allegory proved fatal, the genuinely abstract 

 characters are mostly shadowy and unreal, and

 the speeches of the Virtues are extreme examples 

 of intolerable sanctimonious declamation. 

-A History of English Literature by

 Robert H. Fletcher- 

*medieval: 중세의. 

*allegory[ˈæliˌgo:ri]: 비유법. 

*spirit: 풍조. 

*genuinely: 진정으로

*fatal: deadly.

*Virtue: 도덕군자. 

*intolerable: 참을 수 없는.  

*declamation: 열변. 

*shadowy: 공허한. 

*3개의 제2형식 문장이, A, B, and C의 형태로

 연결되어 있다. 

*그렇지만, 대부분의 경우, 중세적 비유법 풍조는 

 치명적인 것으로 증명되었고, 정말로 모호한

 등장인물들은 대부분이 공허하고 비현실적이며,

 도덕군자의 말들이란 참기 어렵고 성스러운 

 체하는 변설의 극단적인 예이다. 

*직역은 종종 한국어의 왜곡을 가져온다.


satis/satisfacere(enough, to satisfy)

    ∙Happiness comes from being satisfied.

    ∙There is much dissatisfaction with the low wage in 

    our factory    

    ∙An unsatisfactory offer for my property made

     me not to sell it.


scrib, script/ scribere(to write)

   ∙Matilda added a postscript at the bottom of the 


    ∙It is my habit to scribble on the note to get ideas

     before writing an essay. 

    ∙I asked my secretary to transcribe tapes of a 

    meeting into typed documents.

    ∙But if you are to take any interest in the man, 

     I must tell you his history. His name is Gondrin. 

     He was only eighteen years old when he was 

    drawn in the great conscription of 1792, and 

    drafted into a  corps of gunners. He served as

     a private soldier in Napoleon's campaigns in Italy, 

    followed him to Egypt, and came back from the

     East after the Peace of Amiens. 

-The Country Doctor by Honor de Balzac- 

*뒤의 draft가 단서가 되어 쉽게 이해할 수 있다. 

*draft: 징집하다.

*draw: 선발하다, 뽑다. 

*a private soldier: 졸병. 일등병.

*him은 물론 나폴레옹을 받는 대명사이다. 

*Peace of Amiens: 1802년 프랑스 북부

아미앙 시에서 체결 된 프랑스-영국 간 



sec, sect, seg/secare, sectare, segregare(to cut, to divide)

∙Cut angle A into two equal parts and angle B into three 

 equal parts; in other words, bisect angle A and trisect 

 angle B. 

*bi: two. *tri: three.

∙The butcher cut off a segment of sausage, then 

began to dissect my chicken. 

*di: two.

∙Splitting away from the main church are several 

small sectarian groups.

∙Black and white students could have the same public

 school thanks to the desegregation of the school 


 *thank to: ~의 덕택으로.

∙The students of biology performed vivisections on a

 frog to see how its nerve system works.

Antivivisectionists argue that it is immoral to inflict

 pain on helpless creatures, and that it is unscientific

 because results achieved with animals may not be 

 paralleled with human beings.

    *inflict: 고통을 주다.

    * be parallel with A: A와 견주다. 

    * 두개의 that절이 argue의 목적절이 되고 있다. 

       because 이하는 물론 unscientific을 제한하는 



sed/sedere(to sit down, to settle)

∙The lifestyle of a salary man is sedentary; he works

 at a desk all day and watches television at night.

∙Dr. Smith analyzed the sediment of the river to

 measure contamination.

∙문장의 도치에 관해 다음 사항은 유의할 필요가 


1) 조건문을 강조하기 위해 if를 생략하고 동사를 

도치 시킨다.

*If I were rich, I would travel around the 

  world = Were I rich,…

*If I had known her, I would have introduced you to

 her= Had I known her name,…

2) 부정어가 문두에 놓일 때 동사의 도치.

*Rarely does it rain in the Atacama Desert. 이와 

같은 부정어에는,  

 scarcely ~ when, 

 hardly ~ before, 

 no sooner ~ than, 

 at no time, 


 not only ~but also, 

 no longer, 




 not till then, 


 no 등이 있다.

*Atacama Desert: 칠레를 상하로 관통하는 

사막. 길이 약 1,000kms.

3) 보어의 도치.

*He cried out, "A thief am I not." 보어 a thief가


4) 목적어(절)의 도치.

*Those sorrowful days Miss Lucia never forgets. 이

 문장에서는 목적절 Those sorrowful days가 

도치되어 있다.

sen/senectus(old age)

∙Keeping mental and physical activities help delay the 

onset of senility

 *onset: beginning.

∙My father cannot think clearly now because he is


 *senile [ˈsi:nail].

∙Mr. Park has seniority because he has been with the

 Parliament longer than the other members have; he is

 qualified to be the speaker.

     *Parliament: 국회.

∙Nowadays, most young students are suffering from 

senioritis because of their uncertain future. 

*itis: disease를 뜻하는 접미사.


sens/sentire(to feel)

∙To be an artist requires great sensibility.

∙She thinks he is very sensuous when she touches

 his skin.

∙After living in a tropical country, I am almost 

insensitive to hot.

∙His idiotic ideas are pure nonsense.

∙He has great sensitivity; he always cries at sad


∙semicolon(;) 용법을 다음과 같이 

            정리한다. 매우 중요하다.

1) 문법적으로 대등한 두개의 등위문장을 연결하기

  위해 사용한다. 라서 등위접속사 for, and, nor, but, 

  or, yet 대신에 사용할 수 있다.

 이는 반복적인 등위접속사의 사용을 피하고 문체의

 변화를 주기 위해서이다. 

*Some dogs love water, and all cats hate it = Some 

dogs love water; all cats hate it. 

2) 세미콜론은 문법적으로 대등한 두개의 독립절 

 사이에 사용되기 문에 코머(,)보다는 마침표(.)에 

 가깝지만, 두개의 문장은 서로 밀접한 관계가 

 있으므로 끊어서 번역을 하지 않도록 한다. 

 두개의 우리말 문장이 부드럽게 연결되기 위해서

 세미콜론은 ~이므로, ~하고, ~이며, ~해서, ~데,

 ~즉 정도로 번역할 수 있겠고 또한 독자의 

 창의력에 맡길 수도 있다.

3) 세미콜론은 두개의 등위문장을 잇는 다음과 

같은 접속부사 앞에 기도 한다. 

therefore, also, besides, furthermore, in addition, 

moreover, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, 

still, in contrast, on the other hand, as a result, 

consequently, thus, meanwhile, then,

subsequently, for example, for instance, similarly, 

likewise, instead, on the contrary, rather, 

alternatively, otherwise, etc.

*My roommate and I don't like to wash 

 dishes; therefore, we always use paper plates and 

 plastic cups. 

물론, 위의 접속부사들은 아래와 같은 형식으로 

두 개의 독립문장 사이에 오기도 한다.

*My roommate and I don't like to wash dishes. 

Therefore, we always use paper plates and plastic 




∙Wesley had a headache for three consecutive 

days-Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

∙In the first game we won, but in the subsequent we 

were defeated.

∙The author’s second novel is a sequel to his first one.

∙He is never overbearing, though accustomed to

 command men in the utmost degree below him, nor 

 ever too obsequious, from a habit of  obeying men

 highly above him. 

-       - An Essay from the Spectator-

     *overbear: 강제하다.

     *제2형식의 문장이지만, 정교한 내용을 압축하여 

      표현하고 있다. 

     *그는 하급자에게 명령하는 것에 익숙했음에도 

      강제하지 았고, 상급자에게 늘 복종했지만 

      아부하지는 않았다.

∙comma(,)의 용법을 다음과 같이 정리한다. 

1) 등위접속사 for, and, nor, but, or, yet, 

so(FANBOYS)가 두 개의 등위 문장을 연결할 때, 

그 앞에는 반드시 코머가 온다.

*The baseball game had ended, and we came back 


*I bought so many old books, for none of them cost

 a lot of money. 

2) 성 다음.

*Hong, Kil Dong or Kil Dong Hong

*Hawthorne, Nathaniel or Nathaniel Hawthorne.

3) 직위의 앞뒤.

*Kil Dong Hong, the President of the Country, will

 give an address tonight at 7:00.

4) 장소, 번지수.

*He was born in Seoul, Korea.

*Please send this parcel to 

Miss Jane, 999 Roosevelt Road,

Irvine, California 92620.

5) 날짜 다음.

*He was born on March 2, 1985. 

그러나 날짜가 없거나 날짜의 순서가 

바뀔 때는 코머가 필요 없다.

*He was born in March 1985.

*He was born on 2 March 1985.

6) 호격일 때.

*Mom, I have something to tell you.

*Can I borrow some money, Mary?

7) Tag 의문문에서.

*This is very expensive, isn't this?

*You didn't return the book to me, did you?

8) 편지의 수신자 다음.

*개인 서신: Dear Mr. Smith,

*비즈니스 서신일 경우에는 콜론을 

 사용한다. Dear Mr. Smith:

*서신의 결구: Very truly yours,


serv/servire(to be a slave, to serve)

∙The knights bowed and were servile to the prince.

∙Many black people had lived in servitude until the 

 end of the U.S. Civil War.

∙The crouching servility, usually so acceptable a 

 quality in a slave, did not answer when manifested 

toward her.

-An American Slave by Frederick Douglass- 

 *crouch: 웅크리고 앉다. *answer: 효험이 있다.

 *manifest: express, 언급하다. 

 *servility와 quality는 동격관계에 있다. 

 *노예에게서나 가당한 특질인 허리를 굽혀 굽실

  거리는 것은, 그녀에게(보일 때)는 소용이 없었다.


simil, simul/similis(like, same)

∙Jane's handbag is white similar to yours, but mine is red.

∙"My love is like an erupting volcano" is a simile.


∙There is a similarity between the two violin concertos, 

 but one is more melodic than the other.

∙The children easily assimilate into foreign culture

 when they immigrate.

∙The soldiers learn how to battle by watching ground 


Simultaneous interpretation is not easy; it needs a 

 high linguistic skill to understand two languages at the

 same time.


sol/solum(alone, only)

∙He likes to be far away from people; he enjoys a

 solitary life.

∙ "Smallpox? Then we must isolate you!"

 *smallpox: 천연두.

∙ "I wouldn't mind what he says. Papa laughed at me

 at first, but he  likes them now, and says I shall have 

diamond solitaire when I am  eighteen.", said Annabel.



∙When a jet-fighter flies by, it makes sonic boom.

∙She pounded out four-movement Mozart sonata and a 

 short sonatina, and then told us our piano had fine 

 resonance. *four-movement: 4악장.

∙George Gershwin, an American symphonic Jazz 

 composer, often used dissonance-clashing or 

 unresolved chords-for special effects in his

    musical works. 

    *unresolved chords: 불완전 화음, 불협화음.

    *George Gershwin(1898-1937): 유태계 미국인 


    "Porgy and Bess", "An American in Paris", 

    "Rhapsody in Blue" 등의 작품이 있다.


spect/ specere(to look)

∙We climbed the mountain and looked out at the

 beautiful spectacle of the valley and the sky.

∙We have to analyze the entire spectrum of

 problems to solve.

∙Grandma told us a Halloween story about a specter 

 that appeared in the night.

∙After long introspection, we decided to invest in a

 hamburger restaurant.

∙He was a quite different sort of celebrity from Peter

 Ivanovitch --a dark-haired man with kind eyes,

 high-shouldered, courteous, and with something

 hushed and circumspect in his manner. 

-    -Under Western Eyes by Joseph Conrad- 

     *celebrity: a famous person. *hush: 조용하(게 하)다.

     *courteous: 예의 바른. 

     *circum: around, surround. 

     *He는 물론 검은 머리의 사나이와 동격의 관계에 


     *different A from B: A와 B는  다르다. 

     *그는 피터 이바노비치와는 전혀 다른 유형의 

       저명인사로, 검은 머리에 다정한 눈매, 당당한 

       어깨에다 조용하고 신중한 몸가짐을  갖추고 



spir/spirare(to breathe, to happen)

∙My father inspires us with the stories of her difficult 

childhood during war.

∙She has an aspiration to be the president of the 

country some day.

∙Newspapers report the events that transpire everyday.

∙Plants transpire through pores in their leaves. 

*pore: 작은 구멍.

∙The generals conspired to overthrow the government;

 it meant military coup d'etat.

∙Gregorian chants have been a source of inspiration

 for many famous composers, including Bach, Mozart, 

 Beethoven, and Stravinsky.

*Gregorian Chant: 그레고리 성가.


sta/stare(to stand, to stop)

∙To keep political stability is very important to stabilize 

 people's everyday life.

∙The president's stance is against the opponent party.

 *opponent party: 야당.

∙The baseball pitcher took his stance and pitched the 


∙Business was very static after financial crisis.

∙The political instability of the country brought an

 economic catastrophe. 

*catastrophe[kəˈtæstrəfi]: 재난.


strict, string, constrain,/stringere(to draw tightly)

∙A special law constraints people from demonstrating 

 on the streets at night.

∙The government imposed stringent quarantine 

 measures when swine flu broke out. 

*swine flu: 돼지독감. 

*quarantine[ˈkwɔ:rənˌti:n]: 검역, 격리.

Restrictions by the government don't allow civil 

 officers to use official cars for private purposes.


strato/stratum(a cover, a layer)

∙This society is stratified into various social hierarchies.

∙This stratum consists of different-colored rocks.

∙My parents want me to marry someone from the decent 

social stratum.

∙The stratosphere is just above the troposphere, and 

below the mesosphere; it is the second layer of

 Earth's atmosphere.

∙SR-71 Blackbird is a stratoplane; it flies in the 



struo/struere(to put together)

∙The bridge has been under construction for three 

years now.

∙A salesman gave me instructions on how to use

 those instruments.


tact/tactio(touching, feeling)

∙The glass cup was in the bottom of the box, but it did

 not break because it remained intact.

∙The special envoy from a foreign country is going to 

contact with top officials in our government. 

*envoy: 사절, 대표.

∙ A pianist's tactile ability is very important to play.

∙The rain forest of the Amazon still has high purity, 

and very little atactic

*rain forest: 우림 지대. *a+tactic.


tain, ten/tenere(to hold)

∙The film contains a lot of action.

∙Parents have obligation to maintain their home well

 for their children.

∙The wife of a dead man retained most of his property,

 but some went to a charity.

∙The policeman is tenacious in verifying every 

witness of the crime.

*witness: 증거, 증인


tang/tangere(to touch, feel)

∙She, who was my first lover and died last year, is an

 intangible presence in my life.

∙Two adjacent lines of a rectangle touch each other and 

make a tangent. *tangent[ˈtændʒənt].

∙If somebody loves you intensely, it is tangible; you 

can feel it.

∙Machinery and real estate are tangible assets.



∙Grave is the slowest tempo in music. 

*grave: 그라베(음악에서 가장 느린 템포)

∙Life is temporal, so we have to love each other.

∙He termporizes, pretending to be sick.

∙We have to detour temporarily because the main 

road is being fixed.

*detour: 우회(하다).

∙The contemporary music is more inharmonious

 than that of 19th century. 

*inharmonious: 불협화음의.



∙Silk is so tenuous that it is easily damaged.

∙The endless conflicts between two parties

 attenuated people's political interest. 


∙The duel already had been long contested and

 the day was drawing to a close. Presently the 

 sudden transition from daylight to darkness

 which, owing to the tenuity of the air upon Barsoom, 

 occurs almost without the warning twilight of Earth, 

 would occur.

      -The Chessmen of Mars by Edgar R. Burroughs-

    *앞의 occur는 주격관계대명사 which의 선행사

     darkness에, 뒤의 occur는 transition을 주어로 하는


    *owing to: due to, ~ 때문에, ~에 기인하는. 

    *결투는 이미 오랜 동안 계속되었고 날은 저물어 

    가고 있었다. 이제 대낮의 햇빛은, 바숨 상공의 

    공기의 희박함 때문에, 위험을 알리는 지구의

    황혼이 거의 없이, 금방 어둠으로 바뀔 것이다.


termin/terminare(to end)

∙The executive committee of the company terminated 

 negotiations on a new union contract with its trade 


 *trade union: 노동조합.

    *union contract: 노동계약. 

    *executive committee: 이사회.

∙All sorts of wild life in this river will be terminated 

when the dam is built.

∙The president of our company determined to invest to

 develop new products.

∙The earthquake is so catastrophic that its damage is 


∙The mute procession past her shoulders of trees and

 hedges became attached to fantastic scenes outside

 reality, and the occasional heave of the wind became 

 the sigh of some immense sad soul, conterminous 

 with the universe in space, and with history in time.

-        -Tess by Thomas Hardy-

    *shoulder: 산등성이. *mute: 무언의. 

    *hedge: 울타리.  * heave: (한숨을내쉬다. 

    *immense: 거대한. *past: pass의 과거분사로 

     procession을 식한다. 

    *her는 앞 문장에서 말한 어느 산을 말하고 있다. 

    *procession과 heave를 각각 주어로 하는 두개의 

    제2형식문장이 and로 연결되어 있다. 

    두 문장은 모두 불완전자동사 became을 주동사로 

    하고 있다.

    *나무와 산울타리가 우거진 산등성이를 넘는

    무언의 행렬은 현실을 어난 광경을 더욱

    환상적이게 했으며, 

    이따금 내쉬는 바람소리는 공간적으로는 우주와, 

    시간적으로는 역사와 맞닫는 어떤 거대하고 슬픈 

    영혼의 한숨 소리였다.


terr/terra(The Earth, land)

∙One antibiotic derived from the earth is called


*mycin/myco: fungus, mushroom.

∙Our bus must travel over rough terrain to reach the

 remote valley.


∙This planet is a terraqueous globe, because two thirds

 of it is covered with waters. *aqua: water.


tort/tortoare(to twist)

∙In many cases, politicians distort the truth for winning

 in the election.

∙The secret police tortured him, twisting his limbs to 

encourage confessions. 

*twisting은 torture의 부대상황을 말하는 분사이다.

∙Whether they were stirred by his enthusiasm for 

poetry or by the contortions which a human being was 

going through for their benefit, it would be hard to say. 

-        -Night and Day by Virginia Woolf-

    *contortion: con+tortion. 

    *whether로 유도되는 say의 목적절이 도치 

    되어 있다. 진 주어는 to say, 가주어는 it. 


    *그들이 시에대한 열정 때문에 움직이었는지

     아니면 자신들의 이익 추구라는

    왜곡된 행동 때문이었는지 말하기 어려울 것이다.


tract/tractoare(to drag)

∙Farmers use tractors for plowing. 

*plow: 쟁기(로 갈다), 이랑(을 일구다)

∙Paris attracts millions of tourists each year. 

*at+tract. *at: ad의 자음동화 형.

∙The dentists tried to distract me with questions about 

politics, while trying to extract my molar. 

*molar: 어금니.

∙The delicate-handed gentleman was a match for the

 workman in everything but strength, and Arthur's skill

 enabled him to protract the struggle for some long


-        -Adam Bede by George Eliot- 

     *but: except. 

     *a match: 경쟁자. 적수. 

     *내용으로 보아 delicate-handed gentleman은 

        Arthur를 가리키고, him 또한 Arthur를 받는다.

     *but: except. 

     *pro: before, forward, in favor of, on behalf of.

 *섬세한 손의 소유자인 아서는 완력을 

제외하고는 그 일꾼과 모든 일에서 적수였으며, 

그의 능수능란한 솜씨는 그로 하여금 긴 

싸움에서 시간 견디어 낼 수 있게 했다.


trud, trus/trudere(to thrust, 밀어내다)

∙Her fat belly protrudes over her belt; she has a potbelly. 

*potbelly: 올챙이 배. 불거진 배.

∙Last night, a stranger intruded by climbing over our 

fence and into our garden.

∙A friend of mine often intrudes on my study by 

phoning me at my class.

∙That is a squat, old, and unobtrusive house; I could

 not find it easily. 



turb/turbare(to confuse)

∙A turborjet is a jet engine using a turbine to drive an

 air compressor.

∙At our picnic, a hive of bees disturbed us.

∙Hwangha, the great yellow river, is muddied by its

 current, so the water is turbid

*muddy: 진흙의, 탁한. *current: (물의)흐름, 풍조.

∙Much perturbed by the accusation, she leapt into

 the turbulent river.

∙His thick black moustaches, curled every morning 

 with hot tongs by the barber at the corner of the quay,

 seemed to hide a perpetual smile.  But nobody, I believe, had 

 ever seen the true shape of his  lips.

 From the slow, imperturbable gravity of that 

     broad-chested man you would think he had never

     smiled in his life.

-        -The Mirror of the Sea by Joseph Conrad- 

    *harbinger: 알리는 사람, 전령 

    *tongs:부젓가락. *quay[kē]: 부두. 

    *perpetual: 영원한. *gravity: 무게, 위엄.    

    *slow: 신중한.

    *curled~quay까지는 moustaches를 수식하는 


    *From~man까지는 think에 걸리는 부사구로, 

    도치되어 있다. 비교적 쉬운 문장이다. 

    *부둣가 길모퉁이의 이발사가 매일 아침 

    부젓가락으로 지져 놓는 그의 짙고 

    검은 코밑수염은, 

    영원의 미소를 감추어 놓은 듯했다. 

    그 넓은 가슴을 가진 남자의

    신중하고 냉정한 위엄을 보노라면,

    그는 일생 동안 결코 웃어 본 일이 없는 듯했다.


    und/undare(to flood, to overflow)

        ∙The sea undulates from tsunami. *tsunami: 해일.

        ∙The river inundated the town after too much rain.

        ∙The teacher told me that the ideas in my essay were

         redundant because I repeated the same idea 

         three times.



        ∙To urbanize a district is to make it become like 

         a city.

        ∙The new mayor plans to urbanize the 

          under-developed  district.

        Buses that travel between New York and 

         Boston are interurban.

∙       ∙Seolites are urbane; they are polished and suave.

        *suave: soft. 

        *Seolite: 서울 사람.

        *polished: 세련된.


val/valere(to be strong, to be valid)

    ∙He has a valid reason for being late for the meeting; 

     the traffic was so jammed.

    ∙The two racers are equivalent in speed. 


    ∙Pine trees are prevalent in Oregon State.

    ∙Pentavalent means having valence 5, while 

     univalent 1.

     *penta+  valent. *uni+valent. 

     *valence: 원자 가.

    ∙The nonequivalent education is the shortest 

     way to the class conflict. 



venio/venire(to come)

    ∙Would you intervene if you see that anybody litters 

     on the street?  *litter: 쓰레기를 버리다.

    ∙All kinds of art are inventions; if not, they are not art.

    ∙Champ-Elysees is a splendid avenue; it is a wide 


    ∙The police kept the venue of the crime to secure

     the evidence.



 A fish always rots from the head down" is a proverb

  its connotation means that the corruption of a nation 

  starts from its high society. 

  *connotation: 암시, 숨은 뜻.

∙The editing director cut all the verbiage from the 

 report and made it brief.

∙She is verbose; her husband suffers from it.

∙I wrote down verbatim what the teacher said.

 *verbatim: to copy word for word.


vers, vert/versare, vertere(to spin, to turn)

∙Janice is an introvert; she doesn't like parties, 

 but Loretta is an extrovert; she is very sociable.

 *intro: inwardly, within.

 *extro: outside, beyond.

∙The city hall decided to convert the historical 

 building into a hotel.

∙My sister turns to art, to music, and to sports.

 In fact, she is very versatile.

∙The military coup subverted the constitutional 

authority of the country.


vest/vestire(to dress)

∙A dress suit consists of a jacket, a pants, and a vest

 *dress suit: (신사용) 예복, 정복. 

*jacket: 상의. *pants: 바지. *vest: 조끼.

∙The government decided to invest 20billion dollar to 

 reconstruct the destroyed cities by war.

∙He put off his overcoat in the vestibule when he got



vic, vin/vincere(to conquer)

Victory does not always bring happiness. 

*not always: 항상~는 것은 아니다.

∙He was convicted of murder.

∙I had rather believed all the fables in the Legend, and 

 the Talmud, and the Alcoran, than that this universal 

 frame is without a mind. And therefore, God never

 wrought miracle, to convince atheism, because his

 ordinary works convince it. 

-        -The Essay by Francis Bacon-

    *rather…than구조이다. 따라서 than과 that 사이에

     I believe 가 생략 되었다. 

    *Legend: Hagiograph, 성문서 즉, 3부로 된 

    구약성서에서 율법서(the Law), 예언서( the 

    Prophets)를 제외한 전부.

     *Talmud: 유대교 율법서. 

     *Alcoran: 코란, 이슬람교 율법서.

     *universal frame: 우주의 조. 

     *wrought[rɔ:t]: work의 과거 및 과거분사. 


     *나는 이 우주의 틀이 아무런 정신이 없다고

    믿기보다는 차라리 성문서, 탈무드 그리고 

    코란에 있는 모든 이야기(우화)들을 

    더 믿었다. 그리고 하나님은 무신론이 무엇인가를 

    일깨우기 위해 기적을 행한 적이 없는데, 

    이는 그의 일상적인 일이야 말로 이를 

    깨우치게 하는 것이기 때문이다.


vis/videre(to see)

∙We visited our relatives in the remote town.

 *remote: 먼, 외진.

∙She supervised the manufacturing department of 

20 workers at her teenage.

∙What kind of a job do you envision for your future?

∙The author revised his book before publishing it.


vit, viv/vita, vivus(life, living)

∙My daughter is a vivacious girl, always happy and 


∙The devitalized foods will make you be sick; you 

 would better take vitamins.

∙So many animals are being killed every year for 

 vivisection; this is for a medical purpose.

 * sect: cut.

∙Their posts, and the pleasures, dangers, adventures, 

and mishaps which they had shared together in 

their wild wood life, had linked them heartily to

each other, so that they formed a convivial


-        -Astoria by Washington Irving-

       *mishap: 재난. 

        *fraternity: 우애, 형제애(단체). 

        *첫 번째 and는 안 도 좋은 redundancy이다. 

         여러 개의 주어가 나열 되어 있고, 

        주동사구는 had linked이다. 제3형식의

        문장 다음에 종속절이 따르는 문장구조이다. 

        *con: with. *had를 주동사로 하는 제3형식 문장. 

         which는 목적격 관계대명사로,

         their 이하 mishaps까지 share의 목적어들이

        나열되어 있다. 

        *거친 숲 속의 생활에서 그들이 함께 했던 

        경계임무, 기쁨, 위험, 모험, 그리고 재난들은 

        그들로 하여금 진심으로 서로 단결토록 했고, 

        그 결과 그들은 활기에 찬 형제애를 이루어낼 

        수 있었다.


voco/vocare(to call)

∙The democratic leader is one who encourages

 people to vocalize their thoughts freely.

∙The crowd grew vociferous in their anger and

 threatened to take the law into their own hands.

∙The House of Representatives was convoked

 early in the morning because of the outbreak of 

the emergency.

 *The House of Representatives: 미국 하원.

∙Through prayer, she invoked the help of God to

 escape from the plights she encountered. 

*plight: 곤경.


voluto, volvo/volvere(to roll, to turn)

∙Natural selection is the theory of evolution by 

Charles Darwin.

*natural selection: 자연선택.

∙The industrial revolution brought mass production to


∙The Earth revolves, so it causes day and night.


vulga/vulgus(ordinary people)

∙The prisoners in Alcatraz spoke vulgar language and

 dirty expressions. 

*Alcatraz: 샌프란시스코 연안의 섬. 형무소가 있었다.

∙He is rich, but his vulgarity shows that he is a parvenu. 

*parvenu[ˈpa:rvəˌn(j)u:]: 벼락부자.

∙Romance languages such as French, Spanish, 

Rumanian, Catalan, and Italian originated from

Vulgar Latin. 

 *Catalonia: 바르셀로나를 수도로 하는 스페인 


∙Cock, dick, tool, and shaft are vulgarism for 

 penis. You don't use such words.


2. Greek Base

    고대의 그리스인들은 telephone이라던가 

astronaut 과 같은 현대의 과학 기술 용어들을 알 수 

없었겠지만, 많은 과학 용어 그리고 초기 기독교 

용어, 르네상스기의 수많은 문학 및 문화 용어가 

그리스어에 토대하고 있다. 그리스어에서 파생된 

영어 어휘는 대부분 그리스어 어미 특성인 -os, -e, 

-on등이 탈락된 어근(base)을 토대로 복합어 

(compound word)형태를 취한다. 이 장에서는 

이 같은 파생어들을 공부한다. 라틴어 파생어라도 

그 원형이 그리스어에서 온 것이면, 그리스어

원형을 표기하였다. 표기는 편의상 로마자로 한다.



∙K는 라틴어를 거치면서 C로 바뀜. 

따라서 라틴어 C의 소리값은 K와 같다. 

 예; Cicero(키케로).

∙Two acrobats were flying high above the circus floor.

∙When this method fails, they have two others more

 effectual, which the learned among them call acrostics

 and anagrams.

        -Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift- 

*anagram: 철자 바꾸기 놀이. 

*effectual: 효과적인.

*learned는 과거분사로 형용사 역할을 하고 있으며, 

the+형용사는 보통명사 역할을 한다는 것을 

우리는 이미 배웠다. 

*관계대명사 which의 선행사는 others. 

*이 방법이 실패하자 보다 효과적인 두 가지 다른 

방법을 택했는데, 그들 가운데 식자들은

이 두 가지 방법을 이합체의 시와 철자 바꾸기

놀이라고 불렀다.

∙If you suffer from acrophobia, you will have a 

problem in a travel by airplane. 

*phobia항 참조.

∙Seeing no road, we took a tall hill to the left of 

the distant Acropolis for a mark, and steered straight 

for it overall obstructions, and over a little rougher

piece of  country that exists anywhere else outside of

the State of  Nevada, perhaps. 

        -The Innocent Abroad by Mark Twain-

*seeing은 물론 분사구로서, 이유를 말하고 있다. 

*take A for B: A를 B로 간주하다. 

*steer: ~을 향하여 나아가(게 하)다. 

*obstruction: 장애. *it는 앞의 hill을 받는다. 

*길이 눈에 띄지 않았으므로, 

우리는 멀리 보이는 공중도시의 좌측 높다란 

언덕을 표시 삼아, 모든 장애물과 네바다주 밖 

어딘가 에나 있을 법한 조금은 거친 지역을 넘어 

그 언덕을 향해 곧장 앞으로 나갔다.



∙Thanks to the development of actinobiology, 

we better understand the effects of 

the radiation on living organisms. 

*thanks to: ~의 덕택으로. 

*radiation[reidiˈeiʃən]: (열, 빛 따위의) 방사, 발산.

*organism: 유기체.

∙If your skin is exposed in the radiation for a long time,

 you will get actinodermatitis. 

*actino+derma (skin)+t+itis(disease).

∙The leaf of sycamore is actinodromous; it has three or

 more primary veins originating from the base of the

 lamina and run out towards the margin. 

 *sycamore['sikə,mɔ :r]: 플라타너스, 큰단풍나무. 

 *vein: 엽맥葉脈. 

 *lamina: 엽신葉身. 

 *dromous/dromo: running, course, a place for running.



∙My son always opens his mouth; he has an adenoid.

∙If you feel some small tumors in your throat, you

 probably have lymphadenitis. 




∙Korea's aerospace program has made much progress.

∙Gaseous water is usually aerated with carbon dioxide.

*모음 앞에서 o탈락.*carbon dioxide: 이산화탄소.

∙A heliport is a small aerodrome for helicopters. 

*heliport: 헬리콥터 착륙장.

∙The flight of a glider is based on the aerodonetics; 

it needs the stability of air. 

*aero+donetic/donetos(to toss).

∙The concepts of aerodynamics are reflected in the 

 simplest of manmade flying objects, and also in the

 natural model for all studies of flight. 

 *concept: 개념, 관념.


agon/agon(strugle, fight)

∙His antagonism toward me is obvious; he is always

 looking at me coldly.

 *anti: against.

∙He broke his leg and agonized for hours before an 

ambulance arrived.

∙As the lion circled him the gradiator turned slowly,

 keeping his eyes ever upon the eyes of his antagonist. 

*gladiator: 검투사.

∙The protagonist, the main character of "Treasure

 Island", is Jim Hawkins. 

*pro: before, forward, in place of, in favor of.



∙Many political leaders are demagogues; they get 

 power by exciting the emotions, especially, fears

 and prejudices of their people. 

*demo/demos: people.

∙The school of education teaches pedagogy. 

*pedo: child.

∙There are many synagogues around the world where

 the Jewish people pray and celebrate their new year


 *syn: with, together.

∙Green tea is said to be a hemagogue.

 *hemo(haemo): blood.

∙Hemagogue is used as an agent promoting the blood 

flow of mens or hemorrhoid. 

*hemo+rrhoid(flowing, discharging): 치질.

 *mens: 월경.

∙The rhizome of the Oregon grape plant is used to 

provide cholagogue for the discharge bile from 


*rhizome: 뿌리.

*bile: gall, 담즙. 

*gallbladder: 쓸개, 담낭.

*chola/chole: bile, gall, 쓸개즙.



Agriculture is a big business in the United States.


∙Ten years ago, he left an agrarian way of life to go to

 the city.


Agronomy is a science related to the study of



Agritourism is recommendable for urbane people;

 it provides them with simple farm visits, guided 

 tours, or week-long stays in a cabin on a peaceful



*urbane[ˌərˈbein]:도시적인, 세련된.



∙Diamond is an allotrope of carbon. 


*trope/tropo: turn toward.

Allelomorphs are distinguished from a zygote which

 is form of homozygote; they are produced by the

 union of gametes with heterozygotes.  

*zygote[ˈzaiˌgout]: 접합체. 

*gamete[ˈgæmi:t]: 배우자.

*heterozygote: 이형접합체. 

*homozygote: 동형접합체.

Allogamy is common in plants; they use pollens from

 another plant to fertilize their own flowers. 

*pollen: 꽃가루. 

*fertilize: 꽃가루를 받다. 受精 시키다.

 *gamy/gamia: marriage.

∙And this use of examples or images, though truly

 Socratic in origin, is enlarged by the genius of Plato 

 into the form of an allegory or parable, which embodies

 in the concrete what has been already described, or is

 about to be described, in the abstract.

-The Introduction of The Republic by Plato-

*parable: 우화. 

*abstract: 추상적인. 

*embody: 구현하다. 

*use를 주어로하는 제2형식 문장. which는 앞 문장 

전체를 선행사로 하는 주격관계 대명사이다.  

*예증이나 이미지를 이렇게 이용하는 것은, 

사실 소크라테스에 기원을 두고 있기는 하지만, 

플라톤의 천재성으로 인해 우화나 알레고리의 

형태로 확장이 되는데, 이는 추상적으로 이미 

기술되었거나 기술될 구체성 속에 구현이 된다.


andro/andros(man, male)

Andrology provides nurses with information resources

 on men's reproductive health disorders to raise awareness 

 of men's health.

*provide A with B: A에게B를 주다.

∙The contemporary society is androcentric; we can find

 androcentrism in many fields.

∙In modern societies, most governments are ruled by 

men; they are androcracies.

Androgenic alopecia makes both male and female bald.

*alopecia [,æləˈpi:ʃ(i)ə]: 탈모증.


Angiosperm is a seed-producing plant; it contains 

 flowers in its seeds and produces fruits that have 

 the seeds. 

 *sperm: 정액, 정자.

∙To take out the stones in the bile duct, 

cholangiotomy is 

 required; it is high medical technology. 

 *bile duct: 담낭관. 

 *tomo: a cut. 

 *chol+ angio+tomy.

∙Ferns reproduce by spores, which are in their 


  *fern: 고사리.    

  *spore: 홀씨. 포자.

Angiology deals with preventing, diagnosing and 

 treating blood vessel related diseases which are the

 main causes of death in the modern world.



∙In Korea, chrysanthemum is an autumnal flower 

which has good  aroma. 


*aroma[əˈroumə]: 향기.

∙Most butterflies and honey bees are anthophilous 

 insects; they love flowers. 

 *phile/philos: lover of, enthusiast for.

∙The collection of poems is called an anthology 

because  a beautiful poem is the same as a beautiful



anthropo/anthropos(human being)

Anthropology includes four branches: cultural 

 anthropology, archaeology, linguistic anthropology, 

 and physical anthropology. It is the study of 

humankind, viewed from the perspective of all

people and all times.

∙In their anthropology class, the students learned about 

the Egyptian civilization.

∙The rich woman is very philanthropic because she

 engages in philanthropy by giving money to charities.

∙In the Fables of Aesop, we can find many 

 anthropomorphized animals to describe various

 principles of life. 

 *morpho/morphe: form, structure. 


 *Aesop: 이솝, 고대 그리스의 노예. 많은 우화를

 쓴 사람으로 전해지고 있다.

∙The man-like apes are called anthropoids. 

*oid: resembling.

∙A man-centered universe is obviously anthropocentric.

∙Cannibalism, or the eating of man’s flesh, is 


*phago/phagein: eating.



∙The professor of archaeology headed an expedition to

 the Tikal in search of ancient Mayan ruins. 

 *Tikal: 마야 문명의 유적이 있는 과테말라의 

 정글 지대.

 *head: ~을 향하여 나가다.

∙ "Methinks," "thee," and "thou" are archaic words; they

 are nowadays no more normal English vocabulary. 

*methinks: It seems to me that… 

*thee: thou의 목적격. 

*thou: you. 


Archaeozoic era ended 2.5 billion years ago; it was

 a geologic eon before the Proterozoic.

 *Proterozoic: 원생대(의). 

 *eon[ˈiən]: eternity. 

∙In archaeolithic era, hominids used knapped stone

 tools;  it ended around B.C.10,000.

 *hominid: (영장류에서 진화하여 

    이루어진)인간 류, 사람. 

 *knapped stone tool: 타제 석기. 

 *knap[næp]: (돌) 따위를 깨다, 부수다. 

 *lith/lithos: stone.



∙The insect is arthropod; its legs consist of many 

 connected sections.

*pod/pous: foot.

∙The patients with arthropathy feel pain or somewhat 

 stiff around their joint. 

 *pathos: suffering, disease.

∙A typical arthropathy is arthritis: arthralgia is also

 another disease of arthrosis. 

 *arthritis: 관절염.    

 *arthralgia: 관절통. 

 *arthrosis: 관절.  

 *patho/pathos: suffering, feeling of pity. 

 *ia: 장소 또는 병명을 뜻하는 라틴어 접미사.



∙In the middle age, sailors sailed absolutely depending 

 on astronomy.

∙The astronomers work at night, looking at the stars.

∙The government seems willing to spend astronomical 

 sums on weapons development.

 *sum: 금액, 예산.

∙In fact, we call that period the Dark Ages. A period 

wherein science was raped by the metaphysicians, 

wherein physics became a search for the Philosopher's 

Stone, wherein chemistry became alchemy, and

astronomy became astrology.        

 -The Iron Heel by Jack London-

*philosopher's stone: 비금속을 금이나 불로장생약으로 

만들 수 있다고 연금술사들이 믿은 물질. 

*rape: 강간(하다). 

*metaphysician: 형이상학자.

*alchemy[ˈælkimi]: 연금술. 

*astrology: 점성학(술). 

*we call that period the Dark Ages: 제5형식 문장. 

  the Dark Ages가 목적보어. 

*wherein: 관계부사로 in which의 뜻. 세 개의 

wherein이 연이어 period를 수식하고 있다.

*사실상, 우리는 그 시대를 암흑의 시대라고 부른다.

 그 시대에 형이상학이 과학을 농단하고, 그 시대에

 물리학이 철학가들의 돌덩이를 찾는 도구가

 되었으며, 그 시대에 화학은 연금술로, 천문학은 

 점성술이 되어 버린 것이다.



∙Life is dramatic, so everybody can write his or her 


∙Adolf Hitler was an autocrat who ruled Germany at

 his disposal.

*at one's disposal: 마음내키는 대로.

∙Every province of Korea has an autonomous 

government that runs that province.



∙I read the Bible every day.

∙He is writing the bible on Korean history.

∙My daughter is bibliolatrous; she worships books.

 *latry: worship.

∙A library is sometimes called a bibliotheca. 

*theca: place, case.

∙He loves books; he is a bibliophile, while she

 hates books; she is a bibliophobe.

 *phobo/phobos: fear. 

 *phile/philos: lover of.



Biology deals with the life of living things.

∙The written account of a life is a biography.

Biochemistry is the branch of chemistry; it deals with

 life processes.

∙The microscopic diagnosis of a piece of living tissue is 

 a biopsy. 

*diagnosis[daiəgˈnousis]: 진단.

∙A firefly is a bioluminescent insect. 

*firefly: 개똥벌레.


blasto/blastos(bud, sprout)

∙A fertilized ovum forms blastomeres during its first

 few divisions.

*ovum[ˈouvəm]: 난자. 

*division: 분할.

*mere: part.

∙A myoblast is an embryonic cell; it develops into 

muscle tissue.

*embryonic cell: 배아 세포. 

*myo: muscle.

∙When a fertilized ovum is cleaved, it produces


*cleave: 쪼개(지)다. 

*fertilized: 수태된.


∙Incomplete pronunciation of words by a kid can be 

the symptom of brachyglossal. 

*glossal: 혀의, 혀에 관한.

∙The Dachshund is a brachypodous dog; it has a short


*podo/pous: foot.

Brachycephaly can cause the sudden death of a baby 

 below the age of 5 months when he or she lies on his

 or her backs.

*cephalo/kephale: head.



∙If you have less than 60 beats of heart rate per minute, 

 it can be the symptom of bradycardia. It can cause 

 heart attack.

 *cardio: heart.

∙He has bradylogia; his speech is abnormally slow. 

 *logos: speech, word.

∙One of three key symptoms of Parkinson's disease is

 bradykinesia, which it brings the very slow

 movements of the patient.

*kinesia/kinesis: motion.



∙The today's musicians seem to enjoy the cacophony of 

their music; many contemporary music has noisy 


∙Inquisition burned many innocent heresies to death, 

claiming that they were possessed by cacodemon. 

*inquisition: 종교재판, 마녀재판.

*heresy[ˈherəsi]: 이교도.

∙A consanguineous marriage can bring the degeneration

 of offspring;the many ancient royal families had this 

cacogenic symptom.

*consanguineous marriage[,kansæŋˈgwiniəs]: 근친결혼. 

*degeneration: 퇴화. 

*offspring: 자손. 

*genes: born, produced. 

*con(with)+sanguin /sanguis(blood)+e+ous.



∙Kids enjoy the variety of the shape and the color of

 an object through a kaleidoscope.

Calisthenics gives us bodily flexibility and strength by

 doing simple and rhythmical exercises.

 *sthen: strength.

∙The pleasure of contemplating a painting includes

 enjoying the calligraphy of the written words as an 

 art in itself.       


*contemplate: (예술품을) 감상하다.

∙It was marvelous, a feast for the eyes, this 

complication of coloured tints, a perfect 

kaleidoscope of green, yellow, orange, violet, indigo, 

and blue; in one word, the whole 

palette of an enthusiastic colourist.

-20000 Leagues under the Sea by Jules Verne- 

*marvellous: wonderful.    

*palette: 팔레트. 

*eido(shape)+scope(to look). 

*feast: 축제.     

*indigo: 쪽빛, 인디고 물감. 

*It는 앞문장의 무엇인가를 받는 대명사이며,

 marvellous이하 blue까지 보어가 코머로 

연결되어 있다.

 *그것은 숨 막힐 듯 놀라운 것으로, 눈을 위한 

축제요, 여러 색조를 뒤섞어 놓은 것이며, 녹색, 

황색, 적황색, 보라색, 청람색, 청색으로 이루어진 

완벽한 요지경으로, 한마디로 말해 어느 열정적인 

화가의 완전한 팔레트였다.



∙He died of cardiac arrest. *arrest: 정지.

∙Cardiologists use audioelectric cardiography to assess 

the symptoms of heart failure; these symptoms mainly

 come from cardiovascular or cardioartery problems. 

 *vascular: 혈관.    

 *artery: 동맥.

 *heart failure: 심장마비.


cata/kata(back, down, against)

∙The government lost popularity among people. It was a 

  catastrophe for its future. 

*strophe: a twist, turning about.

∙The huge inundation was a cataclysmic event that 

  destroyed the town. 

*inundation: 범람, 홍수. 

*c(k)lysmos: a washing.

Catatonia is a mental disease; patients with it ignore 

  external stimuli and hold rigid poses for hours. 

*external stimuli: 외부 자극.

*rigid pose: 경직된 자세. 

*ton(strain, tone, mode)+ia.



∙These circles are concentric; they have a common 


∙Automatic drying machines remove moisture from 

clothes by centrifugal force.

Centripetal force or the force of gravity pulls orbital

 bodies to the earth's surface. 

 *orbital: 궤도의.

∙Sam Sung decentralized its manufacturing operations 

into worldwide.

∙The centrosphere of the Earth is non-gravitational as

 is in the orbit.



∙Octopus and squid are cephalopod; their feet are

 directly linked with their head. 

*octopus: 문어.     

*squid: 오징어. 

*pod/pous: foot.


∙The Alaskan Malamute has mesocephalic skull, 

while the Pug is a brachycephalic animal. 

*Alaskan Malumute: 알래스카 썰매 개. 

*Pug: 퍼그 개.

∙Forebrain and midbrain are developed from 


*forebrain: 전뇌.

∙Hydrocephalus causes the enlargement of the head

 because it fills fluid in the cavities of the brain. 

*cavity[ˈkæviti]: 腔, 빈 곳.

*enlargement: 확대.


∙The chiropractor developed a crescent-shaped pillow 

for babies; it

comfortably supports their spine and pelvis.

*pelvis: 골반.

*crescent-shaped: 초승달 모양의.

∙It was very common to foretell one's destiny with


There were even professional chiromancers who 

predicted your future by the lines on your palms. 

*palm: 손바닥.


chloro/khloro(light green)

∙The chlorophyll of most plants and algae absorbs light

 and transfersit to the photo system for the


*photo: light.     


*synthesis: 합성.

∙The low stomach acid can bring achlorhydria or

 hypochlorhydria which causes stomachache. 

*a: without. 

*hypo: beneath.

*stomachache: 복통. 


Chlorophyll is responsible for the green color of 

  leaves. If it lacks, the leaves get chlorosis.

*sis: 질병 또는 과정이나 상태를 나타내는

명사형 어미. 

*phyll: leaf.



Cholesterol is a very important molecule for 

 manufacturing bile acids, but the high level of serum

 cholesterol can be the cause of the death by heart 


*serum[ˈsi:rəm]: 혈청.     

*molecule: 분자. 

*bile acid: 담산.

∙To take out the gallstones, cholecystectomy is required.

*gallstone: 담석. 


∙Gallstones cause cholestasis which blocks the flow of 

the bile from the gall bladder. 

*gall bladder: 담낭.

 *chole+sta(stay, stagnate)+sis(disease).



∙If you always think or worry about any disease which

 you actually don't have, you are definitely a 


*hypo: under, beneath, below.

Chondrocytes are cells found in cartilage. 

*cyto: cell.

∙If you feel pain along the inner aspect of the knee, 

you must have knee chondrosis.

∙Primary bone cancers are mainly chondrosarcomas; 

they are cartilage cancer. 

*sarcoma: 육종肉腫.



∙The famous choreographer devised the choreography, 

commissioned the music, directed the dancers, and 

danced the leading part of "Swan Lake" by 

P.I. Tchaikovsky.

 *devise: 고안하다. 

 *commission: 책임을 맞다. 

 * Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky(1840-1893): 러시아 

낭만주의 음악가. "Swan Lake", "The Sleeping Beauty", 

"The Nutcracker" 등 많은 작품이 있다.

∙He could have choreographed Mouse King in Act 1 of 

the Nutcracker by Tchaikovsky, but he failed.

∙법조동사(modal auxiliary)에 관한 다음의 

과거완료형 시제는 특별히 유의할 필요가 있다.

*He could have gone to the library yesterday. 갈 수도 

있었으나 실제로는 안 갔다는 뜻. 

실제로 갔다면 He was able to go to the library

 yesterday로 써야 한다. 

 이처럼 과거의 능력을 표현할 때는 could 대신에 

  be able to를 써야 한다. 즉, He could go to the library

  yesterday는 틀린문장이다. 

 그러나 부정문일 때는 couldn't/ not be able to 모두


즉, He couldn't(was not able to) go to the library

 yesterday로 쓸 수 있다.

*He couldn't have gone to the library yesterday 

without your help. 당신의 도움이 없었으면 못 

갔다는 즉, 실제로는 갔다는 뜻이다. 

만일 도움이 없어 실제로 못 갔다면 

He couldn't go to the library yesterday without your

 help가 될 것이다.

*He would have gone to the library yesterday. 어제 

도서관에 가고자 했다, 가려고 했다 즉, 도서관에 

가고자 한 주어의 의지를 말하고 있다.

*He would rather have gone to the library yesterday. 

가는 편이 좋았을 터였다. 실제로는 안 갔다는 뜻.

*He should have gone to the library yesterday. 

이 문장은 다음과 같이 두 가지로 해석할 수 있다.

1) 그는 어제 도서관에 갔어야 했다. 과거 사실의 

반대로 실제로는 안 갔다는 뜻.

2) 그는 어제 도서관에 가야만 했다. 당위성을 

말하는 것으로, 실제로 갔는 지 안 갔는지는 알 수가

 없고, 중요하지도 않다.

*ought to는 should와 같은 뜻이지만, ought to는 

부정문이나 의문문에서는 쓸 수 없다

*He might have gone to the library yesterday. 

may have gone을 강조한 문장이다. 갔었을 수도 있고 

가지 않았을 수도 있다는 뜻이다.

즉, 갔는지의 여부를 확실히 모른다.

*He must have gone to the library yesterday. 

갔음에 틀림없다. 보지 않아 알 수는 없지만, 도서관에 

갔을 가능성이 95% 정도가 음을 말하는 것이다. 

물론 5% 정도 안 갔을 수도 있음을 말하는


*He must(has to) go to the library. must와 have to는

 거의 같은 뜻이지만, must가 뉘앙스 면에서 

 조금 더 강하다. have got to 도 must와 같은 뜻이지만,

 이는 비공식 영어이다.

*He had to go to the library. must는 과거형이 

없으므로, 과거시제일 때에는 had to를 쓴다.

*You didn't have to go to the library yesterday. 너는 

어제 도서관에 갈 필요가 없었다. 즉, have to의 

부정은 not necessary라는 뜻이다.



∙Korean kids put on polychromatic jacket to celebrate

 the New Year's Day.

∙Our hereditary characteristics from parents depend on

 tiny chromosomes. 

*hereditary[hiˈrediˌteri]: 유전성의.

∙A total eclipse makes the chromosphere around the

 sun; it is a corona.

 *total eclipse: 개기일식.



∙If you describe an event in time order, you have a 

chronogical writing technique.

∙A motion picture film and its sound effects should be 


∙The Annals of the Chosun Dynasty is the chronology 

of historical events of the Chosun Dynasty.

 *annals[ˈæn(ə)lz]: 연대기

 *the Annals of the Chosun Dynasty: 조선왕조실록.

∙If your backache lasts for a long time, you have a

 chronicle one. 

*backache: 요통. 허리 통증.


cocc(us)/kokkos(grain, seed)

∙Geranium is a pentacoccous plant, the fruit capsule of

 which consists of five cells. Each cell contains one 


*fruit capsule: 씨방.     

*penta: five.

∙Streptococcus belongs to the group of lactic acid 

bacteria; it causesbacterial pneumonia. 

*lactic acid bacteria: 유산균. 

*bacterial pneumonia: 세균성 폐렴. 

*strepto: twisted.



∙The first cosmonaut was Yuri Aleseyevich Gagarin, a 

Russian air pilot.

∙Seoul becomes a cosmopolitan city with people from 

all over the world.

∙Kennedy space center is the cosmodrome of the USA.

∙The creation of the universe by God is Christian's 




∙Secret agents use cryptogram in doing their duty.

∙Captain Flint left a cryptic map as to where the 

treasures can be found. 

*as to: ~에 관해.

∙During the Wordl War II, the United States easily 

decrypted the encryption made by Japanese navy.

∙The cathedral of Santiago de Compostela has a 

crypt where the holy relics of St. James are enshrined. 

*Santiago de Compostela: 스페인 북부 갈리시아 주에 

소재하는 성지. 

*relics: 유골.     

*enshrine: 신전에 매장하다.  

*St. James: 12사도 중의 한 사람.

∙A cryptonym is usually used for the military

 purpose during war.

*nym: name.


cyano/kyanos(dark blue)

Cyanide is poisonous; it kills insects.

Cyanotype is a photographic printing process for

 making blue print.

∙In photosynthetic process, anthocyanin protects cells 

from strongsunlight damage; it absorbs blue-green and 

ultra-violet light.

 *antho: flower. 

 *cyano: 시안 화합물의 접두사로 쓰인다. 

 *photosynthetic: 광합성의.



∙I have a bicycle; it has two wheels. 

 *bi: two

∙An encyclopedia contains information of various 

subjects; the earliest one remained today was published 

by Pliny the Elder, a Roman statesman. 

 *Pliny the Elder:(AD23-79): 로마의 박물학자. 

그의 저서 Naturalis Historia는 백과사전의 효시로

 알려지고 있음.

∙A storm that has circling winds in the Indian Sea is 

called a cyclone; the same wind is called a typhoon in

 the Pacific, and a hurricane in the Caribbean Sea.

∙A circular room with large pictures is a cyclorama.

 *orama/horan: view, sight.

∙He has cyclothymia; his mentality alternates the 

periods of depressed and elevated mood. 

*thym/thymos: soul.


cysto/kystis(bladder, 방광)

∙Doctors use a cystoscope to see the inside of bladder.

∙A cystectomy is required to take out cystoliths from

 the bladder.

Cystocele occurs when the fibrous vaginal wall is torn 

by childbirth; it allows the bladder to herniate into the 


 *vaginal wall: (여성의) 질 벽. 

 *herniate: 탈장이 되다.

 *cele: tumor, 종양. 

 *fibrous[ˈfaibrəs]: 섬유(질)의. 

 *childbirth: 출산.


cyto/kytos(cell, container)

Cystology deals with the disease and anatomy of 

cells; it is the branch of life science.

∙Anisocytosis is found in anemia; it is the unequal 

size of red blood cells. 


 *anemia: 빈혈증.


dactylo/dactylos(finger, toe)

Dactylosymphysis or syndactyl makes two or more 

fingers or toes fused together.

∙Brachydactylism is a hereditary abnormality; each 

digit consists of only two phalanges.

 *digit: 손(발)가락. 

 *abnormality: 비정상.

 *phalanx: 손(발)가락 뼈.

∙Some babies are born with hexadactylism; they 

 have six fingers. 

 *hexa: six.


deca(ten), deci(1/10)/deka(10)

∙Ten years equal a decade.

∙The decathlon is a very difficult game. 

 *athlon: contest.

∙The Ten Commandments is also called the Decalogue.

∙The Thirty Years' War(A.D1618-1648) decimated the

 one third of the total population of the Holy Roman


*Holy Roman Empire: Germany from A.D. 800 to 1806.


demon/daimonion(evil spirit)

∙The political system under Hitler was demonocracy; 

not any government is worse than it.

∙Inquisition was based on demonism; it said that

 heretics were involved with demons.

 *inquisition: 종교재판. 

 *heretic[ˈherətik]: 이교도.

∙The worship of materials is another kind of 

 demonolatry; it can destroy our life.

 *latry: worship.


Democracy protects and respects the rights of an 


∙The demographic of New York shows a great variety

 of people. 

 *graph: writing, carving.

∙Congo trypanosomiasis is epidemic; it occurs only in

 some African  countries by the tsetse fly. 

 *trypanosomiasis[trəˌpænəsouˈmaiəsis]: 수면병. 

*tsetse fly: 수면병을 일으키는 파리.

∙The pandemic influenza in 1918 killed almost 

100million people around the world; it was the worst 

natural disaster in the human


 *pan: all.

∙인명에서 유래된 보통명사, 동사, 형용사에 대한 

이해는 독해 능력을 높여 줄 뿐만 아니라, 회화에 

있어 이들의 사용은 상대방에게 대단히 지적인 

이미지를 준다.

*Adonis: n/미소년. 페니키아(지금의 레바논)의 

신화에 등장하는 미소년. 그리스 신화에서는 미의 

여신 아프로디테의 연인으로 등장한다. 사냥 길에서

 곰에게 물려 죽으며, 그가 흘린 피에서 아네모네 꽃이 

핀다.  레바논의 수도 Beirut는 Adonis와 Aphrodite 

사이에서 태어난 딸 Beroe의 이름에서 비롯된 것이다.

      **Chan is an Adonis; he looks an extremely 

            handsome young man.

*Amazon: n/키가 크고 건장하며 강건한 여성. 아마존 

여성들은 트로이 전쟁에서 트로이군을 도와 그리스와 

싸운다. 아마존의 여왕 Penthesilea 는 그리스의 장군 

Archilles와 맞대결하지만 오히려 그에게 죽임을 


    **She is an Amazon; she is a professional wrestler.

*aphrodisiac: adj/성욕을 일으키는, n/최음제. 사랑의 

여신 Aphrodite의 이름에서 비롯됨. 

     **Caracoli is said to be aphrodisiac. 

            ****caracoli: 짝이 아닌 한 개로만 이루어 진 

                    커피 콩.

*argosy: n/대상선대, 대 함대. 중세 이래 

    해상강국이었던 크로아티아의 항구도시 

    Ragusa에서 비롯된 말임. 

    **Korea has an argosy; she is a powerful maritime


*Babbitt: n/구태의연하고 자기도취적이며 교양 

    없는 사업가. 속물. 미국 작가 Sinclair Lewis(1885-

    1951)의 동명의 소설 주인공인 부동산 소개업자

     George F. Babbitt의 이름에서 비롯. 

    **The friendly club was upset by a Babbitt.

*bacchanalia: n/주연, 진탕 마시고 떠들기, 주당. 

    로마 신화에 나오는 주신 Bacchus의 이름에서


    **After winning in the competition, players 

        enjoyed a bacchanalia.

*Baedeker: n/(외국)여행안내서. Karl Baedeker(1801-

    1859): 독일의 출판가. 여행안내서 시리즈를 발간


    **To take a trip in a foreign country, you have to

         have a Baedeker.

*bedlam: n/대혼란, 미친 짓, 시끄러운 장소. 런던 

    소재 정신병원  St.Mary of Bethlehem의 이름에서


    **The rumors made the country a bedlam.

*behemoth: n/거대한 동물, 거대한 것, 거수巨獸. 

    구약의 욥기에 등장하는 괴물.

    **Google is a behemoth; its power is gigantic.

*Boswell: n/변함없는 친구 겸 관찰자. 영국의 시인 겸 

    작가인 Samuel Johnson의 전기를 쓴 James

    Boswell(1740-1795)의 이름에서 비롯됨.

    측근에서 일생 동안 관찰한 존슨의 전기를 썼다. 

     **He is my Boswell; I would not have been

         successful in my life without him.

*boycott: vt/거절하다. 육군 대위 출신의 제대 

        군인이었던 Charles Boycott는 대지주 Erne경의

        토지 마름으로 일하던 중, 지대 인하를 둘러싼

        분쟁에서 그를 고립, 추방시키고자 한 아일랜드 

       소작인 동맹의 활동에서 비롯된 말. 

    **They were boycotted to enter the temple because 

        of their blasphemous  speeches. 

        ****blasphemous: 신성을 모독하는.

*bowdlerize: v/(출판물, 영화 등을) 검열하다. 

        영국의 의사 Thomas Bowdler(1754-1825)가 

        여성과 어린이를 위해, 셰익스피어의 작품 중  

       음란한 부분을 삭제 후 발간한데서 기인. 

     **The government bowdlerized the articles against

         its policy.

*cicerone: n/(명승지) 안내인. 로마의 웅변가 Marcus 

        Tullius Cicero(106~43 B.C.)의 이름에서 비롯됨. 

        명승지 안내인이란 말을 많이 해야 하므로. 

        아마 키케로는 말이 많았던 듯하다.

        **I was guided by a cicerone when I visited Rome.

            ***cicerone [,sisə'rouni].

*chauvinism: n/맹목적 애국주의. 나폴레옹 군대의 

        사병이었던 Nicolas Chauvin은 우스꽝스러울 

        정도로 나폴레옹과 프랑스에 대해 광신적인

       충성을 보였다. 

    **Chauvinism is dangerous ideology; it can bring 

        isolation from international society.

*cynic: adj/냉소적인 (사람). 고대 그리스의

        견유학파 철학자들은 도덕을 삶의 최고의 

        덕목으로 삼고, 타인이나 타인의 행동동기에

        대해 냉소적인 태도를 보였다.

           **The opposition party is always cynic to the 

               president of the country. 

              ***cynic/kyniko: doglike.

*damoclean: adj/절박할 정도로 위험한. 왕은 

        행복할 것이라는 백성들의 믿음에 대해, 왕의 

        자리란 한 올의 머리카락에 매달아 놓은 칼 밑에 

        앉아 있는 것과 같다고 한 고대 Syracuse의 왕 

        Damocles의 일화에서 온 말. 

        **The financial crisis made the company 

            damoclean; it is on the  eve of bankruptcy. 

            ***on the eve of: 바야흐로 ~하다.

*Darwinism: n/진화론. Charles Darwin의 이름에서 

        비롯됨. 다위니즘은 자연선택 및 적작생존 

        이론을 포함한다. 

    **According to Darwinism, human being has evolved 

        from other hominoids. 

         ***hominoid: 유인원.

*derrick: n/기중기. 17세기 영국의 교수형 집행자였던 

    Thomas Derrick의 이름에서 유래.

    - Many kinds of derricks can be seen in a harbor or

     in the place of mega-construction.

*Draconian: adj/법률이 가혹하고 엄격한. 기원전 

    7세기 아테네의 입법관 Draco의 이름에 기원. 

    그는 전승되어 온 구전법과 복수법을 

    최초로 성문화하였으며 그 법들은 가혹하기로


    - People once lived in the Draconian period under the 

      martial law.

*Frankenstein monster: n/자신이 한 일로 인해 

     자신의 파멸을 불러오는 일. 

     Mary Shelly(1797-1851)의 소설 Frankenstein의 

    주인공 Frankenstein백작의 이름에서 비롯. 

    - Leaders must be always careful about themselves; 

     even a tiny  scandal can bring them critical

     Frankenstein monster.

*galvanize: v/전기를 통하게 하다, 깜짝 놀라게 하다. 

     이태리의 의사 겸물리학자인 Luigi Galvani(1737-

     1798)의 이름에서 비롯됨. 그는 죽은 개구리 다리 

    실험을 통해 최초로 생체전기학의 문을 열었다.

*gargantuan: adj/거대한. 르네상스 시기 프랑스의 

    작가 겸 의사였던 Francois Rabelais(1494-1553)의 

    소설 La Vie de Gargantua et de Pantagruel에 

    등장하는 거인의 이름 Gargantua에서 비롯됨.

    - We can see a lot of gargantuan  buildings in the 

      downtown of Seoul.

    - He is a Gargantua in the business circle.

*herculean: adj/초인적인, 대단히 힘이 드는. 여신 

    Hera가 부여한 열두가지 난관을 극복한 Zeus의

    아들 Hercules의 이름에서 비롯됨. 

        **People made herculean efforts to save the

             miners trapped in underground.

*hector: v/ 겁을 주다, 으르다, 허세 부리다. Troy의 

     영웅 Hector의 이름에서 유래. Apollo 신의 지원을 

     받은 그는 그리스 군에게 공포의 대상이었지만, 

     Archilles에게 죽을 운명이라는 것을 알게 된 

     Apollo는 그를 포기한다.

     **The enemy violated the armistice and hectored to 

        attack the islnd.

                 ***armistice: 휴전 협정.

*jabberwocky: n/알아들을 수 없는 말. 영국의 작가

     Lewis Carroll (1832-1898)의 Through the Look-ing

     Glass에 나오는 무의미한 시의 이름. 좌우가 

    뒤바뀌어 뜻을 알 수 없는 그 시를, 주인공 Alice가 

    거울에 비춰 보고서야 이해를 하게 된데서 비롯됨.

    **The president addressed a jabberwocky; it was 

        nothing more than a political rhetoric.

         *rhetoric: 수사.

*jeremiad: n/비탄, 한탄. 구약성서 상의 예언자 

    예레미야는 이스라엘의 미래를 슬퍼하며 항상 

    비탄에 잠겨 있었다. 

    **The division of his country in two parts made him 

        spend all his life in jeremiad.

*jezebel: n/사악하고 철면피한 여인. 구약의 

    열왕기상에 등장하는 

    이스라엘 왕 Ahab의 부인. 남편을 농간하여 나봇의

    포도원을 빼앗는다. 

    **Was the Queen Min a jezebel or a patriot to save 

    her country?

*John Hancock: n/서명. 미국 독립선언서에 최초로 

    서명한 정치인 John Hancock(1737-1793)의

    이름에서 비롯됨. 

    ** "Please sign this document." "Do you ask my 

        John Hancock?"

*laconic: adj/문체가 간결하나 의미심장한. 고대 

    그리스 스파르타 및 그 주변지역의 이름. 

    스파르타의 남자들은 과묵할 것과 요점만을 

    말할 을 요구 받은데서 비롯됨. 

    **Your essay must be laconic; redundancy is 

         not required for it. 

       ***redundancy: 췌사, 군더더기 말.

*Lilliputian: adj/매우 작은, 난쟁이의. n/난쟁이. 

    영국의 작가 Jonathan Swift(1667-1745)의

     Gulliver's Travels에 등장하는 난쟁이.

    **Our basketball team is Lilliputian in comparison

         with NBA teams.

*Machiabellian: adj/음험한, 권모술수를 부리는. 

    The Prince의 저자Niccolo Machiavelli(1469-

    1527)의 이름에서 비롯됨. 마키아벨리는, 군

    주의 권력의지란 플라톤이나 아리스토텔레스의 

    고전적인 이상사회를 목표로 하는 것이 아니라, 

    현상 유지를 위해 가차 없는 

    처벌과 보상이  필요함을 강조했다.

*martinet: n/엄격한 사람, 까다로운 사람. 17세기 

    프랑스의 장군 Jean Martinet은 혁명적이고 

    가차 없는 훈련을 통해 현대식 군대의 기틀을 

    세움. 프랑스 군대에 최초로 총검(bayonet) 착검을 


    **My boss is a martinet; he doesn't accept even a

         small mistake.

*masochism: n/피가학성 변태성욕. 소설 Venus in

     Furs의 주인공 Severin이 연인 Wanda으로부터 

    받는 학대를 통해 느끼는 성적 쾌락. 그 

    소설을 쓴 오스트리아의 작가 Sacher-Masoch(1836-

    1895)의 이름에서 비롯된 말.

*maudlin: adj/눈물이 헤픈, 걸핏하면 우는. 신약성서

     상에 기록된, 수가 일곱 마귀를 쫓아낸 Mary

     Magdalene의 이름에서 비롯됨. 

    그림 속의 그녀는 예외 없이 눈물을 흘리고 있다.

    **My old mother is maudlin; she feels compassion

         for everything.

*maverick: n/기존 질서에 구속 받지 않는 사람,

     특이한 아이디어의 유자. 텍사스의 목장 주 

    Samuel Maverick은 자신의 소에 낙인을 

    찍지 않아, 그의 소들은 mavericks라고 불렸다. 

    **His talented character made him a maverick in art.

*mecca: n/사람들을 끄는 매력적인 장소. 무슬림의 

    성지 메카에서 비롯 된 말. 

    **MyungDong, the downtown of Seoul, is a mecca

     for romantists.

*Mentor: n/현명하고 충성스런 충고자, 아버지 같은 

    선생님. Ithaca의 왕 Odysseus는 트로이 전쟁에 

    출정하기에 앞서, Mentor를 그의 아들

    Telemachus의 후견인으로 정한다. 

    **He is my Mentor; he always gives me advice for

         my future.

*mesmerize: v/최면을 걸다. 독일의 의사 Franz Anton

     Mesmer(1734-1815)의 이름에서 비롯됨. 천문학에 

    관심이 많았던 그는 생물체와 무생물 간에

   교감하는 어떤 자연에너지 또는 영적 에너지가

   있다고 믿었고 이 에너지를 통틀어

    mesmerism이라고 했다. 

    이 아이디어를 토대로 스코틀랜드의 외과의사 

     James Braid는 최면(hypnosis)이라는 개념을 발전 


**Her beauty made me mesmerized when I met her 

    first time.

*Micawber: n/철저한 낙천주의자. Charles Dickens의 

    소설 David Copperfield에 등장하는 낙천주의자

     Wilkins Micawber의 이름에서 유래. 

    그는 디킨스의 아버지 John Dickens가 모델이

    었다고 한다. 

    **Chan is a Micawber; he has nothing to worry 


*Nimrod: n/사냥꾼. 창세기 10:8에 나오는 노아의 

    증손자. 야훼가 인정한 사냥의 명수.

    **The US army snipers have precise shooting 

         skill; they are Nimrods.

*odyssey: n/장기간의 힘든 여행. Homer의 Iliad에 

    등장하는 고대 그리스 도시국가 Ithaca의 왕 

    Odysseus는 Troy 함락 후, 10년의 고행 길을 거쳐 

    고향으로 돌아온다. 

    **Life is an odyssey; it has so many obstacles to 


*panjandrum: n/영감 나리. 거만한 관리를 조롱하여 

    부르는 말. 18세기 아일랜드의 배우 Charles 

    Macklin은 어느 대사든지 한 번 읽고는 기억한다고 

    자랑을 하여, 극작가 Samuel Foote(1720-1777)는 

    기억하기 힘든 시를 지어 그를 테스트한 바 있다.

    **He is a panjandrum; he is an arrogant high official 

        of the government.

*Pharisaic: adj/위선적이고 형식적인. 율법의 

    형식에만 치우쳤던 바리새인들에서 온 말. 

        **European countries in 19 century were 

            bureaucratic and hypocritic; they were 


*Pickwickian: adj/관대하고 유머러스한. 

    찰스 디킨스의 최초의 소설 The Pickwick Papers에 

    등장하는 주인공 Samuel Pickwick의

    이름에서 유래. 그는 부유하고 관대한 노신사로 

    그가 세운 Pickwick 클럽의 회원들에게 들려 줄 

    인생의 참된 이야기들을 수집하기 위해 

    세 명의 동료와 함께 여행길에 오른다. 

    **My father is Pickwickian; he always makes us 

        comfortable with his humors.

*Portia: n/여자 변호사. 셰익스피어의 베니스의 

    상인에 등장하는

    아름답고 지적인 여성변호사 Portia의 이름에서 

    비롯됨. 수전노 샤일록에게 빚을 진 Antonio의 

    생명을 구해 준다. 

        **We can find so many excellent Portias in Korea.

*protean: adj/변화무쌍한. 그리스 신화에 등장하는 

    일곱 바다 신들 가운데 한 신인 Proteus. 나중에 

    Poseidon의 목동이 되어 그의 물개들을 친다. 사자, 

    뱀, 표범, 돼지, 나무 등으로 변신하나 결국

    미케네의 왕 Menelaus에게 사로잡힌다. 

    **She is protean; she is so changeable.

*Pyrrhic victory: n/상처뿐인 승리, 큰 대가를 치룬

     승리. 기원전 279년 Epirus의 왕 Pyrrhus는

     Asculum전투에서 로마군을 격파하지만, 치룬

    대가가 너무 커 그는 이렇게 외친다. “이 같은 

    승리를 한 번만 더 한다면, 우리는 멸망할 것이다.” 

    **He won in the presidential election, but it was 

        Pyrrhic victory; he lost so many things.

*quixotic: adj/이상적이지만 우스꽝스러울 

    정도로 비현실적인. 스페인의 작가 Miguel de 

    Cervantes Saavedra(1547-1616)의 소설 Don

    Quixote의 동명의 주인공. 낭만적이고

    이상적이지만 천하제일의 바보이다.

    **Spending all your money for the poor is quixotic.

*quisling: n/반역자. 나치가 세운 노르웨이의 

    괴뢰정부 수반 Vidkun Quisling(1887-1945)의 

    이름에 기원.

    **The quisling told the enemy how to defeat his 

        own army.

*rodomontade: n/허풍, 자기자랑. 이태리의 시인 

    Ludovico Ariosto(1474 -1533)가 쓴 낭만서사시

     Orlando Furioso의 주인공인 알제리아의 왕

    Rodomonte. 자만심으로 인해 동료인 Ruggiero에게 

    죽는다. 그를 이길 수 있는 것은 오직 그의 

    오만과 자기자랑 뿐이라는 데서 온 말. 

     **Don't do a rodomontade if you want to be

         successful in your life.

*robot: n/기계 같은 인간, 인간 같은 기계. 

    체코슬로바키아의 작가 Karel Kapek(1890-1938)의

    풍자극 Rossum's Universal Robots에 등장하는 

    인조인간. 농노를 뜻하는 체코어 robota에서 

    비롯된 말.

*sadism: n/가학성 변태성욕. 프랑스의 귀족 겸 

    정치가인 Marquis deSade(1740-1814)백작의 

    이름에서 온 말. 극단적인 자유주의자였던

    그는 폭력, 범죄, 신성모독 등에 초점을 맞춘 

    기인한 성생활을 묘사하였다. 

    그는 풍속사범으로 32년간의 옥살이를 하였다.

*sardonic: adj/냉소적인. 지중해의 Sardinia에서 

    나는 sardonian이라는 풀을 먹으면, 먹은 사람의

    얼굴이 마치 냉소적인 표정으로 변한다고

    한데서 연유. 

    **He is sardonic; he criticizes everything.

*serendipity: n/뜻밖의 것을 찾아내는 재주. 횡재 

    잘 하는 재주.

    스리랑카(Serendip은 페르시아어로 스리랑카라는 

    뜻임)의 현명한 세 왕자가 결코 본적이 없는 

    낙타를 알아맞힌 데서 온 말.

    **I don't have serendipity; I never found a cent 

    on the street.

*Shylock: n/무자비한 채권자. 셰익스피어의 

    베니스의 상인에 등장하는 고리대금업자.

    **Today's colleges become a Shylock; you 

        cannot have any educational chances if you 

        don't pay tuition.

*Spartan: adj/엄격하고 극기심 강하며 용맹한(사람). 

    스파르타 용사들의 기질에서 온 말. 

     **He enjoys Spartan life; he has nothing more 

         than food and drink in a humble cottage.

*Solon: n/현명한 입법자. 플라톤은 그의 저서 The 

    Symposium에서 그리스 7현인 중의 한 사람인

     Solon을 “존경할 만한 아테네 입법자”로

    묘사하고 있다.

    **How many Solons for people can we find in our 


        ***Congress: 의회.

*spoonerism: n/두음전환. 둘 이상의 단어의 첫 음이 

    서로 바뀌는 일. sons of toil을 tons of soil로 쓰는 

    것이 그 예이다. Oxford대학 New College 학장 

    W.A. Spooner가 이런 실수를 많이 저지른 데 기인.

*stentorian: adj/목소리가 큰. 호머의 ‘일리아드’에 

    등장하는 전령의 이름. 50명의 목소리를 합한

     큰 목소리의 소유자. 

    **Luciano Pavalotti was stentorian; he sang without

         a megaphone in the amphitheater.

*tantalize: vt/애태우게 하여 괴롭히다, 감질나게 

    하여 괴롭히다. Zeus와 Plouto 사이의 아들인 

    Tantalus는 신들의 축제를 위한 음식으로 

    아들Pelops를 삶아 바친다. Zeus의 노여움을 산 

    그는 지옥에 갇히는데, 저승의 왕 Hades는 

    과일나무 아래 있는 우물 옆에 그를 세운다. 

    그가 배가 고파 과일을 따기 위해 팔을 뻗거나, 

    목이 말라 물을 마시려고 하면, 과일나무와 

    우물이 멀어져 닿을 수 없게 된다. 

     **The tennis game tantalized me, but our team finally 

        failed in it.

*titian: adj/적황색의. 이태리의 화가 Titiano

     Vecelli(1488-1576)의 이름에서 온 말. 

    여성의 머리색을 종종 적황색으로 표현했다. 

    **The autumnal streets are covered with titian

         leaves; they give  us pathetic feelings.

*Utopian: adj/이상향의, 이상적이나 비현실적인.

     n/몽상가. 결함이 없는 이상적인 사회인 Utopia. 

    Thomas More(1478-1535)가 그의 저서 Utopia에서 

    그리고 있다.

*vandal: adj/문화, 예술을 파괴하는(자). 게르만족의

     일파인 반달족을 말한다. AD455년 로마에 침입, 

    무자비한 약탈과 파괴를 자행하였다.

    **A vandal set a fire to a Buddhist temple.

*pasteurize: vt/저온 살균하다. 프랑스 미생물학자

     Louis Pateur(1822- 1895)의 이름에서 비롯.

     파스퇴르는 액상 식품의 저온 살균법을 처음

    고안해 내었다. 

    **Pasteurized milk is less tasteful, but it prevents


*Yahoo: n/버릇없고 거친 사람, 시골뜨기. 

    Jonathan Swift(1667-1745)의 Gulliver's Travels에 

    등장하는 사람 모습을 한 짐승. 

        **To meet a Yahoo in your life is unluckiness.



∙The deer have antlers; they are dendriform. 

    *antler: 뿔.

∙We can know the climate of the past by


∙The thickness of forest depends on the dendrolatry

 by the people, who live around there.



∙Our epidermis consists of 4~5 layers of skin; it is 

 the most outer barrier contacting the inhospitable 


 *inhospitable: 혹독한.

 *epi: on, at.

∙An under-the-skin injection is a hypodermic.

∙I advise you to consult a dermatologist if you have 


 *dermatitis: 피부염.

∙In Korea in winter season, it is very possible to have 

 xeroderma; the skin loses moisture, cracks, and peels 

 of skin. 

*xero[zi(ə)rə]: dry.



∙He remarried after his first wife died; it was his 


  *gamy: marriage.

∙In Othello, Othello is a protagonist, and Iago, 

 the villain, is a deuteragonist.

∙People with deuteranopia generally can't distinguish

 red and green hues. 

 *hue: 색조. 

 *an(not, without, lacking)+ope(look, view)+ia.


dolicho/ dolichos(long, narrow)

∙The horse is dolichocephalic; it has a dolichoface 

 because its skull is dolichomorphic.

∙남녀평등은 어휘 사용에도 영향을 미쳐, 회화나 

작문 시 다음의어휘들은 중성화해야 한다. 특히 

대화 시 이에 대한 유의는 화자가 

교양인이라는 점을 상대방에게 인식 시킨다.

*businessman(X). businessperson(O).

*chairman(X). chair, 또는 chairperson(O).

*freshman(X). first-year student(O).

*mailman(X). lettercarrier(O).


*humankind, 또는 humanity,

 또는 human beings, 또는 people(O).


*personnel, 또는 human resources(O).

*policeman(X). police officer(O).


*salesperson, 또는 sales associate, sales clerk(O).

*actress(X). actor(O).

*hostess(X). host(O).

*stewardess(X). flight attendant(O).


*waiter, 또는 server(O).

그러나 여성의 타이틀을 말하는 princess, duchess,

 countess 등은 그대로 용납이 되며, 

동물의 암컷인 tigress, lioness등 또한 같다.


dromo/dromos(running, wandering)

∙He is a dromomania; he goes jogging every day.

∙The tuna is oceanodromous; it migrates in the

  ocean only.

*migrate: 이주하다.

∙The pacific salmon is anadromous; it lives in the 

ocean and breed in fresh water. 

*ana: up. 

*breed: (동물이) 새끼(알)를 낳다.

*salmon[ˈsæmən]: 연어.

∙The eel is catadromous; it lives in fresh water and

 breeds in the ocean. 


*eel: 뱀장어.

∙The bull shark is amphidromous because it lives in 

the fresh water like Lake Nicaragua or Zambezi River

 and migrates to and from the ocean.  

*to and fro: 왕복하는, 전후로 움직이는. 

*Lake Nicaragua: 중미 니카라과에 있는 넓이 

8,264km2에 이르는 호수. 민물 호수이지만

상어가 서식한다.

 *Zambezi River: Zambia에서 발원하여 앙골라, 

나미비아, 보츠와나, 모잠비크를 거쳐 인도양으로 

흘러드는, 전장 3,540km의 세계 4위의 긴 강.



∙Soldiers dynamited an enemy's bunker and completely 

destroyed it.

∙Their love and sacrifice to each other are the key

 dynamics in their marriage.

∙Lee dynasty ruled Korean peninsula for more than 


*semi-millennium: 5백년.



∙Our respiratory tracts like lung, bronchi, trachea, and 

alveoli derive from endoderm during embryo-genesis. 

 *respiratory tract: 호흡기관. 

 *bronchus: 기관지.

 *trachea[ˈtreikiə]: 호흡관. 

 * alveolus [ælˈvi:ələs]: 폐포. 

 *embryogenesis: 배아 발생.

 *derm: skin. 

 *tract: 통로, 관管

∙Doctors see the inside of a patient's body through an 

endoscope which has a video camera and a light.

∙Mammals are endothermic animals because they 

produce heat by metabolism inside their body, 

while many reptiles are ectothermy because they 

control their body temperature by warming 

themselves in the sun. 

*mammal: 포유동물. 

*thermo: heat, hot. 

*metabolism: 신진대사. 

*reptile: 파충류. 

*ecto: outside.


enteron(intestine, 장腸)

∙The mouth of the jellyfish opens into its enteron, with 

which the radial canals connect. 

*radial canal: 방사형 도관.     *jellyfish: 해파리.

∙Dysentery brings severe diarrhea containing mucus 

and blood; it also bring fever and abdominal pain 

because of its inflammatory disorder of the intestine.

 *diarrhea[ˌdaiəˈri:ə]: 설사.

 *mucus[ˈmju:kəs]: 점액, 곱. 


 *inflammatory: 염증성의. 

 *dys: ill, bad. 

 *disorder: 질병, 무질서.

∙His bowel cancer made him to be exenterated. 

 *bowel: 장, 창자.


ero/eros(sexual love)

∙"Lady Chatterley's Lover" by D. H. Lawrence is an 

erotic novel; it is a story about sexual relationship 

between a working class man and an aristocratic 


*aristocratic woman: 귀부인. 

*David Herbert Richards Lawrence(1885-1930): 영국의

 작가. 현대화와 산업화에 따른 인간성의 타락에 관해


∙He imagines that a beautiful girl loves and sends him

 special signals of love; he is a psychopath of 




∙1 erg is 1 dyne cm; it is also 1/10,000,000 joule.

*dyne: 다인, 힘의 단위. 

*joule: 줄, 에너지 단위.

∙He is an expert in computer ergonomics.

∙Einstein's theory of general relativity predicts that, 

 within the ergosphere, space time is dragged at greater

 speed than that of light. It is know as the

 Lense-Thirring effect. 

*theory of general relativity: 일반상대성 이론. 

*Lense-Thirring effect: 거대한 회전구의 주위를 

도는 작은 물체는, 그 회전력 때문에 그 궤도가 

동요한다는 이론. 오스트리아 의 이론물리학자인 

 Josef Lense(1890-1985)와 Hans Thirring (1888- 

1976)이 처음으로 관찰.



Erythrocytes take and deliver oxygen to the body 

tissue; it is the common type of blood cell.

∙The nuclei of the cells formed in the pollen grains of

 gymnosperms were kyanophilous, but the nucleus of 

the pollen tube was more or less erythrophilous.

 *gymno(naked, exposed)+sperm(having seeds): 겉씨



 *kyano: cyano. 

 *nucleus: 핵. 

 *pollen: 꽃가루.

∙Erythrophobia refers to the fear of red color, but it

 usually means blushing face as a result of shame,

 modesty, or embarrassment. 

 *modesty: 겸손, 수줍음. 

 *embarrassment[imˈbærəs-]: 당황.

 *blush: 얼굴을 붉히다.


(a)esthe/aisthanesthai(to perceive)

∙As an artist, Mary has a good aesthetic sense. 


Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy; it deals with 

the nature of beauty.

∙According to Kierkegaard, an aesthete will find 

himself in despair because he comes to recognize 

the limits of the aesthetic approach to life. 

 * Soren Kierkegaard(1813~1855): 덴마크의 실존주의


∙You need anaesthesia to evade pain when you are

 surgically operated.

∙Contemplating paintings, or listening to good music

 may bring you higher aesthesia. 

*contemplate: 감상, 명상하다.


ethno/ethnos(race, culture)

Ethnology aims to study scientifically the origin and

 functioning of human cultures.

Ethnocentrism is misconception; no nation can 

occupies or rules another nation. 

*misconception: 틀린 생각. 오해.

∙The ethnic make-up of the USA is incredible; it is 

so varied.

*make up: 구성.

Ethnomusicology studies the interaction between

 music and people across cultures and time.



∙Human being is reproduced by gamogenesis. 

 *genesis: origincreation.

∙He is a polygamist: he has three wives. 

 *poly: many.

∙He is a digamist because he remarried after his first 

 wife was dead.

 *di: two, twice.

∙He is a bigamist because he has two wives.



∙Helicobacter pylori causes gastritis, a digestive


*pylorus[paiˈlɔ:rəs]: 위에서 작은창자로 가는 입구.

 pylori는 복수형.

 *itis: 병명 관련 접미사.

 *inflammation: 염증.

∙The doctor looked at the inside of my stomach with

 a gastroscope.

∙My brother is a famous chef; he is an expert in French 


*chef: a cook.

Gastroenteritis causes the inflammation of the 

gastrointestinal tract such as the stomach and the small


*inflammation: 염증.

*tract: 管. 

*gastrointestinal tract: 위장 관.

 *small intestine: 작은창자.



∙In geology, we study the rocks and the stratum of our 


*stratum: 지층.

∙Korea has played an important geopolitical role in the

 Far East Asia.

 *play a role: ~역할을 하다.

∙We can understand the process of the landforms of 

Mt. Everest by the geomorphological study. 


∙According to the geotropism by Charles Darwin, 

the roots of a plant grow downward because of the 

gravity of the earth. 

*geo+tropism/ torpe(turning toward).



∙Matthew says the genealogy of Jesus Christ.

 *Matthew: 마태복음.

∙Androgen stimulates or controls the development 

and maintenance of the male characteristics of the



*andro: male.

∙Hydrogen means "generating water."

∙Many people disagree with the genesis of life, but 

Christians believe in it.

∙A prince, or princess is the progeny of a royal family.

∙The business degenerated into a financial mess.

 *mess: 혼란

∙Sugar is cariogenic, so you must brush your teeth just 

after eating it.

 *caries: decay.


ger(ont)/geron(old man)

∙Due to the huge increase in the elderly population, 

gerontology becomes one of the most rapidly

 growing fields.

∙A narcissist tends to have gerontophobia. 

*narcissist: 자기도취자.

∙China was once gerontocracy; many old politicians 

played important roles in their government.

glosso, glotto/glossa, glotta(speech, tongue)

∙A glossary at the end of the book gives explanations 

of some particular vocabularies.

∙If you have strawberry red tongue, it indicates glossitis.

∙Thus there is no glottogony, only "schematogony", the 

theory of the diachronic development of sentence 


 *gony/gonos: genesis, production, sex.


 *dia(throughout)+ chronic: 시대(간)를 관통하는.



∙J. F. Champollion deciphered the hieroglyph of the 

 Rosetta Stone.

 *decipher: (암호를)해독하다.

 *Jean-François Champollion (1790-1832): 프랑스의

  philologist(문헌학자). 나폴레옹의 이집트 원정에

 종군. 그의 Rosetta Stone 비문 해석으로 이집트 

고대문명의 신비가 풀렸다.

∙Cameos are engraved on the small gemstone by

 glyptics skill.

*cameo: (보석 따위에 새긴)돋을 새김 문양. 

*engrave: 새겨 넣다.



∙The doctor made a diagnosis of my illness as diabetes.

*diabetes[daiəˈbi:tiz]: 당뇨병.

∙He prides himself on his ability to analyze a person's 

character by his studying physiognomy. 

*physio: natural form, origin.

∙There are still many countries where children grow up 

 in ignorance.

Gnosticism encompasses complex and varied 

theological, philosophical systems that involved 

secret or special knowledge. 

 *encompass: enclose.



∙A polygon is a closed figure such as a triangle,

 rectangle, or pentagon; It is made by joining line 


 *rectangle: 직사각형.

 *segment: (직선의) 선분.

∙We use a goniometer for measuring the angles of 

  crystal faces.


gram, graph/gramma, graphos(written, drawn)

∙Photography plays an important role in the printing


∙I bought a new atlas for my geography class. 

*atlas: 지도책.

∙The graffiti found in the subway stations are rude

 sketches and writings.

∙ “It is better to have loved and lost than never to have 

 loved at all” said Lord Tennyson; it is an epigram

 *epi: on, over, near, at, 등등.

∙Telegram is outdated communication skill; it is almost

 replaced by email.



∙Nudists are gymnosophists; they don't like to put on


*sophy/sophia: wisdom, science of.

∙The bald eagle is gymnorhinal; it doesn't have

 any feather on its nose. 

*rhino: nose.

∙The Olympic gymnasium has seats for 20,000 


gyneco/gyne(woman, female)

∙Gynecologists worry about the increase of teen 

 abortions; this is the result of the teenagers' lack of

 knowledge about sex. 

*abortion: 낙태.

∙He has gynephobia; he hates women.

∙Korea is going toward gynarchy; a lot of Korean

 women work for the government.

∙The gynoecium of a flower receives pollens on its 

surface from androecia to mature. 

*androecium: stamens, 수술. 

*pollen: 꽃가루.

*andro: male. 




∙It is perhaps true that hedonism is an impotent 

 gospel, because pleasure means nothing to many

 people now. 

*impotent: 무기력한, 성기능 없는. 

*gospel: 복음.

∙Indeed he states to his new hedonist counterpart Henry 

that he would sell his youth to keep his visage. 

-The Portrait of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde- 

*counterpart: 동반자. 

*visage: 얼굴.

 *counterpart와 Henry는 동격임.

 that이하는 states의 직접목적절.



∙In the past century, England and France struggled for

 the hegemony in Europe.

∙The United States is blamed for its hegemonism 

over the world.


∙The sunflower is heliotropic. * tropic/trope: turning.

Heliocentrism places the sun at the center of the

 universe, and opposes geocentrism.

∙Many soldiers fainted down because of their being 

exposed to the strong sunlight; it is heliosis.

∙In heliosphere, we find 8 planets, dwarf planets like 

Pluto, many small bodies like comets, meteors,

 asteroids, etc.

*comet: 혜성. 

*meteor: 유성. 

*asteroid: 소행성.


∙The lung hemorrhage made him feel faint; then he 

fell back exhausted. 

*hemo+rrahage(abnormal flow, breaking). 

*hemo: hemato, hema, haemo.

∙Anemia causes dizziness. 

*dizziness: 현기증. 

*an(not, without)+ (h)emia: h앞에서 a는 an으로 

바뀌며, hemo는 다른 어근이나 접두사와

결합할 때 h가 탈락한다.

∙Leukemia comes when the white blood cell proliferates 

abnormally; it is blood cancer. 

*proliferate: increase rapidly. 


∙People who have hemophilia can bleed to death.


∙Harold had no troubles with his liver until he 

contracted hepatitis from eating contaminated food. 

*contract: 질병에 걸리다.

∙Having an enlarged liver is hepatomegaly; it comes 

often along with jaundice.

 *jaundice[ˈjo:ndis]: 황달.


hetero/heteros(other, different)

∙People of all races make a heterogeneous society in 

 the United States. 


∙Religious or political beliefs that are other than the

 usual kind are heterodox.

 *doxy: opinion, doctrine.

∙Most of insects are heteromorphic.

 *morph: form, structure.

∙Boys or girls start to feel heterosexuality in their 


*puberty[ˈpju:bərti]: 사춘기.



∙The four star general is at the top of the military 



∙The State of the Vatican City is hierocracy; it is 

governed by high priests.

∙The Bible is a kind of hierology.

∙The hierophant of the sun-god made an effort to

 climb back on his pedestal.

 *phant/phainein: to show.

 *make an effort: 노력하다. 

 *pedestal: base, stand.

∙There was a knock at the door, and they all gave a 

 shout of exultation. Miss Chalice rose and opened.

 She took the leg of mutton and held it high above 

 her, as though it were the head of John the Baptist on a

 platter; and, the cigarette still in her mouth, advanced 

with solemn, hieratic steps.

-Of Human Bondage by Somerset W. Maugham- 

 *exultation: rejoice, 환희.  

 *mutton: 양고기.

 *platter: 큰 접시. 

 *John the Baptist: 세례 요한. 



Hippology is a science about horse; it deals with 

origin, anatomy, physiology, and evolution of the horse.

∙The hippopotamus lives in or near rivers   

 *potamus: river.

∙I am the best-educated horse outside of the hippodrome,

 everybody says, and the best-mannered.

        -A Horse's Tale by Mark Twain-

*이 문장을 정치법에 따라 Everybody says that I am 

 the best-educated and the best-mannered horse…로

 했다면 긴장감이 없는 평범한 문장이 되었을 것이다.



∙He is a dermatologist; he studied the histology of 

 the skin.

Histocompatibility must be previously checked for 

 the transplant of skin. 


∙All living things take the process of histolysis 

 when they die.

*ly(break down, loosen)+sis.

∙The flatworm is a histozoic parasite; it lives in the 

tissue of human being. 

*flatworm: 편충.     

*parasite: 기생충.



∙The odometer in my car indicated 1370 miles I drove

 from Houston to Los Angeles.

∙An anode or a cathode is an electrode at which electrons

 enter or leave the cell. 

*anode[ˈænoud]: 양극.     

*cathode[ kæèoud]: 음극.

*cell: 전지.     

*cat/kata: down, against.



∙The San Francisco earthquake in 1906 was a 

holocaust that destroyed the city completely. 

*caust: burnt.     *holocaust [ˈhaləˌko:st].

Holography is required to make the entire volume

 of the tetrahedron. 

*tetra+hedron/edron(face, side).

∙It needs holohedral technology to make a 3D movie.

∙A lighthouse needs a holophote to collect and reflect

 a large amount of light. 

*photo/phos: light.



∙Korea was homogeneous with few foreigners, but it 

is now being converted into a multi-races country.

∙Words that have the same sound, like “knight” and 

“night” are called homonym. 

*nym: name.

∙The flowers which are all the same color are


*chrom/chroma: color.



∙The hydrogen bomb has huge destructive power.

∙You can't park your car near a hydrant; it is for fire 


*fire engine: 불자동차.

∙A dog that bites a man must be observed for the

 symptoms of hydrophobia. 

*phobia: fear.

Hydraulics deals with the mechanical properties

 of liquids.

*mechanical property: 역학적 특성.



∙To measure the humidity of the air, we use a


Hygrology is the science of studying the humidity 

of the atmosphere.

∙The lotus flower is a hygrophyte; it lives in the moist


*phyte(o)/phyton: 식물.     

*lotus flower: 연꽃.


hystero/histera(uterus, 자궁)

∙She suffers from hysteria so frequently. 

*고대 그리스인들은 히스테리가 여성의 자궁에서 

비롯된다고 생각했음.

Hysterectomy or Caesarian section is done when one 

or more babies, or, a dead fetus is removed from a 

mother's uterus.

*Caesarian section: 제왕절개. 

*fetus: 태아. 

*uterus[ˈju:tərəs]: 자궁.

*tomy: cutting.

Hysteroid dysphoria is a critical factor for suicide: it 

is more likely to female and older age.

 *oid: resembling, like. 

 *dys(ill, bad)+phoria/phoros(몸에 지니는): 불안초조증



∙The pediatrician cures babies' illness. 


∙Psychiatrists practice psychiatry.

∙Geriatric psychiatrists heal the old people who have 

mental disease.

 *geri(old person)+iatrics.




∙An ichthyosaur is a fish like marine reptile that

 lived during Jurassic Period.

 *saur: lizard(도마뱀).

∙Seagulls are ichthyophagous sea-birds; they eat fishes.

*phagous: eating.

∙The modern ichthyology aims to develop a scientific

 foundation to increase sea food resources, to intensify 

 their exploitation, and to create an efficient fishing



 *exploitation: 개척, 개발, 노동력 착취.

 *to increase 이하 세 개의 부사적 부정사구가 comma로 

연결되어 있다.



∙Bill Gates is an icon of American venture business. 


∙During the period of Leo III, the emperor of Byzantine 

Empire, fanatic iconoclasts destroyed the images of 

Jesus Christ; it was the first iconoclasm movement. 

*clast: broken. 

*fanatic[fəˈnætik]: 광신자. 열광자.

∙Christians venerate the sacred images of Jesus

 Christ; they are iconodules.


idio/idios(peculiar, distinct)

∙One of his idiosyncrasies is that he puts on overcoat

 in the summer beach.

 *idiosyncrasy [idio(u)ˈsiŋkrəsi].

Idioglossia is commonly spoken by one or a very 

few people like twin; it is cryptic language among 

specific people. 

*cryptic: 비밀의.

∙Medical doctors use idiolects which can be 

understood only among them. 

*lect/legein: to speak.

∙'Straight from the horse's mouth' is an idiom; it 

doesn't mean the same as individual words, but it means

 "authoritative source". 

*authorative: 권위가 있는, 믿을 만한. 

*문장 내에서 또 다른 문장을 용할 때에는 single 

quotation mark (' ', 작은 인용부호)를 사용한다.

*말만이 오직 주인의 현장을 목격할 수 있었으므로

 해서 비롯된 말.



∙Korea has an isonomic society; every Korean is equal 

before the law. 

*nomo: law.     


∙Radioactive isotopes are applied for therapeutics. 

*tope: place.

*therapeutics[,θerəˈpju:tiks]: 치료학.

∙They could scarcely believe it possible; at two yards

 and a half below water-mark was a regular rent, in 

the form of an isosceles triangle.  

     -20000 Leagues Under The Sea by Jules Verne-

*scele: leg. 

*rent: 갈라진 틈, 협곡. 

*regular: complete. 

*그들은 그것이 가능하다는 것을 거의 믿을 수가 

없었는데, 수위표 2야드 반 아래, 2등변 삼각형 형태의

 완전한 협곡이 있었다.



∙Marcel Duchamp was a kinetic artist; he mounted the 

 bicycle wheel upside down on a stool, the famous title of

 which is "Bicycle Wheel". 

 *Marcel Duchamp(1887~1968): 프랑스 태생의 미국 화가.

 *upside down:거꾸로 된.

 *stool: 걸상. 

 *mount: 오르다, 올려놓다.

 *예술품, 문학작품 등의 타이들의 인용은

 인용부호(" ", quotation mark)를 사용한다.

∙Human being feels and detects bodily position through


 *aesthesia: sensitivity.

 *tendon: sinew, 근육.

∙The Seoul Art Cinema is a cinematheque where you 

can enjoy the masterpieces of classical and artistic 


*cinema+theque(case, place).


lab, lep/lambanein(to take, to seize)

∙Bog is a word of one syllable; ado has two syllables.

*syl: together. 

*bog: swamp, 늪. 

*ado[əˈdu:]: fuss, 야단법석.

∙Marie Curie discovered radium and polonium in her


*tory: 장소를 뜻하는 명사형 어미 또는 형용사형 어미.

∙Catalepsy brings insensibility and muscular rigidity; it 

is very difficult to study this disease because of its 



*rareness: 희귀. 

*insensibility: 무감각.



∙Bardolatry is the worship of William Shakespeare; 

Shakespeare is called the bard of Avon.      

*bard: 시인. 

*Avon: Shakespeare의 생가가 있는 Warwickshire의 

 Stratford-on-Avon 마을.

∙In ancient civilizations, idolatry was practiced by 

 offering the sacrifices to the gods that the idols 


∙I had had brothers myself, and it was no revelation to 

 me that little girls could be slavish idolaters of

 little boys.

-Turn of The Screw by Henry James-

*revelation: 새로운 사실, 계시, 폭로. 

*slavish: 노예 같은, 비굴한.

*나에게는 형제들이 있었고, 어린 소녀들이 어린 

소년들의 비굴한 숭배자가 될 수 있다는 것이 내겐 

새로운 사실이 아니었다.


lect/legein(to speak, to choose words)

∙There are various dialects spoken in Korea although it

 is a small land. 

*dia: going apart.

∙The Confucian analects teach us that there should not

 be the distinction of classes in education. 

*ana: up, against, back….

*distinction: discrimination, 차별, 구별. 

*Confucian: 공자의. 

*class: 계층, 계급.



Leukemia is a blood cancer; it is a main cause of

 cancer deaths in children under age 15 in the United


*emia(haima, aemia, haemia, hemia):blood. 

*leukemia [lu:ˈkimiə].

Leukoderma makes its patient lose his or her skin

 pigmentation; it can be treated by the laser system.

 *derma: skin.

 * pigmentation: coloration.

∙After being exposed to radioactive, the citizens of

 Hiroshima, who were not instantly killed, suffered from 

 leukopenia, and obstructive symptoms remained for a

 long time. 

*penia: lack, poverty.

*obstructive: 방해하는(자). 

*방사능에 노출된 후 즉시 사망하지 않은

 히로시마 시민들은, 백혈구 감소증으로 고통스러워 

 했고, 장애증세는 오래 지속되었다. 

*penia/penesthai: poor.



Lipase breaks down fats in the human digestive system.

*ase: enzyme(효소)을 뜻하는 어미.

∙Human being ejects lipuria in their urine. 

*uro: urine, 오줌.

∙Interest in cosmetic surgery is increasing among young

 people. They want treatments such as rhinoplasty,

 liposuction, breast enhancement and ear pinning.

 *suction: 흡입.     *rhino(nose)+plasty(formation).

 *enhancement: 높이기, 강화.



∙This is phonolite; it sounds metalic.

∙Stones were taken out from my gall bladder by 


∙Climate change affects on the complexity of the

 hydrosphere, the biosphere, and the lithosphere of the


*sphere: 구球. 

*ammonite, anthracite, dynamite등 

많은 파생어가 있다.

∙그리스어 접미사 -ite는 다음과 같이 정리할 수 있다.

1) 어근이 뜻하는 사람: Israelite, Seoulite(서울 사람), 

     laborite(노동자), New Jerseyite(뉴저지 사람), etc.

2) 화석이나 암석의 뜻: ammonite, anthracite, graphite,

     trilobite(삼엽충 화석), etc.

3) 화약: dynamite, cordite(끈 모양의 화약), etc.

4) 화학품/의약품 명: sulfite(아황산염),

     phosphite(아인산염), vulcanite(경화 고무), etc.


logo/logos(speech, reasoning)

∙He gave us his travelogue of Europe, using a film, 

 a video, and slides.

∙A dialogue between the two countries is possible; their

 representative can dialog about the problems.

∙"To be or not to be is the question" is a monologue by 


∙The author wrote the prologue at the beginning of his 


*pro: favor, before.

∙The epilogue of the play "Oedipus" has a tragic finale; 

 Oedipus tears out his own eyes which are not necessary 

 to see the truth. 

 *play: 희곡. 

 *finale[fəˈnali]: 대단원. 끝. 

 *character: 등장인물. 

 *Oedipus: 고대 그리스 테베의 왕.

 *epi: on, over, near, before, at, after. 

 *tear out: 찢어 뽑아내다. 

 *logue 또는 log형을 쓰기도 한다.


logy, ology/logia(theory, science of)

∙The study of water and its distribution is


∙Dermatology is the study of skin.

∙LOL is phraseology; it is used not in the ordinary

 society, but in the netizen society. 

*LOL: laugh out loud.   * phrase: speech.

∙She had taken her degree in geology and mineralogy in

 the University of London, and while working upon 

 the auriferous rocks of North Wales, after a brief holiday

 spent in agitating for women's suffrage, she had been

 struck by the possibility of these reefs cropping up again

 under the water.

-The War in the Air by H.G. Well-

 *auri/aurum(gold)+fer/ferre(to carry, to bear+ous). 

 *suffrage:투표권, 참정권.

 *reef: 광맥, 산호초, 암초. 

*crop up: 농작물을 (수확하다)기르다, 광맥이 


*while이 이끄는 부사구는 struck에 걸린다. 

*after가 이끄는 부사구는 working에 걸린다. 

*런던대학교에서 지질학 및 mineralogy 학위를 

 취득한 다음, 그녀는 잠시 쉬는 동안 여성참정권 활동에

 참여한 후 노스웨일즈의 금광석에 관한 일을 하던 중, 

수중에서도 이러한 광맥들이 또 노출 될 수도 있다는 

가능성을 알고 충격을 받는다.



Macroeconomics is an important field to help the

 government of a country to improve its economy; 

it deals with the behavior and decision-making of entire 


∙Dr. Stephen W. Hawking studied the entire macrocosm

 and how its parts relate to one another.

 *cosm: cosmos.

Macroecology studies the environmental relationships 

 between organismsat large scale.

 *eco(house)+logy: 유기체와 그가 거주하는

 집(환경)과의 관계를 연구하는 학문이라는 뜻임.


mancy/manteia(divination, 점占)

∙Shamans predict the future by necromancy; they

 communicate with the dead. 

 *necro: the death, corpse.      *shaman: 무당.

∙Bibliomancers use books for divination. 

 *divination: 점占

∙All books and writings dealing with geomancy

 hydromancy, aeromancy, pyromancy, oneiromancy

 chiromancy, necromancy, or with sortilege, mixing 

 of poisons, augury, auspice, sorcery, and magic arts are 

 absolutely repudiated. 

-Don't read this! by Peter Gilmour- 

 *geomancy: 흙占. 

 *hydromancy: 물점. 

 *aeromancy: 공기占, 기후 예측.

 *oneiromancy[o(u)ˈnairəˌmænsi]: 꿈占, 해몽술.

 *pyromancy: 불점. 

 *chiromancy[ˈkairəˌmænsi]: 手相占. 

 *necromancy: 강령술. 

 *sortilege: 제비뽑기占. *auspice: 占.

 *augury[ˈɔ:gjuri]: prediction, 예언. 

 *sorcery: witchcraft,마법, 마술. 

 *repudiate: abandon.

 *arts까지가 주어구句이다.


mania/mania(enthusiasm)(mania는 접미사이지만 

활용도가 커 여기서 다룬다.)

∙She is an agoramania; she strays on the Washington

 Square Park everyday.

∙He loves dogs abnormally; he is a cynomania.

 *cyn/kyon: dog.

∙He loves alcohol abnormally: he is a dypsomania.

 *dyps: thirst.

∙People love money abnormally; they are 


 *chremat: wealth.  *balletomania: 발레 광. 

 *dipsomaniac:알코올 중독자.

 *kleptomaniac: 도벽증. *megalomania: 과대망상증. 

 *monomania: 편집광. 

 *pyromaniac: 방화광.

 *bibliomania: 애서가. 기타 수많은 파생어가 있다.



∙Breast cancer can be healed through mastectomy; it is 

 breast surgery. 


∙Mai Mount in JeonJoo in Korea looks like a mastoid.

 *oid: resembling.     *mastoid[ˈmæsˌtoid].

Mastodon is a massive elephantlike mammal with long, 

 curved upper tusk, flourishing from Miocene to


 *Miocene: 中新世紀.

 *Pleistocene: 홍적세洪積世. 

 *tusk: 송곳니, 뻐드렁니. 

 *mammal [ˈmæ:m(ə)l]: 포유동물. 


 *flourish: 번성하다.


melano/melas(black, dark)

∙Human hair has pheomelanin; both lighter and darker

 human skin also has it. 

 *pheo: dark, dusky.

Melanesia is one of the three divisions of Oceania; 

 the skin of its people is dark. 

 *nesia: island.

∙Many people suicided themselves after listening to

 "Gloomy Sunday" composed by Rezso Seress because 

 of its melancholiac melody and lyrics. 

*Rezso Seress(1889-1968): 헝가리 출신의 작곡가. 

*lyric: 노래 가사.



Mesoamerica consists of Mexico, Belize, Guatemala,

 El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica.

Mesopotamia was an ancient region between the

 Tigris and the Euphrates rivers in modern Iraq, 

 whose civilization was declined by Mongol invasion.

∙The urogenital and the circulatory systems develop

 from mesoderm lying between the ectoderm and the


 *urogenital system: 비뇨생식기계. 

 *ectoderm: 외배엽. 

 *endoderm: 내배엽.

 *circulatory system: 순환기계.



∙He is a misogamist; he hates marriage. 

*wrong이라는 뜻일 때에 접두사 mis-는 게르만어 

계통이다.    예: misbehaviour, misunderstand, etc.

∙The doctor's misanthropic mistrust of mankind(the 

 bitterer because based on personal failure) did not lift

 him sufficiently above common weaknesses. 

-The Mirror of the Sea by Joseph Conrad-

*인류에 대한 그 의사의 인간 혐오적인 불신(개인적인 

 실패에 토대하여 더욱 쓰라린)은 그를 일상적인 약점 

 위로 충분히 올려놓지 못했다. 이 문장은 직역에 

 충실코자 한 문장인데, 독자가 느끼는 바가 있을 


*인류에 대한 인간 혐오적인 불신으로 인해(개인적

 실패이기에 더욱 쓰라린), 그 의사는 일상적인 

 약점에서 완전히 벗어나지를 못했다.


∙FANBOYS is good mnemonics for memorizing seven 

 coordinating conjunctions such as for, and, nor, but, or,

 yet, and so. There is usually a comma before these 

 conjunctions, but you can omit the comma when the

 clauses are very short. 


∙The traffic accident victim has amnesia; he cannot

 remember his


 *a: without. 



mono/monos(one, single)

∙Catholic tradition asks monogamy.

∙Early movies were pictured in monochrome.

∙Music remained monophonic and unmeasured until

 the tenth century, when two or more voice parts 

began appearing in combination. 

*phono: sound. 

*unmeasured: (음악에) 장단이 없는.

∙In this way they hoped soon to monopolize the trade

 with all the tribes on the southern and western waters, 

 and of those vast tracts comprised in ancient 


 -Astoria or Anecdotes of an enterprises 

beyond the Rocky  Mountain by Washington Irving-

*tribe: 종족. 

*tract: 넓은 지역, 길.

*comprise: ~을 포함하다, ~을 구성하다. 

*of 이하는 tribes에 걸리는 형용사구이다. 

*ancient Louisiana: 미시시피 서쪽에서 로키산맥 동쪽, 

북으로는 캐나다의 퀘벡 주, 남으로는 뉴올리언스에 

이르는 광대한 지역. 1803년 토마스 제퍼슨 대통령 때 

천오백만 달러에 프랑스로 부터 사들였다.



∙Most animals are isomorph because their organism 

 does not change in shape during growth. 

 *iso[ˈaisə]: equal.

∙An amoeba is amorphous because it changes from 

 one shape into another.

∙Yahweh has anthropomorphic characteristics, although 

 He is not a person. 

 *anthropo[ænèrəˈpa]: human.

∙Buddhists believe that human beings could undergo 

metamorphosis from human to animal form, according 

to their karma.

*karma[ˈka:rmə]: 업보. * meta: after, beyond, behind.

myceto/mykes(fungus, mushroom)

Mycology includes the study of phylogeny, ecology, 

 geography, taxonomy, physiology, biochemistry, 

 biology, and morphology of fungi, as well as their

 role in the human life and in nature. It also has 

 applications in medicines such as antibiotics, enzymes, 

 vitamins, and citric acid. 

*fungus: 균류, 곰팡이류. 

*aureomycin, chloromycetin, neomycin 등 많은 

항생제 약품명이 이에  근거함을 알 수가 있다. 

 *phylogeny[faiˈladʒini]: 계통발생학 

 *ecology: 생태학.     

 *taxonomy: 분류학. 

 *physiology: 생리학.     

 *morphology: 형태학 

 *enzyme[ˈenzaim]: 효소. 

 *citric[ˈsitrik] acid: 구연산.


myelo/mylos(marrow, 골수)

Myelocytes are derived from promyelocytes and give

  rise to metamyelocytes. 

 *cyte: cell, container *pro: support, before. *meta:

  after, changed.

Myelencephalon controls visceral mechanisms such 

 as breathing, blood circulation, and digestions. 

 *viscera: 동물의 내장

*myelencephalon: 숨골.



Myology is the science of studying the structure and 

 diseases of muscles.

Myocardial infraction brings shortness of breath,

  chest pain, vomiting, palpitation, sweating, and nausea. 


*infarction: 梗塞경색. 

*vomit: 구역질. 

*nausea: 현기증. 

*palpitation: 두근거림, 맥박.

*shortness of breath: 호흡곤란.



∙The first US astronaut is John H. Glenn; he orbited

 the Earth in 1962. 

*aster: star.

∙But the Argonauts saw that this good king looked

 downcast and very much troubled, and they therefore

 inquired of him what was the matter. 

-Tanglewood Tales by Nathaniel Hawthorne-

*argonauts: 황금 양털을 찾아 아고 선을 타고 콜키스 

나라로 떠난, 그리스 신화 상의 용사들. 

*downcast: 의기소침한.

 *아고선의 용사들은 이 선량한 왕이 풀이죽고 

매우 곤경에 처한 듯이 보여, 그에게 무슨 일이냐고 


∙A valve opened from one balloon into the other, and

 thus enabled the aeronauts to communicate with both.

 -Five Weeks in a Balloon by Jules Verne- 

 *enable A to B: A로 하여금 B할 수 있게 하다.


necro/nekros(the dead)

∙In Korean War Veterans Memorial Park, we can see 

the necrology of  the killed in Korean War.

∙Zombie movies are mostly based on the psychological 

background of necrophobia.

∙The step drew nearer, and a guardian in a braided cap 

walked listlessly through the room like a ghost stalking 

through a necropolis.

-The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton-

 *step: 계단. 

 *draw nearer: 점점 가까이 다가오다.

 *guardian: 보호자, 파수꾼. 

 *braided cap: 밀집 모자. 

 *listless: 맥없는, 흥미 없는. 

 *stalk: 몰래 접근하다. 

 *polis: city.

 *계단이 점점 가까이 다가왔고, 밀짚모자를 쓴 

   경비원이 공동묘지를 가로질러 접근하는

   유령처럼 축 늘어진 채 방을 건너 다가왔다.

∙In ancient Egypt, they left a beautiful deceased woman 

 to decay for some days to prevent the men performing

 the funeral from having necrophilia or

 any sexual interest in the body of the deceased beauty. 

 *phile: lover of.     

 *funerary customs: 장례식. 

 *prevent A from B: A로 하여금 B를 못하게 하다.

 *고대 이집트에서는, 아름다운 여인의 시체를 며칠 

동안 방치하여 썩게 해서 장례식을 치루는 남자들이 

시간屍姦을 하거나 또는 죽은 미인의 육체에 어떤 

성적 관심을 못 가지도록 했다.


NeoKeynesian economists are John Hicks, Franco

 Modigliani, and Paul Samuelson; they attempted to 

 interpret and formalize Keynes' writings, and to 

 synthesize it with the neoClassical models of 


*synthesize: ~종합하다. 

*neoClassical economics: Alfred Marshall(1842 -

1924)을 중심으로한 신고전경제학.

∙The dominant technique of neoimpressionism is 

pointillism; it used disciplined networks of dots in their 


 *pointillism: 점묘법.

∙The term neocolonialism was particularly used to

 refer African countries soon after the process of 

 decolonization. People insisted that those African 

 countries were being subjected to a new form of

 colonialism, waged by the former colonial powers 

 and other developed countries.

 *decolonization: 탈 식민지화.

 *colonialism: 식민지주의. 

 *wage: 수행하다.



∙If you find blood in your urine, it may be the symptom

 of nephritis, which also leads to reduce urine output 

 and mild hypertension.

 *urine[ˈju:rin] output: 소변량. 

 *hypertension: 고혈압.

∙A diet with excessive dairy and calcium can cause

 nephrolith. Not drinking enough fluid also may cause


 *lith: stone. 

 *fluid: 음료.



∙Micronesia lies to the east of Indonesia; it consists of 

many small islands.

∙Polynesia is composed of more than 1,000 islands.

∙Melanesia is called such as because its people have 

black skin.



∙A neuron is the basic unit of the nervous system.

∙If you feel fatigue, worries, and pains without apparent

 cause, it must be neurasthenia.


∙My father has neuritis; a nerve in his right arm is 


∙itis[aitis]를 어미로 하는 생활에 긴요한 병명.

*adenitis(lymphadenitis): 임파선염. 

*adenoiditis: 편도선염. 

*angiitis: 혈관염.

*appendicitis: 맹장염. 

*arthritis: 관절염.

*bronchitis: 기관지염. 

*bursitis: 점액낭염, 오십견.

*carditis: 심장염. 

*cholangitis: 쓸개관염. 

*cholecystitis: 담낭염. 

*colitis: 대장염. 

*cystitis: 방광염.

*dermatitis: 피부염.

*encephalitis: 뇌염. 

*endocarditis: 심장내막염. 

*endometritis: 자궁내막염. 

*endophlebitis:정맥 내막염.

*enteritis: 장염. 

*gastritis: 위염. 

*gastroenteritis: 위장염. 

*gingivitis: 치은염. 

*hepatitis: 간염.

*laryngitis: 후두염. 

*lithonephritis: 신장결석염.

*mastitis: 유선염. 

*meningoencephalitis: 수뇌막염.

*meningitis: 수막염.

*meningomyelitis: 수막척수염.

*meningitis: 수막염. *myelitis: 척수염.

*myocarditis: 심근염. *myositis: 근육염.

*nephritis: 신장염. *neuritis: 신경염.

*oophoritis(ovaritis): 난소염. 

*osteomyelitis: 골수염. 

*osteoarthritis: 골관절염. *otitis: 이염.

*parotitis: 유행성 이하선염, 볼거리. 

*peritonitis: 복막염. 


*phlebitis: 정맥염. 

*phrenitis: 뇌염. 

*poliomyelitis: 척수성 소아마비. 

*pyonephritis: 화농성 신장염.

*rhinitis: 비염. 

*sinusitis:부비강염, 축농증.

*tendinitis: 힘줄염. 

*tenosynovitis: 腱활막염. 

*tonsillitis: 편도선염.


∙ia를 어미로 하는 병명.

*achlorhydria: 무위산증無胃酸症.

*amyotonia: 근육무기력증.

*anarthria: 발음불능증. 

*asthenopia: 안구피로증. 

*aphasia: 실어증.

*bradyarthria: 발음지진증. 

*bradyphrenia: 정신지진증.

*chloropsia: 녹색증.

*dysarthria: 발음부전증, 말더듬증.

*dysuria: 배뇨곤란증.

*gastralgia: 위통.

*hebephrenia: 청년치매증.

*hematuria: 혈뇨증. *hemiplegia: 반신불수.

*hemophilia: 혈우병. 

*hyperlipenia: 혈중지방과다증. 

*hyperacusia: 청각과민증.

*hypochondria: 건강불안증.

*lipuria: 지뇨증脂尿症.

*melanuria: 흑뇨증黑尿症. 


*myasthenia: 근육무기력증.

*neuralgia: 신경통. 

 *neurasthenia: 신경쇠약증.

*oligophrenia: 정신박약증. 

*ophthalmia: 眼염증. 

*ophthalmoplegia: 안구근육마비증.

*paracusia: 청각장애증. 

*paraplegia: 하반신마비증, 대마비對痲痺증.

*photophthalmia: 광안염증光眼炎症. 

*pneumonia: 폐렴.

*polyuria: 다뇨증. 

*pyemia: 膿血증. *pyuria: 농뇨증膿尿症.

*rhinophonia: 코맹맹이증. 

*schizophrenia: 정신분열증.

*tachycardia: 심장박동급속증. 

*uremia: 뇨독증尿毒증.


∙osis를 어미로 하는 병명.


*anisocytosis: 세포부동증. 

*arthroempyesis: 관절농증關節膿症.

*chlorosis: 白花증. 

*cyanosis: 청색증.

*cytolysis: 세포퇴화증.

*diuresis: 배뇨과다증. 

*dysostosis: 骨不全症.

*elephantiasis: 象皮병. 

*enuresis: 요실금. 

*exostosis: 뼈돌출증.


*leucocytosis: 백혈구과다증. 

*lipohemarthrosis: 지방혈관절증.

*melanosis: 흑색증. 

*mycosis: 사상균병, 진균증.

*necrosis: 세포괴사증細胞壞死症. 

*neurosis: 노이로제.

*osteoporosis: 골다공증.

*otomycosis: 외이도진균증.

*paralysis: 중풍. 

*phlebosclerosis: 정맥 경화증. 

*psoriasis: 건선.

*psychosis: 정신이상.

*sclerosis: 硬化증. 

*stenosis: 협착증狹窄症.

*tuberculosis: 폐결핵.


ode/aoide(song, poem)

∙Charlie Chaplin parodied Adolf Hitler in "The Great 

Dictator"; it is a great black comedy. 

*The Great Dictator: 1940년에 발표된

        나치즘 비판 영화. 

 *par(side by side, beyond)+ode+y

∙Gregorian chants are monodic; they have only melody 

without harmony. 

 *Gregorian chant: 그레고리 성가. 교황 그레고리I세 

II세가 기존의 구전되어 온 유대 예배 음악을 수집, 

 4선기보법에 의해 정리한 것으로 현재 약 3천여곡이 

남아 있으며, 서양 음악의 모태이기도 하다.

∙ "Ode on a Grecian Urn" by John Keats is a romantic

 lyric poem; it contemplates the vicissitude of life. 

*John Keats(1795.10.31~1821.2.23): Lord Byron, 

Percy B. Shelly와 함께 낭만주의 운동을 주도한 

영국 시인. 

*vicissitude: 영고성쇠.



∙The odometer in my car reads 1,000 miles.

∙Anode and cathode are electrodes on which electric 

current is polarized. 

 *an(a, in, un)+hodos: 양극. 

 *cat(down)+hodos: 음극. 

 *electric current: 전류. 

 *polarize: (전기가)극성을 띄다.

∙Nearly all the labourers on Flintcomb-Ash Farm 

intended flight, and early in the morning there was

a general exodus in the direction of the town. 

 -Tess by Thomas Hardy-

*flight: escape. 

*intend: to plan, to resolve. 

*general: extensive. 

*프린트콤-애쉬 농장의 모든 일꾼들은 도망을

 결심했고, 이른 아침이 되자 읍내로 향하는 

대규모 탈출이 이루어졌다.



∙I spoiled my summer vacation; I had to visit the 

orthodontist every other day because of my toothache. 

*toothache: 치통.

 *ortho(correct, right, straight)+dont+ist.

∙Forensic odontology identified the skeletons of the lost 

baby; the criminal was arrested. 

*forensic: 법정에서 사용되는, 법의학적인.

*skeleton: 해골. 

* criminal: 범인. 

*arrest: 체포하다.



∙World TV market is oligopolized by a few big 

electronic manufacturers.

∙Such city-states as Athens, Sparta, Megara, Corinth, 

and Argos were oligarchies; each of them was ruled 

by a few families.



∙Samuel Langhorne Clemens(1835~1910)wrote novels

 under the pseudonym of Mark Twain.

∙"Bark" is homonyms; it has completely different two 

meanings like "a dog barks" and "a tree's bark", but the 

word "bark" in this sentence has the same spelling and


*homo: same.

∙The antonym of "attack" is "defend". 

*anti: opposite.

∙ "Sympathy" and "compassion" are synonyms.

*sy = syl = sym = syn: together with. 

*단어를 인용할 때는 인용부호(" ")를 사용한다.

∙An "anonymous" person composed El Cant dels Ocells, 

the famous Catalan folk song in 9th century; its 

composer is unknown to us. It was interpreted by 

Pablo Casals for cello music.

* El Cant dels Ocells : 9세기 까딸로니아 민요.

* Pablo Casals(1876-1973): 스페인 까딸로니아 출신의

 첼리스트. 그의 나이 13세 때, 바르셀로나의 어느 

 고서점에서 바하의 무반주 첼로소나타

 악보를 우연히 발견, 10년을 연습 후 발표했다 함.



∙This insect has its eggs in its ootheca. 

 *theca: case, container.

Oosphere has chromosomes in its nucleus; it is a 

female sex cell.

 *chromosome: 염색체.

 *nucleus: 핵.



∙Patricia Bath invented the laser instrument for cataract 

surgery in 1988; she majored in ophthalmology in 

Howard University Medical School. 

 *cataract[ˈkætəˌrækt]: 백내장, 대홍수, 대 폭포.

 *surgery: 수술. 

 *major in: ~을 전공하다.

∙Exposing your eyes to the strong sunlight can bring 




∙The traffic accident injured the optic nerves in his eye.

Optometry is required before deciding the lenses of 

your glasses.

∙You can experience a mirage in desert; it is an optical


ornis, ornith/ornis(bird)

∙He is ornithophilous; he puts a lot of bird cages in 

the terrace of his house to invite birds.

∙The fossils of ichthyornis are found in the stratum of

 the Cretaceous period; they are considered to be the

 ancestors of modern birds.

 *stratum: 지층. 

 *the Cretaceous period: 백악기.

 *ichthyo: fish.

∙But I confess that I am now inclined to think that there 

is a finer way of studying ornithology than this. 

It requires so much closer attention  to the habits of the 


-Walden, or Life in the Woods by Henry D. Thoreau- 

 *be inclined to: ~하고 싶은 생각이 들다. ~하는 

  경향이 있다. 

 *그렇지만 내 고백컨대, 이제는 이보다 더 좋은 

  조류학 연구방법이 있다고 생각하게 되었다. 

  그것은 새들의 습성에 더욱 세밀한 주의를 

  기울일 것을 요구한다.



∙The Greek orthodox churches follow liturgy with the

 New Testament in Greek. 

*liturgy: 전례, 예배.

∙An orthopedist corrects the skeletal deformation of

 human body.

*skeletal[ˈskelitl]: 골격의.

∙This orthodontist corrected the irregularities of 

my teeth.



∙An osteopathist manipulates the muscles and bones to 

promote structural integrity of the body. 

*patho: suffering, feeling, disease.

 *manipulate: ~을 다루다.

 *integrity: 완전무결, 정직, 힘.

∙Orthopedists sometimes use an osteotome to cut or 

divide bones.

∙She is suffering from osteoporosis at her age 60.

 *poro/poros: passage, 통로.


∙An otorhinolaryngologist looked into my ears through

 an otoscope.

*rhino: nose. 

*laryngo/larynx: 후두.

Otology studies not only the pathological anatomy and 

physiology of the ear, but also its diseases, diagnosis and 


*pathology: 병리학.  

*anatomy: 해부학. 

* physiology: 생리학. 

*diagnosis: 진찰. 

*not only A, but also B: A뿐만 아니라 B도.



∙Thanks to paleontology, we can understand the

 situation of prehistoric animals and plants.

 *onto/einai: being, to be.

Paleolithic men lived, crouching in caves for 

hundred thousand years.

*neolithic : 신석기 시대의. 

*crouch: 웅크리다. 

*cave: 동굴.

∙Archaeologists have tried to decipher the Mayan letters 

with paleolographical and epigraphical skills, but 

they have failed.

*epigraphy: 금석학. 

*paleography: 고古문서학. 

*archaeologist: 고고학자.


pan, panto/pas(all)

Pantology classifies and illustrates exactly all human

 knowledge; it negates the synopsis of facts and 

principles of the knowledge. 

 *synopsis: 槪要, 개략적인 줄거리.

 *negate: 부정하다.

Pantheism views the universe as God; it was common

 in many ancient religions and societies. *theo: god.

∙All gods are worshipped in Pantheon.

∙Korea held a Pan-Asian economic conference.

Pandemic influenza outbreak can kill millions.

 *demo: people.


patho/pathos(suffering, feeling)

∙"Pathetic", the piano sonata by Beethoven, is very 


∙Individual's isolation from a society brings so many 

psychopaths in modern time. 

 *isolation: 소외.

∙Hamlet's odd behavior was pathological. 

 *odd: strange.

∙The number of votes cast was very low because of the

 apathy of voters. 


∙She sympathized with me when I failed in getting a 


∙Blues music is sometimes full of pathos. 

*이미 다 배운 것들이다.


pedo/paid(child, soil)

∙A pedodontist works solely for children's dental needs.

*라틴어간 pede참고.

∙The pediatrician cured baby's illness.

∙This book includes an introduction to pedology; soil 

classification and cartography, soil contamination, 

soil microscopy, and soil genesis.

*cartography: 지도제작법. 

* microscopy: 현미경 검사법.

∙The two adaptations of the novel "Lolita" are 

perhaps the most well known examples of pedophilia

 and child sexual abuse in literature. 

*Lolita: 어린이 섹스를 다룬 

Vladimir Nabokov(1899-1977, 러시아 출신의 미국

 작가)의 소설명.

∙Everybody knows that orthopaedic science provides 

 beautiful false noses for those who have lost their noses

 naturally or as the result of an operation.       

   -The Phantom of The Opera by Gaston Leroux-

*naturally~operation은 lost를 수식하는 부사구.



∙I like the Microsoft Encarta multimedia encyclopedia 

because it has great pictures and video clips for many 



∙The school of education teaches pedagogy to the 

students who want to be a teacher. 

*pedagogy [ˈpedəˌgoudʒi].

∙He was a pedant, to the most extreme point, the greatest 

pedant I had met on earth, and with that had a vanity 

only befitting Alexander of Macedonia.

-Notes from the Underground by Fyodor Dostoyevsky-

*vanity: 공허, 허영. 

*with that는 pedant를 가리키는 것으로 원인을

 말하는 부사구이다. 

*그는 공론가, 극단적으로 말해 내가 이 땅에서 

만난 대단한 현학자로서, 그로 인해 마케도니아의

알렉산더 대왕에게나 걸맞을 허영심을 가지고




∙It takes million years for dead plants and trees to be 


∙After taking his degree in petrology, he was employed 

by an oil company to explore new fields.

∙The most spectacular petroglyphs made by prehistoric 

people are

found throughout the Hawaiian Islands. 

*glyph: carving.

phago/phagein(to eat)

∙Geophagy is pica; it craves for non-nutritive 

substances like clay, soil, paper and etc.. 

*pica: 이식증異食症.

∙Two years after British archaeologist Howard Carter 

and his workmen discovered the tomb of the Pharaoh 

Tutankhamen near Luxor, Egypt, they uncovered the

greatest treasure of the tomb--a stone sarcophagus 

containing a solid gold coffin that held the mummy of 


-An Essay from The History.com-

*sarco: flesh. 

*solid gold: 순금. 

*archaeologist: 고고학자. 

*uncover: 뚜껑을 열다. 폭로하다. 

*coffin: 관.     

*mummy: 미이라. 

*Howard Carter (1874~1939): 영국의 

고고학자. 투탄카멘 왕의 무덤을 발견했다.

∙The dysfunction of phagocyte causes the serious

 morbidity and mortality, but the research in this area is

 delayed because of the complexity  of the underlying

 illness and the lack of clinical study methodology and 

 the limitation of laboratory assays. 

 *cyte/cyto: cell.

 *식세포의 기능 상실은 심각한발병과 사망의 

원인이 되고 있지만, 내재된 질병의 복잡성, 

임상적인 연구방법과 연구실의 실험 제한으로,

이 분야의연구가 지지부진하다. 

*anthophagous, anthropophagous, ichthyophagous등 

여러 가지 조합이 가능하다. 어휘에 대한 이해가 

있으면 이와 같은 전문적인 문장도 쉽게 이해할

수 있다.


phan/phainein(to appear)

∙He thought he saw phantoms in the cemetery.

∙It was the Sixth Sunday after Epiphany, and the collect

 began with the words: O God, whose blessed Son was 

 manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil, 

 and  make us the sons of God, and heirs of Eternal life.

        -Of Human Bondage by Somerset W. Maugham- 

*collect: 기도서, 집도문集禱文. 

*manifest: present. 

*…(in order) that may는 목적을 말하는 부사절로

 in order가 생략 되었다. 

*예수님공현축일 이후 여섯째 일요일, 기도는 이런

 말로 시작했다. 오 주님, 사탄의 악업들을 멸하시고 

 저희를 주님의 자제로, 영원한 생명의 상속자로 

 만드시기 위해 당신의 은총 받으신 아드님이 


∙It was a lovely May sunset, and the birch trees 

which grew on this margin of the vast Egdon 

wilderness had put on their new leaves, delicate

as butterflies' wings, and diaphanous as amber.

  -The Return of The Native byThomas Hardy-

*sunset: 일몰. 

*dia: passing through, completely. 

*birch tree: 자작나무. 

*put on: (옷을)입다. 

*amber: 호박琥珀. 

*margin: 가장자리. 

*vast: 광대한. 

*delicate 앞에 주격관계대명사 which were가 

생략 되었다. …leaves, which were A , and B의 

형식으로 A, and B가 were의 보어를 이루고 있다.

*아름다운 5월의 황혼녘, 광활한 에그던 황야의 

이 언저리에 자란 자작나무들은, 나비의 날개처럼

섬세하고 호박처럼 투명한 새 잎새들을 입고 있었다.


phasia/phanai(to speak)

∙A stroke can bring aphasia; it takes away the power 

of speech.

*stroke: 뇌일혈. 


∙Dysphasia is different from dysarthria; the former

 lacks the ability of communication, but the latter

 is poor articulation.

*dys(bad)+phasia: 造語不能症. 

*dysarthria: 發音不全症.

*articulation: 조음造音, 발음. 

*the former ~ the latter: 전자~ 후자.


phile/philos(lover of)

∙One who loves wisdom is a philosopher.

∙He chose to make philanthropy his guide in 

life. He loved to give his money to the poor people.

∙If you love musical harmony, you might join a 

philharmonic orchestra.

∙A pedophiliac tends to commit child sexual abuse; it 

is a serious mental disorder. 

 *pedo: child, soil. 

 *disorder: disease. 

 *abuse: hurt. 

 *acidophile: 호산성. 

 *alkaliphile: 친알카리성. 

 *anthophile: 꽃 애호가. 

 *Anglophile: 영국 애호가.

 *audiophile: 오디오 애호가.

 *bibliophile: 애서가, 희귀본수집가. 

 *Francophile: 프랑스 애호가. 

 *Koreanophile: 한국 애호가. 

 *photophile: 향일성.

 *oenophile[ˈinəˌfail]: 포도주 애호가. 

 *sinophile, japanophile 등 많은 조합이 가능하며,

 독자가 만들 수도 있다.



Phlebosclerosis may cause the development of


*sclero: hard. 

*thrombosis: 혈전증.

Phlebitis is an inflammation of a vein caused by 




∙Thomas Edison invented the phonograph; its first

 model was a cylinder type which is now very

 precious one as an antique.

*graph: written or drawn.

∙In a word "boy", "b","o", and "y" are phonemes; 

each of them is the smallest sound unit.

∙The phonetics of Spanish is very different from 


phore/pherein(to bear)

∙Torches or smokes were very important semaphore

for rapid and reliable communications in ancient wars; 

*torch: 횃불, 봉화.     *sema: sign.

∙Chameleons change their color by chromatophore 

cells; they rotate their eyes 360-degree to see two 

different objects at the same time.



∙Plants do photosynthesis, by which they produce 

oxygen as a byproduct.

 *byproduct: 부산물. 


∙Television is a good example of photojournalism.

∙The first photojournalist in the history is Carol 

Szathmari who took the pictures of Crimean War to

 report the battle scenes vividly.

*Crimean War(1853~1856): 영, 불, 오스만 터키 

동맹군이 러시아와 싸운 전쟁.

∙Patients with photophobia usually feel migraine; they

 dislike direct light and seek a dark place. 

*migraine[ˈmaigrein]: 편두통.



∙The legal phraseology in that book is hard to


∙In these matters a periphrase was demanded by the 

decorum of life, but, as he asked another question

 instead, it flashed through him that the doctor must be 

accustomed to the impatience of a sick man's relatives.

-Of Human Bondage by Somerset W. Maugham- 

 *decorum: 예절. 

 *flash:(불빛이) 번득이다, (생각이) 퍼뜩 떠오르다.

 *peri: around, surrounding.

 *수동형의 제2형식 문장과 it~that 문장이 

 but으로 연결 되어 있다. that…relatives부분이 

 진주어로 주동사는 flashed. through him은

 flashed에 걸리는 부사구. 

*as절은 시간에 관한 부사절로 역시 flushed 에


*앞 문장이 없어 정확한 파악이 어렵지만 

 문장의 논리로 보아, he와 him은 다른 인물이고, 

 the doctor는 의사를 총칭하고 있다. 아마 죽어가는

 환자에 대한 의사의 예의를 말하는 것 같다. 

*이 같은 문제들에 있어, 생명에 대한 예절로 인해

 에둘러 말하는 것이 필요하지만, 대신 그가 또 다른

 질문을 했을 때, 의사란 환자의 친인척들이 

 가지는 조바심에 익숙해져야만 한다는 생각이 

 퍼뜩 머리를 스쳤다.



∙A patient with dementia has bradyphrenia and 

bradykinesia; the patient can't respond to the 

environment because of memory impairment. 

 *brady: slow.

 *bradykinesia: 운동지체증.

 *dementia[diˈmenʃə]: 치매. 

 *impairment: damage, 손상.

∙The characteristics of hebephrenia are illogical and 

 incoherent behaviors and thoughts; it is the subtype of 

 schizophrenia and a chronic disease. 

 *hebe: youth.     

 *incoherent: 모순된.

 *schizophrenia: 정신분열증.

 *chronic: 고질적인.      

 *subtype: 하위급. 

 *chronic disease: 만성병.

∙The central tenet of phrenology is that intellectual 

abilities and personality traits are correlated with 

cranial morphology with bumps on the head. 

-Phrenology by Charles G. Gross-

*tenet: 신조信條. *morphology: 형태(학).

*bump on the head: 두개골 융기. 

*지적 능력이나 개인의 특성은 머리 위가 융기한 

두개골의 형태와 관련이 있다는 것이 골상학이 

말하는 핵심 주장이다. 

*crane: 두개골.



∙I am a golfer, but a neophyte. 

*neo[ni:o(u)]: new.

∙Students in the phytopathology center may specialize 

in foliar and stem fungus diseases, soilborne pathogens, 

disease physiology, plant nematology, or virology…, 

and more. 

*fungus: 곰팡이, 버섯. 

*foliar: foliage(잎)의 형용사 형. 

*soilborne pathogen: 토양성 병원균. 

*physiology: 생리학

*nematology: 선충학線蟲 學. 

*virology: 바이러스학. 

*patho: suffering, disease, feeling. 


∙At some stage during their life, most phytophagous 

insects are required to find a host plant for feeding

 and development. 

 *phagous: eating. 

 *host plant: 숙주가 되는 식물. 

 *development: 성장. 

 *feeding: 먹이.


∙Koalas are phyllophagous animals: they eat the leaves

 of eucalyptus.

*koala: 코알라 곰.     

*eucalyptus: 유칼리나무.

∙Chlorophyll decomposes rapidly if it's exposed to light

 and oxygen.

*chloro: green.

*be exposed to: ~에 노출 되다. 

*layer: 층, 겹.


physio/physis(natural order)

∙The laws of physics are true throughout the universe. 

*throughout: everywhere.

∙Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that asks

 fundamental questions about the nature of existence 

 and reality. 

 *meta: after, behind, beyond, among, along with.

∙Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours coined the 

word "physiocracy", which means the rule of nature to 

describe the doctrine of François Quesnay. 

 *to이하는 부정사구로 목적을 나타낸다. 

 *rule of nature: 자연의 지배. 

 *coin: invent. *doctrine: 학설. 

 *François Quesnay (1694-1774): 프랑스 

중농주의 경제학자. 

*Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours[1793 -1817]: 

프랑스의 작가 겸 경제학자.


plasm/plasma(substance of a cell, 세포질)

∙Most cellular activities like glycolysis, cell division or

 protein synthesis occur in the cytoplasm of a cell.

 *glycolysis: 당 분해. 

 *cell division: 세포분열. 

 *protein synthesis: 단백질 합성. 

 *lysis: break down.

 *cyto: cell.

∙The endoplasmic reticulum is the vast amount of 

membrane of a cell, which is responsible for the

 production of hormones.

 *endo: within. 

 *reticulum: 그물 조직. 

 *membrane: 막.

∙Benign neoplasm is noncancerous, while malignant

 one or cancer shows anaplasia and metastasis. 

*benign[biˈnain]: 양성의. 

*malignant: 악성의. 

*ana(up, against, back)+plasia(growth): 퇴화. 

*meta(after, along with, beyond, behind)+

        sta(stand)+sis(state,process): 전이. 

*neo: new. *noncancerous: 비암성의.


platy/platys(flat, wide)

∙Platysma muscle is used for repairing the defects of 

face because of its color and elasticity; it is a superficial

 muscle of the neck.

∙The Andamanese is small, dolichocephalic, shining 

black, platyrhine, and has thick upturned lips. 

*dolicho(long, narrow)+cephalic(head). 

*rhine: nose. 

*Andamanese: 안다만 사람. 

*upturned: 위를 향해 뒤집힌.

*rhino: nose.


plegia/plege(a blow, paralysis)

∙Spinal cord injury can result in either paraplegia or 


*para: at one side, side by side.

*quadriplegia: 사지마비.

*spinal[spainl] cord: 척수.

∙A patient with spastic diplegia has difficulty in walking

 because of muscle rigidity caused by the cerebral palsy; 

it can be treated by Botox injection, 

hyperbaric, and any other physical treatments. 

*spastic: 경련성. 

*di: two, both.

*palsy: 저림, 마비. 

*gait: 걸음걸이. 

*hyperbaric: 고압산소요법.

∙He was diagnosed as being affected by hemiplegia

a paralysis of one half of the body.

 *paralysis: 마비. 

 *hemi: a half.



∙The new president stood at the podium and delivered

 the inauguration speech. 

*inauguration: 취임식, 개시.

∙The photographer set up a tripod and camera.

∙He is suffering from foot pain: he has pododynia.

 * odyne(pain)+ia.



∙Seoul, like New York, is a megalopolis; it is a densely 

populated city with urban complexes.

 *megalo: great.

∙Babylon is the world's first metropolis

*metro(meter): mother

∙Greeks gathered in the Acropolis and discussed their

 social, political

problems; it was a flat and wide rock rising 150m above 

sea level and the cradle of the ancient Greek direct 


*cradle: 요람. *acro: height.

∙In fact, they violate a central conception of the society 

 of states and propose a world in which the ancient

 principles of sovereignty, self- determination and

 non-intervention are abandoned in favor of a global

cosmopolis, with America as judge, jury and executioner.

-The Freedom Crusade by Robert W. Tucker-

 *a central conception of the society of states: 국가들로 

  이루어진 사회라는 중심 개념.

 *propose: 획책하다. 

 *sovereignty: 주권. 

 *self-determination: 자결권. 

 *jury: 배심원. 

 *executioner: 법 집행자. 

 *두 개의 제3형식 문장이 and로 연결되어 있다.

 *사실을 말하면, 그들은 국가들로 (이루어진) 

사회라는 중심 개념을 무시하고 미국을 재판관으로, 

배심원으로, 그리고 법의 집행자로 하는 하나의 

지구적인 세계도시를 위해, 주권, 자결권 및

불간섭이라는 고전적 원칙들을 포기한 세계를



poly/polis(many, much)

∙The expression like x2+2x+1 is polynomials; they are 

 sums of variables, coefficients, constants, and

 exponents expressions.

 *variable: 변수. 

 *exponent: 지수.

 *coefficient: 계수. 

 *constant: 상수.

∙Paul Gauguin's masterpiece "Where do we come 

from" was painted by him in Tahiti, where lies in the 

Territory of French Polynesia in the South Pacific. 

*nesia: island.

∙I was guided by a polyglot tour guide when I visited


*glot/glotta: tongue.

∙ 수의 표시에 관해 다음과 같이 정리한다.

1) 두 단어 이하는 문자로, 세 단어 이상은 숫자로


*I have two sons. I spend $100,000 for their education

 every year. Each of them asks $fifty thousand. 

100,000은 one hundred thousand로 3개의 단어이기 

때문에 문자로 쓸 수 없다.

2) 그러나 한 문장 내에서 수가 나열 될 때는, 

두 단어 이하라도 숫자로 통일해야 한다.

*Imelda Marcos had 2,170 pairs of shoes, 90 pairs of 

boots, and 45 pairs of sandals. ninety pairs(X)…, 

forty-five pairs (X)….

3) 문장의 첫머리는 반드시 문자로 시작해야 한다.

*Nine of our class has dropped out (O). 

*9 of our…(X). 그러나 문장 첫머리에 세 단어 이상이

 올 때는 문장을 바꾸어 써야 한다.

*Two hundred thousand people died in the earthquake 

of Haiti in 2010. (X).

*The earthquake killed 200,000 in Haiti in 2010. (O).

4) 나이와 기약분수는 문자로 쓴다.

*I am fifty, and two-third of my life has gone. 

그러나 100세 이상은 숫자로 쓴다.

*My mother died at the age of 105.

5) 두 개의 숫자가 함께 할 때에는 앞의 것은 문자, 

뒤의 것은 숫자로 표시한다.

*My wife gave me five $5 bills. 5불짜리 지폐를 5장 

주었다는 뜻.

6) 백만 이상일 경우는 숫자로 표시한다.

*The hurricane left 1.5 million refugees.

7) 부호는 반드시 숫자와 함께 쓴다.

*60% (O). sixty percent (X).

*6'2" (O). six feet two inches (X). 

8) 센트까지의 정확한 금액은 숫자로 쓴다.

*$2.50 (O). two dollars fifty cents (X). 그러나

 대체적인 금액은 around two dollars  처럼 

 문자로도 쓸 수 있다. 



∙General Motors Company built a prototype of an 

electric car.

Protoplasm consists of small molecules and

 macromolecules; it is the living content of a cell. 

*plasm/plasma: form.

∙The amoeba is protozoa; it is the simplest form of life.

*zoa/zoon: animal.

∙A galaxy is forming from a protogalaxy; this consists 

of gases.



∙Eric Arthur Blair wrote novels under the pseudonym 

of George Orwell. 동격의 of이다.

∙Unreliable studies such as phrenology and astrology are

 actually pseudosciences. 

*astrology: 점성술. 

*phreno/phren(mind)+logy: 골상학.

∙Under the authoritarian government, there are

 many spy pseudoevents.

∙Many people use their pseudonym in the Internet.


psycho/psyche(mind, spirit)

∙She researches the mind and behavior of human being; 

she majored in psychology in college.

Psychiatry treats the disorders of the mind.

∙He yells at people on the street at night; he must be a


*yell: 고함치다.

∙A psychic shock or trauma affects on the mind




∙The helix wings of a helicopter rotate to rise up in 

the sky.

*helix: spiral.

∙Because the flower-feeding coleopteron or 

 lepidopteron has to use its wing to get foods, its wing

 has been functionally developed. It is compatible 

 with the Natural Selection by Charles Darwin. 

*natural selection: 자연선택. 

*cole/koleon: sheath. 

*be compatible with: ~와 양립하는. 

*lepido: scale.



∙The skin infection can bring pyoderma; it causes the 

pyorrhea from the skin if it is not appropriately treated. 

 *pus: 고름. 

 *rrhea: stream.

Pyogenesis results from the streptococcus pyogenes 

 which causes the various human diseases from simple

 skin infections to life-threatening diseases. 

 *strepto: twisted. *coccus: seed.



Pyrotechnics is the art of making and displaying 


∙Albert Schweitzer suffered from malaria which 

accompanies pyrexia intermittently. 

*intermittently: 간헐적으로.

∙A pyromaniac loves to set fire.

∙I suffered from pyrophobia, but no matter how hard

 I tried, I couldn't seem to rid myself of it.

-Your Life by The Mirror- 

*rid oneself of: ~에서 벗어나다.


Rhinitis causes congestion and postnasal drip; it also 

sends mucus to the throat through the back nasal passage. 

*mucus: 콧물. 

*postnasal[-ˈneizəl ]: behind nose. 

*congestion: 울혈. 

*drip: 물방울(져 떨어지다)

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular plastic surgery

 today; it reshapes, reduces or augments a person's nose

 to achieve facial harmony and give self-confidence. 

*plastic surgery: 성형 수술.

*augment: ~을 크게 하다. 

*plast/plastos: mold, formation.


Rhinoceros are hunted and killed because of their 

precious horns which replace ivory. 

*cero/keras: horn, 뿔. 

*haibtat: 서식지


schizo/schizein(to split)

∙A person with schizoid avoids social activities and the 

interaction with others. 

*oid: like, resembling.

∙For example, "delusion of grandeur" is typical 

 schizophrenia, where a patient may well truly believe

 that he or she is actually the leader of a country, or a 

 reincarnation of someone important.    

*예를 들어, "과대망상"은 전형적인 정신분열증으로

환자는 자신이 정말 일국의 지도자 또는 

어떤 중요 인물의 화신이라고 믿는다.



∙Cirrhosis, the sclerosis of the liver, occurs when the

 healthy tissues of the liver are replaced by scarred 


*cirrhosis: 간경화증. 

*scar: 상처(가 나다).

∙Arteriosclerosis makes the blood flow of the blood 

vessels of extremities decreased because it narrows and

 hardens the arteries that supply blood to the feet and legs.

 *extremities: 사지.

 *artery: 동맥. 

 *blood vessels: 혈관.

 *narrow: 좁아지다, 좁게 하다. 

 *harden: 경화시키다. 

 *decreased는 물론 목적보어이다.

∙To measure the degree of the hardness of a mineral, we 

use a sclerometer that makes scratches on the surface of 

the mineral by pressing a diamond point on it. 

 *scratch: 생채기(를 내다).



Somatology is the study of human body; it is the basic 

science to study anthropology. 

*anthropology: 인류학.

∙If a person or a society wants to be viscerotonia, 

 somatotonia and cerebrotonia must be balanced.

 None of both must be despised.

*viscerotonia: 식도락 우월. 

*cerebrotonia: 知性 우월. 

*despise: 무시하다. 

*viscera[ˈvis(ə)rəl]:창자, 내장.

∙The DNA is contained in chromosome which looks 

like tiny threads.

*chromo: color.



∙Philosophy refers more specifically to the critical study

 of five major topics: Epistemology, Metaphysics, Ethics, 

 Political Philosophy, and Logic. 

 *Epistemology: 인식론. 

 *Metaphysics: 형이상학. 

 *Political Philosophy: 정치철학. 

 *Logic: 논리학. 

 *Ethics: 윤리학. 

 *critical: very important.

 *specifically: 세부적으로.

∙In the United States, the term "sophomore" is used to 

describe a student in the second year of high school or 


*more/moros: stupid. 

*2학년 학생은 아는 체한다고 해서 비롯된 말.


sphere/sphaira(ball, orb, planet, scope)

∙The atmosphere is made up of several layers: the 

tropospherestratosphere, mesosphere, ionosphere

and exosphere. 

*troposphere: 대류권. 

*stratosphere: 성층권. 

*mesosphere: 중간층. 

*ionosphere: 전리층. 

*exosphere: 외기권.

∙Most of the clouds lie in the troposphere which is the

 closest to Earth and is associated with weather.

 *tropo/tropos: turn, reaction, change.

∙The stratosphere is just above the troposphere; it

 extends from about 10 to 30 miles above the surface of 

 the Earth.

∙Thirty to fifty miles above the surface of the Earth is

 the mesosphere, the coldest part of the atmosphere. 

*meso/mesos: middle.

∙Above the mesosphere, it is called the ionosphere

 where things start to heat up to several thousand 

degrees by Fahrenheit. 

*Fahrenheit: 화씨. 

*iono: ion.

∙The space starts from the exosphere which is the

 outermost layer of

 the Earth's atmosphere.

 *exo: outer, outside.


stal, stol, stle/stellein(to send)

∙Each epistle of the Bible states that the author of 

 all 13 epistles is Paul, so most conservative theologians

 believe it because they believe in the inerrancy of

 the Bible. 

*inerrancy: 무오류성無誤謬性.

*theologian: 신학자. 

*conservative: 보수적인.

∙The food we eat is moved through the digestive system 

 by peristalsis which is a series of organized muscle


 *peri: about, around.     

 *digestive system: 소화기관.

 *contraction: 수축.

∙I can image that at the end of ten years we might have

 a very pleasant correspondence. I shall have nurtured 

my epistolary style.

        -The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James-

 *nurture: feed, take care of.

 *correspondence: 편지(교환).



∙The news reporter wrote a report in stenography and

 word-processed it later.

∙The crysanthemum is stenopetalous flower; its petal is

 very narrow.

*petal/petalon: 꽃잎. 

*crysanthemum: 국화.


stereo/steros(solid, three dimensional)

∙In Disneyland, armchair tourists have an 'I am there'

 experience with the stereographs presenting 3D

 views of the subjects. 

 *I am there experience: 현장에 있다는 경험. 

 *armchair tourist: 안락의자에 앉은 관광객.

Stereopticon, with its futuristic 3D stereogram, 

 kinetic art and optical sound, promises to weave

 together sound and light.

*주동사는 promises.

Stereopticon blends art and technology; it displays 3D 

stereogram, optical sound, and kinetic art.

 *stereogram: 입체화. 

 *optical sound: 이미지 결합 음향. 

 *kinetic art: 움직이는 예술.



∙Eyes tend to get dry when they are strained and dryness

 can cause asthenopia. 

*a: not, without. *op/ops(eye)+ia: eye.

∙Anisosthenic makes you feel unequal strength between 

two muscles.



∙Entozoa typically are amphistomous; they have a 

sucker at each extremity.

 *entozoa: entozoon의 복수형, 내부 기생충. 

 *sucker: 흡입관.

 *extremity: 끝.

 *amphi: two, both.

∙In case of esophageal cancer, enterostomy is often 

required to feed or drainage; it is to create an artificial 

opening in the intestine.

*esophageal cancer: 식도암. 

*drainage: 배수, 배설.


strophe/strophein(to turn)

∙Haiti was stricken by earthquake; it was a catastrophe 

for its people.

 *cata/kata: down, against.

∙In each set of three the first stanza is called the strophe,

 being intended, probably, for chanting as the chorus

 moved in one direction.

 -A History of English Literature by Robert H. Fletcher-

*stanza: 절, 연. 

*chorus: 합창. 

*three 다음에 반복을 피하기 위하여

 stanza가 생략 되고 있음을 알 수가 있다. 

*이유를 말하는 분사구문 being…direction에 부사 

 probably가 삽입 되어 있다. 

*세 개의 연 가운데 첫째 연을 전환이라고 하는데, 

이(렇게 부르)는 이유는 아마 합창이 한 방향으로 

진행하듯 노래를 부르려는 의도 때문일 것이다.


tachy/tachys(swift, speed)

∙Heart disease can be caused by tachycardia which 

 increases as a person ages; the elder the more

 chance he or she has.

 *cardia: heart.

Tachygraphy allows someone well trained in that 

 system to write as quickly as people speak. 

 *tachygraphy: stenography.


tact, tax/taxis(arrangement)

∙Napoleon was an expert in military tactics; he usually

 won his battles.

Taxidermy is used to preserve animals killed in

 hunting; we can see many of them in the museum of

 natural history.

∙Carl Linnaeus(1707~1778)is the father of taxonomy 

 because he laid the foundation for the modern scheme 

 of binomial nomenclature.

*binomial nomenclature: 種 명명법.


∙Rilke wrote his own epitaph and it goes as follow:

      "Rose, Oh pure contradiction,

        joy of being No-one's sleep

        under so many lids."


      " 장미여, 오 순수한 모순이여,

        그렇게도 많은 눈두에를 덮고,

        그 누구의 잠이 아닌 기쁨이여."

*Rainer Maria von Rilke(1875-1926): 독일이 낳은 

 천재 시인. "두이노의 비가",  "젊은 시인에게 주는

 편지" 등의 작품이 있다. 

*눈두에: 눈두덩의 고어.

tauto/tauto(the same)

∙In the sentence 'It was audible to the ear,' the phrase 

"to the ear" is tautology; it is a redundancy. 

 *redundancy: 췌사.

∙The equilibrium between a ketone and its enol form is

 the typical examples of a tautomeric system; it is an 

 equilibrium between two different structure 

 of the same compound.

 *equilibrium: 균형, 평형. 

 *ketone: 키톤 화합물. 

 *merism/merismos: dividing. 

 *(h)en(one)+ol(alcohol): enol, 에놀화합물.


techn/techne(art, skill)

∙University of Missouri-Rolla offers the pyrotechnics 

 class only in the United States for college credit.

∙The Discovery Industrial Complex, Irvine, California, is 

 a technopolis; many companies of high-technology are

 working there.

∙In the society occupied by high technology, the aged 

 people are likely to have technophobia.

∙While in a democracy any individual recognized as an 

 unconvicted citizen is allowed to vote or run for office,

 in a technocratic democracy registration for office might 

 be limited to only those who hold the "proper 

 credentials" or meet a minimum intelligence quota. 

        -Statemaster Encyclopedia-

*민주주의 하에서는 죄가 없는 시민으로 인정 되는

  개인은 누구에게나 투표권의 행사나 공직에의

  진출이 허락 되는 반면, 기술관료 민주주의에서는 

 "적절한 자격" 또는 최소한의 지적 자산을 가진 

  사람들에게만 공무담임권이 있다.



Television means far-seeing. 


∙The word telephone literally means far-sound. Similarly, 

 telegraph means far-writing.

∙They anticipated one another's actions with telepathy 

 as two birds leave a limb at the same instant. 

 *limb: 나뭇가지.

 *path/pathos: disease, suffering, feeling.



∙Though Hippocrates opposed euthanasia in the

 Hippocratic Oath, but many ancient Greeks in his time 

 supported the opinion that there is no need to preserve

 the life of a person who has no interest in living.

 *Hippocratic Oath: 히포크라테스 선서. 

 * eu/eus: good, well.

∙Many people believe that this life is the only chance one 

 gets; this is the main cause of thanatophobia.

Thanatopsis, written by W.C. Bryant at his age 17, is a 

 meditation on death; it is a significant milestone in

 the history of American literature. 

  *opsis: sight, likeness. 

  *William Cullen Bryant(1794-1878): 미국의 

    낭만주의 시인.



∙He was raised as an atheist, but as an adult he studied

 theology to become a minister.

 *minister: 장관, 목사.

∙Polytheism existed before such monotheistic religion 

 as Judaism, Christianity, or Buddhism. 

 *이미 다 배운 것이다.

∙Atheism says that no deities exist. 

 *deity: a god or goddess.



∙Bibliotheca Alexandrina was in the ancient Alexandria, 

 Egypt, which had more than 700,000 scrolls. 

 *biblio/biblion: book.

 *scroll: 두루마리.

∙The legs and toes of most birds are covered with 




∙We placed a thermometer in our yard to measure the 


*yard: 뜰

∙On cold winter days, Chan dresses for warmth, putting 

 on his thermal underwear.

∙A line on a weather map between points of equal 

 temperature is an isotherm. 

 *iso: equal.



Thromboplastin is necessary for the coagulation of 

 blood; it is a plasma protein in tissue or leukocytes. 

*plasma protein: 혈장 단백질.

*leukocyte[ˈlu:kəˌsait]: 백혈구. 

*coagulation [ko(u)ˌægjuˈleiʃən]: 응고.

*thrombo+plast/plassein(to form)+in. 

*cyte: cell.

∙A stroke is caused by thrombosis which is the 

formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel, and 

blocks the flow of blood through the circulatory system. 

*주격관계대명사 which는 is와 blocks에 모두 걸린다.

∙Smoking can bring thromboangiitis; this is a

 inflammation of arteries and veins of the feet and hands.

 *angio: vessel, container.


thym/thymos(soul, mind)

∙One who has hyperepithymia mustn't be the president 

of a country; its people suffer from his or her policy. 

*hyper+epi(on, over, before, 

 after)+thym/thymos(soul, spirit)+ia: 과다욕망증.

∙The people with dysthymia always feel depressed, 

 gloomy or pessimistic mood. They struggle with 

 hypersomnia or insomnia, feeling of hopeless, fatigue, 

 low self-esteem, and poor appetite.


 *dys: bad, ill.

 *insomnia: 불면증. 

 *hypersomnia: 睡眠과다증. 

 *gloomy: sad. *som/somnus: sleep.


tomo/temnein(to cut)

∙The opinion of the people has a dichotomy to declare 

 war or to keep peace because of the sunken frigate 

 ship attacked by enemy.

 *frigate ship: 소형 구축함. 

 *dicho: in two parts.

∙The physicians know the exact location of the body’s 

 organs, nerves, and blood vessels to which they are 

 connected because they have studied anatomy.

 *ana: up, back, against.

∙They got in the rain forest across the river, where they 

 were surrounded by so many poisonous insects. 

 Unfortunately, none of them was a specialist in 

 entomology who could distinguish which one was


 *en(in, within)+tomo: insect. *rain forest: 우림 지역.

∙Would you rather own a single-volume encyclopedia, or 

 one of several tomes? 

 *이를 이해하고 나면 다음은 자동적으로 이해할 

   수 있다. 

 즉, hepatectomy처럼 아래의 어근들과 ectomy를 

 결합하면 ~의 절개 수술이라는 뜻이 된다. ectomy와

  tomy의 차이는, ec은 out을 뜻하므로 ectomy는 

 잘라서 “버린다”는 뜻이고  tomy는 그냥 

 "자른다" 라는 뜻이다. 결합 시 소수의 예외를 

  제외하고는  hepatectomy 의 예처럼 어근의 o가 


 *hepato: liver. 

 *cholecyst: 담낭, 쓸개.

 *hystero: womb, uterus. 

 *nephro: 신장.

 *laryngo: 후두. 

 *osteo: bone.

 *masto: breast.

 *parathyroid: 부갑상선.

 *pneumon: lung. 

 *arterio: artery. 

 *prostate: 전립선. 

 *neuro: nerve. 

 *spleno: 비장. 

 *cranio: skull. 

 *thyroid: 갑상선. 

 *tonsill: 편도선. 

 *tracheo (tracheostomy): 호흡관, etc.


tono/teinein(to stretch, to strain)

∙A tonometer is used to measure tension or 

pressure; it is also used for tuning a musical instrument.

∙Angiohypertonia causes an increase in vascular 

resistance, but decrease in blood flow.

*angio(vessel)+hyper+ton+ia: 혈관과다긴장증. 

*vascular: 혈관의.

∙Adolf Eugen Fick, a German physiologist, invented

 the first ophthalmotonometer to measure the intraocular

 pressure of human eyes.

 *intraocular pressure: 안압眼壓. 

 *ophthalmo/ophthalmos: eye. 

 *sound를 뜻하는 tone은 라틴어 tonus에서 

    온 것이다.



∙Many people have dreamed of and written about living 

 in a utopia.

*u/ou(not)+topo(place)+ia: 존재하지 않는 곳, 이상향.

∙Leonhard Euler(1707~1783) wrote the first academic

 essay about modern topology which is a branch of 

 mathematics to study abstract spaces possessing many

 invisible dimensions.

∙In a typical dystopia, there is a total absence of any 

 social group besides the state, as in "We" by Yevgeny

 Zamiyatin, or such social groups being 

 subdivisions of the state, under government control, 

 for example, the Junior Anti-Sex League in "1984" by 

George Orwell. 

*Yevgemy Zamiyatin(1884-1937): 러시아의 작가. 

 Dystopia를 주제로 한 "We"를 씀. 후일 조지 오웰의

 "1984" 에 영향을 미침. 

 *There is 로 유도되는 두 개의 문장이 or로 연결 되어


 *being은 현재분사로서 형용사 역할을 하고 있다. 

 *or 다음에는 문장 유도 부사 there is 가 생략 되어


 *예프게니 자미야틴의 "우리들"에서처럼 전형적인 

결함사회에서는, 국가 이외의 사회적 그릅은 전혀 

존재하지 않거나 아니면 정부 통제하의 국가 하부 

기관, 예컨데 조지 오웰의 "1984년"에 나오는 

청소년반성동맹 같은 그러한 사회적 그룹들만 



tropo/tropos(turning, 전환, 회전)

∙The Earth's weather changes in the troposphere.

∙The plants grow towards the sun; it is called

 phototropism or heliotropism. 

 *heliotropism: 향일성, 굴광성.

Tropism reacts positively or negatively toward the 

 source of stimulation.

∙Chemotropism is the response to chemical stimuli.

tropho/trophe(nourishiment, food)

∙He is atrophied from the lack of exercise.

∙The routine isolation of trophoblast cells from human 

embryonic cells will be a valuable tool for identifying 

targets for the modulation of placenta formation

 and function.

        -Essay by CIRM- 

*embryonic cell: 배아세포. 

*modulation: 조정. 

*placenta formation: 태반 형성. 

*blast/blastos: bud, cell layer. 

*isolation: 분리, 고립. 

*target: 표적, 목표물.

∙A tubeworm has an intestinal tract or anus on mouth, 

 but contains an inner organ called a trophosome 

that harbors a community of bacteria.

        -The Seattle Times- 

*some/soma: body.

*intestinal tract: 창자 관. 

*anus[ˈeinəs]: 항문.

*harbor: ~거처를 주다, 서식 시키다. 

*tubeworm: 관충管蟲.



Typography is the art of arranging and designing type; 

it has nine general types. 

*type: 활자, 서체.

∙Monotype is a printing process with which, as the 

name indicates, only one print can be made on glass or 

acrylic or metal plate. Consequently, it is rarely 


∙Duson entered the sitting-room, noiseless as ever, with 

pale, passionless face, the absolute prototype of the 

perfect French servant, to whom any expression 

of vigorous life seems to savour of presumption.

-The Yellow Crayon of Oppenheim by

 Phillips E. Oppenheim-

*presumption: 건방짐. 

*savour: ~의 기미(를 보이다), ~하는 점이 있다. 

*whom은 물론 servant를 선행사로 받는다. 

*passionless: 냉철할, 침착한.

*sitting room: 거실. 

*savour of presumption: 건방진 기미. 

*vigorous life:활력 있는 삶.

*face와 prototype은 그 사이에 which is가 생략 된 


*활력 있는 삶이란 건방진 기미로도 비칠 수 있는

 완벽한 프랑스 하인의 절대적인 본보기인 창백하고 

 침착한 얼굴을 하고, 더슨은 언제나 마찬가지로 소리 

 없이 거실로 들어섰다.


uro, urino/ouron(urine, 오줌)

∙The symptoms of urethritis or cervicitis are dysuria, 

pelvic pain, or vaginal discharge. 

*urethritis: 요도염. 

*cervicitis: 자궁경부염.

*pelvic pain: 골반통. 

*vaginal discharge: 질 분비물. 

*dys: ill, bad.

Urinalysis is the basic procedure for the diagnosis of 




∙She was diagnosed to have a xanthoderma because 

of her hypothyroidism. 

*derma: skin. 

*hypothyroidism: 갑상선기능부전증.

∙His teeth are yellowish; he has zanthodont.


xeno/zenos(alien, strange)

∙My sister spent all her time exploring foreign cultures;

 she is a xenophile. 

*xeno[zeno(u)] 또는 [zenə].

∙We Americans have felt, this time, at least some of 

the same war-weariness, the same xenophobia, which 

caused our revulsion from foreign responsibilities 

last time.             


*revulsion: hatred. 

*우리 미국인들은 이 시대에 적어도, 지난날 대외적인 

책임에서 비롯 되어 우리 증오심의 원인이 된, 

그와 같은 전쟁 피로감과 대외공포증을 느껴 왔다.



∙A moth is xylophagous; it eats wood.

 *moth: 나방.

∙When "Porgy and Bess" was first opened in Broadway,

 its pit orchestra played a xylophone to express the 

impressive part of the scene. 

*Broadway: 뉴욕 맨해튼의 연극 거리 또는 그곳에서 

공연 되는 연극. 

*Porgy and Bess: 조지 거쉰(라틴어 접두사 son항 

참조) 작곡의 대표적인 심포닉 재즈 오페라. 

유명한 아리아 "섬머 타임" 이 있음.

*pit orchestra: 뮤지컬을 위한 소규모 오케스트라.




And the livin' is easy

Fish are jumpin'

And the cotton is high

Oh, Your daddy's rich

And your mamma's good lookin'

So hush little baby

Don't you cry

One of these mornings

You're going to rise up singing

Then you'll spread your wings

And you'll take to the sky

Until that morning

There's a'nothing can harm you

With your daddy and mammy standing by

여름은 오고,

삶은 편안쿠나

물고기는 뛰고

흰 구름은 높아.


아빠는 부자고

엄마는 예쁘니

자장자장 아가야

울지를 말렴.

언젠가 올 이런 날 아침

넌 일어나 노랠 부르고

날개를 펴

하늘을 날 거야.

그날 아침까지

널 해칠 게 없어

아빠 엄마가 네 곁에 있을 테니.


*livin' : 구어의 경우 분사 형 어미 ~ing의 g를 

발음하지 않으려는 경향 때문에 g가 탈락되었다. 

*fish의 복수형: fish 또는 fishes.



∙He studied zoology to become a veterinarian. 

*veterinarian: 수의사.

∙Rabies is zoonosis, which can be transmitted to 

humans. There are more than 200 zoonosis. 

*rabies: 광견병.

∙To measure the size of an animal, you need to learn




II. Prefix

     1. Latin Prefix

     라틴어 접두사에 대한 이해는 영어 어휘 정복을 

위해 필수적이다. 예컨대, writing을 뜻하는 어근 scribe를

이해하면 circumscribe, conscription, description,

 inscribe, nondescript, postscript, prescribe, proscribe, 

 subscribe, transcribe…를 이해할 수가 있는 것이다. 

이들에 대해 공부해 보자.


a(not, without, toward)

∙The company could avert its loss in the business by

 firing its employees. 

*vert/vertere: to turn.

∙The young generation generally shows the apathy of

 vote; it is ominous for the future of their democracy.


 *y: 그리스어에서 온 명사 또는 형용사형 어미임.

 *ominous: 불길한.

∙Michael is an atheist, and finds no need for religion 

 in his life.


∙And, so saying, he crept cautiously along and peered 

over into the

abyss, while I remained wondering by what possible 

means we could overcome this apparently insuperable 

obstruction. As soon as my companion had completed 

his survey, I eagerly inquired the result.

            -Typee by Herman Melville-

 *companion: partner, friend. 

 *byss/byssos: bottom.

 *cautiously: 조심스럽게.

 *peer: 뚫어지게 보다. 

 *insuperable: 극복하기 어려운.

 *obstruction: 장애(물).

 *a+byss/byssos(bottom of sea). 

 *so saying은 물론 분사구로, ~그렇게 

 말하면서, 라는 정도의 부대상황을 나타낸다. 

 *그리고, 그렇게 말하면서,

 그는 조심스럽게 기어가 그 심연을 들여다보았고, 

 그동안 나는 이 극복

 불가능한 장애물을 극복할 수 있는 방법을 골똘히

 생각했다. 나의 동료가 관측을 끝내자 곧 나는 

 그 결과를 간절한 마음으로 물었다.

∙접두사 a는 다음과 같이 정리할 수 있다.

1) 그리스어 접두사 an의 n 탈락 형으로 not 또는 

without을 뜻한다. amoral, atonal, achromatic, etc.

2) 고어에서 전치사 on, in, into, to, toward의 역할을 

한 적이 있고, ablaze(on blaze), afoot, abed, ashore, 

aside의 예에서처럼 명사와 결합하여 형용사 

또는 부사로서 그 흔적이 남아 있다.

3) 형용사와 결합하여 부사를 만든 흔적이 남아 

있다. aloud, allow, afresh, etc.

4) 동사와 결합한 흔적이 있다. agape, aglow, astride, 

arouse, abide, etc.


5) 접두사 a는 결합 시 자음동화(consonant assimilation) 

현상을 일으키는 일이 없다. 따라서 아래 ad항의

 d탈락형인 a와는 구별되어야 한다.

6) 전치사 on의 생략형으로서 on, in, into,toward의 

뜻이 있다.  afoot, ashore, afar, etc.


ab, abs(away from)

∙접두사 ab, abs는 접두사 a와 마찬가지로 자음동화 

현상을 일으키는 일이 없다. 따라서 아래 ad항의 

d탈락형인 a와는 구별해야 한다.

∙A stranger abducted a little girl in the play ground of

 a school.

∙The high temperatures in this summer are abnormal. 


∙He must have total abstinence from drinking because

 of his heart problem.   *내용상 금방 이해 할 수 있다. 

다음은 좀 어려운 문장이지만 독해 가능하다.

∙When the 1796 outbreak of yellow fever turned into an 

 epidemic, the frightened citizens followed each 

 preventive vogue: herb tea, cold baths, vinegar, 

camphor, and abstemious diets.

-Intimate Enemies by Christina Vella-

 *yellow fever: 황열병. 

 *epidemic: 유행병(의).

 *camphor: 피마자.

 *preventive vogue: 예방법. 

 *tem/temetum: drunken.


ad(toward, to do)

∙The congress adopted a law to raise tax. 

*opt: choose, desire, pray for.

∙She admires his good looks. 

*ad+mire/mirare(to wonder at).

∙ad는 sc, sp, st 등 결합하는 어근에 따라 a, ac, af, 

 ag, al, ap, as, at 등으로 바뀐다. 이는 자음동화현상 

때문이다. ascend, access, affiliate, aggregate, allocate, 

appropriate, aspire, assimilate, astride, attract, etc.


ambi(around, both)

∙John is ambidextrous; he can write with either hand.

∙Although I love her, I am ambivalent about marrying 

her because I am not sure she is right for me.

∙The ambiance in that cafeteria is warm and attractive.



∙The discovery of America by Vikings antedated that 

 by Columbus.

∙But this hard body might be a bony coverin g,

 like that of the antediluvian animals; and I should be

 free to class this monster among amphibious reptiles, 

 such as tortoises or alligators.

-20,000Leagues Under The Sea by Jules Verne- 


*diluvian[diˈlu:viən]: 노아의 홍수의, 대홍수의.

*amphibious: 수륙양용의. 

*reptile: 파충류. 

*tortoise[ˈtɔ:rtəs]: 거북.

*alligator: 악어.

 *그러나 이 단단한 몸통은 태곳적 동물의 덮개처럼

 각질의 외피인 듯했는데, 나는 이 괴물을 거북이나 

 악어 같은 양서파충류로 어렵지 않게 분류를 했다.


bi, bin(two, twice)

∙Glasses with two different focal lengths are called


∙When is the Korea's bicentennial anniversary of 

independence from Japan?

Bigamy is illegal in Korea. 

*binaural, binary, binocular, binomial, bipolar, 

 bipolarization, biquadratic, biracial, biparental,

 biparous, bipartisan, bipartition, bisection, bisexual, 

 bivalent, biweekly, 

 biyearly…등등 수많은 파생어가 있다.



∙The circumference of the earth is around 40,000kms.

 *circum+ferre (carry)+ence.

∙After eight days passed, his prepuce was circumcised.

 *prepuce[ˈpri:ˌpju:s]: (음경의) 포피. 

 *cis: cut.

∙The social circumstances drive people into crime.

∙I had made use of many circumlocutions in describing to

 him the nature of the several crimes for which most of

 our crew had been forced to fly their country.

-Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift-

*우리 승무원들 대부분이 그들의 조국을 등지지 

않을 수 없었던 여러 가지 범죄의 성격에 관해 나는 

그에게 여러 가지로 에둘러 설명했다.


co, com, con(with)

∙It is recommendable to go to the country to commune 

with nature.

*recommendable: 추천할 만한.

∙The two countries signed a concordance to solve the

 border problem.

*cord/cors: heart.

∙The bartender concocted a drink made from six 

different liquors.



contra, contro, counter(against)

∙The opposite party always has a contrary attitude 

with the every policy of the government. 

*opposite party: 야당.

∙There is a lot of controversy about the morality of

 the same sex marriage.

∙In the trade negotiation, Korea offered to buy beef, 

but USA made counterproposal that Korea must 

open its car market.


de(off, down, of, at)

∙The train accelerated its speed on acclivity, but 

decelerated as it approached declivity. 

 *acclivity [əˈkliviti]: 오르막 길.

 *declivity: 내리막 길. *accelerate: 가속하다.

∙The people who live in degradaion are usually trying

 to go up on the social hierarchy, but it is not easy to

 accomplish it.

∙Scientists have tried to decode the secret of human


*code/codex:코드, 암호, 부호, 법전.

∙After being exposed to contaminated environments, 

the workers of a semiconduct company have to go 

through decontamination chamber.

*semiconductor: 반도체.



∙0.1 is the expression of the first decimal place.

∙During the War, typhoid and smallpox decimated 


*typhoid: 장티프스. 

*smallpox: 천연두. 

*decimatus: 열 명에서 한 명을 뽑아 죽인 옛 로마의



dif, dis( not)

∙Parents should not discourage their children.

∙The government will disclose a new economic 


*economic planification: 경제 계획.

∙The multinational negotiation on disarmament is 

necessary for the world peace. 

*multinational negotiation: 다자간 협상.

∙Jenifer is a diffident student; she never speaks in class.


∙The moonlight was diffused in the darkness of 

 the forest.

*fuse: 융합하다.

∙The lecturer talked about modern literature, and then 

 suddenly digressed into a discussion of Greek 


 *gress: way, to go.

 *dis는 b, d, g, j, l, m, n, r, s, v 앞에서 di로 바뀜.


ex(out, out of, away from)

∙In this city, you will be evicted by your landlord if you 

don't pay the rent on your apartment at least for three 


*land lord: 건물주, 지주.

∙Her reputation as an actress slowly eclipsed with age.

*reputation[,repjuˈteiʃən]: 명성.

∙He was expelled from his country because of his 

activities for democracy.

∙A continuous efflux of water brought inundation 

on the street.

 *inundation: 범람. *flux: to flow.

∙Coke is effervescent drink. 

 *ferv: to boil.

∙The talent of a genius shows eccentricity; Thomas

 Edison was the case. 


∙The boxer was in ecstasy when he knocked out his

 opponent boxer.

 *sta: stand.

∙The soccer stadium has exits on various sides. 

 *soccer stadium:


∙The exodus from the big city is usual in the weekend. 

*odus/odos: way.

ex는 다음과 같이 정리할 수 있다.

*전치사로서의 ex: 

     ~이 없는. 

    ~에서 인도引導. 

        ex factory(공장 인도)

        ex elevator(승강기문 앞 인도), etc.


         exbonus(특별 배당락),

         ex dividend(배당락),

         ex rights(권리락),etc. 

*접두사로서 before 의 뜻: ex-wife, ex-boyfriend, etc.

*접두사로서 out of, from 의 뜻: exit, externalism(형식

주의), exterior, etc.

*자음동화현상으로 ec, ef로 변한다: 

 effervescence(거품이 읾),

 eccentric(상궤를 벗어나는),

 efflux(분출), effluent, etc.

*c,f,p,q,s,t 이외의 자음 앞에서 x탈락: egress(밖으로 

 나가기, 출구), eject(쫓아내다), ejaculate(큰소리를 

 내지르다), elucidate(사실을 밝히다), enunciate(입 

 밖에 내다, 선언하다), eradiate(빛, 열을 발하다, 

 방사하다), etc.  

 *그리스어 어근과 결합: exarch(그리스 정교의

 대주교), exegesis(성서 해설), etc. 

 *그리스어에서 온 exo(outside): exodus, 


exobiologist(우주생물학), exogamy(이족 결혼),

 exoneration(면죄, 면책), 

*exocism(귀신 추방, 액막이), etc. 

*ex는 그리스어 exo에서 온 것으로, 

이에 속하는 많은 복합어휘는, 기원전 1세기 로마의 

그리스 정복에 따라  라틴어에 미친 그리스어 

영향의 결과이다.

extra, extro(outside, beyond)

∙Madame Emmanuelle had an extramarital affair with a 

man she met on her journey. 

*extramarital affair: 혼외정사.

∙UFO is said to be the flying object of extraterrestrial 


*UFO: 미확인 비행물체, 비행접시.

Extrasystole or ventricular premature contraction can 

occur even in healthy person; in the days following a 

major effort such as soccer; it is felt as "palpitations" in 

the chest. 

*palpitation: 두근거림, 맥박.

*sy+stole (pressure): 수축. 

*ventricular premature contraction: 심장 조기 수축.



∙According to the weather forecast, it is going to rain 


∙The theropod dinosaur is the forerunner of the bird,

 and the wolf is the forerunner of the dog. 

*thero/there: beast.

∙The failure of Wall Street foreshadowed world

 financial crisis.


il, im, in, ir(not)

∙The writing is illegible; it is unreadable. 

*leg/legere: to read.

∙The distance from us to the edge of the universe is


∙The road to the sea is blocked, so the beach is now 


∙The earthquake did irreparable damages to the town.



∙The infrastructure of Korea is excellent; its highways, 

seaports, and electric system are wonderful.

Infrared rays are used for wireless communication,

 surveillance system, weather forecasting, and etc.; it is 

 very versatile.

*versatile: 다재다능한, 변덕스러운.



∙The flower and the bee have an interdependent 

 relationship; the former gives the latter honey, and the

 latter helps the flower to scatter pollens. 

 *어떤 종種을 대표할 때는 정관사 the를 쓴다.

 *the former … the latter; 전자 … 후자.

∙But they often sauntered round it in their interludes of 

talking and smoking cigarettes, and one of them 

had just come down from the clubhouse to find 

another gazing somewhat moodily into the well.

 -The Man who knew Too Much by 

Gilbert K. Chesterton- 

 *saunter[ˈsɔ:ntər]: 산책하다.

 *to find는 물론 결과 또는 목적을 말하는


*lud/ludere; (연극에서) 막간의 시간을 보내다. 

*그들은 가끔 대화와 담배를 피우면서 틈틈이 그 

주위를 거닐었고, 그들 중 한사람이 회관으로부터 

내려와, 침울한 듯 우물을 응시하는 상대방을 보았다.

∙정관사 the의 용법은 다음과 같이 정리할 수 있다.

1) 특정의 구체적인 사물, 사람, 장소를 지칭할 때.

*The Seoulites who live in the southern towns across 

the Han River are friendly.

    **특정의 서울 사람들로 구체적이다. 뒤에 오는 

        형용사구나 절이 그 범위를 특정한다.

*Seoulites are friendly. 

    **일반적인 서울 사람들을 가리킨다.

2) 수량을 헤아릴 때

*Most of the students are originally from Korea.

3) 오직 하나만 존재하는 직위, 장소, 사물.

*People waited for the president.

*You can see many stars in the sky.

*The moon is full tonight.

*그렇지만 태양계의 혹성은 the가 필요 없다.

    **Earth is round. Mars is nearest to earth.

*다음은 유일의 것이지만 the를 수반하지 않는다.

    **Niagara Fall, Lake Victoria.

4) 앞에 제시 된 명사를 가리킬 때.

* I bought a book. The book is very interesting. 

    The는 앞의 a book을 가리킨다.

5) 형용사의 최상급.

*He is the highest in the class.

6) 독자와 필자가 모두 알고 있는 사물, 사람, 장소.

 *Chan went to the library to study.

 *독자와 필자는 동일한 환경하에 있어, 

    어떤 도서관인지 모두들 알고 있다.

7) 시간에 관한 관용어구.

*in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, 

 the past, the present, the future, the beginning, 

 the middle, the end. the twentieth century, 

 the second millennium. 

그러나 at noon, at night, at midnight의 경우는

the 가 붙지 않는다.

8) 사계절: the spring, the summer, the autumn, 

the winter.

9) 신체의 일부가 전치사 구를 이룰 때.

*He cut himself on the leg. 그러나 foot의 

전치사구는 on foot 이다.

10) 특정의 사회, 경제, 정치적 그룹.

*the middle class, the press, the public, the government, 

  the Republican Party, etc.

11) 형용사와 결합하여 복수 보통명사 또는 

       추상명사를 만듬.

*복수보통명사: the poor(가난한 사람들),

 the rich(부자들), the innocent(순결한 사람들), 

 the young(젊은이들), etc.

*추상명사: the beautiful = beauty, 

 the universal=universality, etc.

12) 분사와 결합하여 보통명사를 만든다.

 *단수 보통명사: the killed(피살자), the forbidden(금기

  사항), the living(산 자), etc

13) 고유명사는 일반적으로 정관사를 수반하지 않지만, 

다음의 경우는 수반한다.

*the Republic of Korea. 

*the United States of America.

*the University of Southern California. 

*the United Kingdom.

*the Dominican Republic. 

*the United Arab Emirates.

*the Philippines. 

*the Pacific Ocean. 

*the Amazon.

*the Middle East. 

*the South. 

*the North Pole. 

*the Equator.

*the Sahara Desert.

*the Empire State Building. 

*the Hilton Hotel. 

*the Louvre. 

*the Russian Revolution. 

*the United Nations.

*the Red Cross. 

*the Constitution. 

*the Magna Carta.

*the New York Times. 

*the Pope. 

*the Internet. 

*the Dalai Lama.

*the World Wide Web. 

*the Titanic.

14) 어떤 가문의 전 구성원을 말할 때.

*the Bushes. 

*the Smiths.

15) 특정의 것이 아니라도 다음의 것은

 관용적으로 the를 수반한다.

*go to 의 목적이 되는 장소: go to the(bank, post office,

store, bathroom, theater, movies, doctor, dentist, 

hospital(British English의 경우는 go to hospital)

*call의 목적어: call the(police, fire department, 

highway patrol).

*live의 부사구: live in the(city, country, suburbs).

*악기 연주: play the(violin, piano, cello, etc)

*on the ground, in the sky. 그러나 우주라는 뜻의

 in space는 the를 수반하지 않는다.

16) 種을 대표할 때.

*the dog, the bird, the snake, etc.


intra, intro(within)

∙Power struggle within the government is an 

intraorganization problem; people have nothing to

 do with it. 

*have nothing to do with: ~와 관계가 없다. 

*power struggle: 권력 투쟁.

∙The patient is supplied with food through intravenous

 tube because he couldn't swallow. 

*swallow: 삼키다.     

* venous: ven(vein)+ous.

∙The intracoastal waterway of New Port Beach, CA,

 provides sheltered passage for so many yachts and 

pleasure boats within the Irvine coastline. 

*pleasure boat: 유람선.     

*yachts: 요트.

∙An intracity bus offers transportation only within 

the city.


mis(wrong, incorrect)

∙wrong이란 뜻의 mis는 게르만어 계통이지만 여기서 


∙The president had a misconception of what the people

 wanted and did policies that the people rejected.

∙Spitting on the street is a misdemeanor; it is punished

 by a fine.



∙Can we find nondiscriminatory practices only in


∙Becoming a professional without making efforts is 


∙동명사(Gerund)에 관해 다음 사항은 특별히 

 유의할 필요가 있다.

1) 동명사를 직접목적어로 요구하는 동사들.

*admit, advise, allow, appreciate, avoid.

*can't help, consider.

*defer, delay, deny, detest, discuss, enjoy, escape,


*finish, forbid, forgive.

*give up.


*have fun, have a good time, have a hard time,

 have a difficulty, have a problem, have trouble.


*mention, mind, miss.

*permit, postpone, practice, prevent, put off.


*recall, recommend, resent, resist, risk.

*suggest. spend time/money.

*tolerate, understand.

*waste time/money.

    **He spends a lot of money buying books.

2) go를 수반하는 스포츠 관련 동명사.

*go+bowling, jogging, camping, shopping, 

 dancing, sightseeing, fishing, snowboarding, hiking, 

swimming, in-line skating, waterskiing.

    **Let's go fishing this weekend. Let's go jogging.

3) 목적보어로 동명사 또는 동사 원형을 취하는 


*feel, hear, listen to, look at, notice, observe, see, 

 smell, watch.

    **I heard the birds singing.

    **I heard the birds sing.


ob(toward, against)

∙Prejudice is a big obstacle for a good human relation.


∙He is obdurate on the matter; nobody can change his


*dur/durare: hard.

∙He always obfuscated the subject by his pointless 


*fusc/fuscus: dark.


per(through completely, wrongly)

∙Skin lotion permeates the skin and keeps it soft.

 *meate/meare: 통과하다.

∙He perused the newspaper, looking for the new

information of the political situation of his country.

∙It is perverse to mistreat children or elder.

*elder: 노인. *vers/vertere: to turn.



Postwar Korea recovered rapidly from 1960s.

∙We have to give up our greediness to leave a better 

 world to our posterity. 

 *greediness: 탐욕.

∙She did her postdoctoral work at Harvard University.

∙We are postbellum generation, because we were born 

 after Korean War. 

 *bellum: war.

∙Whoever carefully reads Nietzsche's posthumously 

 published writings for the years 1869-82 will constantly 

 meet with passages suggestive of Zarathustra's thoughts 

 and doctrines.

-The Free Library.com- 

*humous/ humus: earth, bury. 

*니체의 사후 출판된 1869-82년간의 저서를 

주의 깊게 읽어 보면 누구나 끊임없이, 

차라투스트라의 사상과 주장을 

암시하는 구절들을 만날 것이다.

 *Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche(1844- 1900): 독일이

 낳은 철학자. 초인 사상을 통해 기존의 종교, 

 도덕률을 비판함으로서, 실존주의 및 


지대한 영향을 미쳤다.



∙So many quarrels preceded their divorce. 

*cede/cedere: to go, to yield.

∙People had a premonition that something bad would 

happen when the government announced a drastic

 economic policy.

*moni/monere: to warn, to advise. 

*drastic: 급격한, 격렬한.

∙So perfect is this instinct, that once, when I had laid

 them on the leaves again, and one accidentally fell on 

 its side, it was found with the rest in exactly the

 same position ten minutes afterward. They are not

 callow like the young of most birds, but more perfectly 

 developed and precocious even than chickens.

-Walden & on the Duty of Civil Disobedience by

 Henry David-

*callow: immature, 미숙한. 

*coc/coquere: to ripen, cook. *so…that 문장임. 

*once는 found에 걸리는 부사. 

*the rest는 물론 떨어지지 않은 새끼들을 말한다.

*이 본능은 그처럼 완벽하여, 내가 그들을 일단 

다시 잎 위에 놓고는 그중 한 마리라도 혹 잎 옆으로 

떨어지는 일이라도 있을 때에는, 십 분이 지나면 

그 놈이 정확히 같은 자리에 다른 놈들과 

함께 있는 것을 관찰했다. 

그들은 대부분의 새 새끼들처럼 미숙하지가 않고, 

병아리보다도 완전하게 자란데다가 조숙했다.



∙A circle is composed of four quadrants.

∙The shop quadruples the price of overcoats when it 

is cold.

∙Most mammals are quadrupeds. 

*ped는 이미 배웠다.

∙The election of a President for the United States of 

America is a quadrennial event.

∙The college has a quadrangle area; it has four sides

 and four angles.

∙A string quartet consists of two violins, a viola, and a 




∙A string quintet is composed of two violins, two violas, 

and a cello or two violins, two cellos, and a viola. 

Mozart's "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" is one of the most

 famous string quintet.

∙He quintupled his money in one month; he had $1,000

 last month, and now he has $5,000.

∙수사에 관한 라틴어 접두사.

*semel (once), bis (twice), ter (thrice), quater 등은


*sesqui: one and a half.  *sesquicentennial: 150주년.

    **로마력에서는 3월1일부터 신년이 시작되었으며, 

        따라서 9월은 3월부터 일곱 번째 달이어서 

        그 이름이 September가 된 것이다. 그 후 새해가 

        1월1일로 바뀌었지만 이름은 그대로 남은 것임.

    ** 수사에 관한 그리스어 접두사.

        semi(a half)













∙I speak Korean, English, and Japanese. I am trilingual.


∙Two copies weren’t enough for my boss; everything 

had to be in triplicate.

∙The God Poseidon carries a trident. 

*dent/dens: tooth.

∙Gaius Julius Caesar, Marcus Licinius Crassus, and

 Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus were the political leaders

 of the First Triumbirate of the Roman Empire.

∙A historian wrote a trilogy on the Civil War about its 

origins, the war itself, and the events afterwards.

∙Most mammals are quadrupeds. 

*ped: foot.

∙We heard a lovely quintet at the concert last night.

∙나이 관련 어휘:

*denarian: 10대의 사람. *vicenarian: 20대의 사람.

*tricenarian: 30대의 사람. 

*quadragenarian: 40대의 사람. 

*quinquagenarian: 50대의 사람.

*sexagenarian: 60대의 사람. 

*septuagenarian: 70대의사람. 

*octogenarian: 80대의 사람.

*nonagenarian: 90대의 사람.

*centenarian: 100세의 사람.



∙At Gettysburg, Lincoln’s address―noble and 

rhythmical―was quasi-poetry.

∙A quasi-official report from the government will be

 issued today, and the official one comes next week.

∙Tornado battered our new home and quickly turned it 

into a quasi- antique. 

*tornado: 회오리바람.


re, red(back, again)

∙The Lord be with you for your spiritual renewal.

*기원문으로서, 문두에 와야 할 May가 생략 되었다.

∙Christians believe that redemption comes from

 believing in Jesus Christ. 

*emp/emere: to take.


retro(backward, behind)

∙Mr. Clinton, the former president of the USA, wrote 

a retrospective book about his years in office.

∙Morality in the modern society is retrogressing; it is 

going back to a worse condition.

∙Instead of advancing, the economic situation is 

retrograding now.

∙The presidential candidate promises that the tax 

exemption for the rich will be retroactive to 3 years

 if he wins in the election.

*tax exemption: 세금 면제.


se(apart, away)

∙Basque, the northern province of Spain, wants to

 secede from Spain because of its different cultural, 

 ethnical, and historical background.

*cede/cedere: to yield, go, 양보하다.

∙In the United States in the 1950s, the law segregated 

whites and blacks. 

*greg/grex: flock, people.


semi(half, partly)

∙A semilunar shape is like that of the half moon.

∙This academy is opened in 2010; it will celebrate its 

semicentennial anniversary in 2060.

∙He spends a semiretired life; he works only a day a 


∙There are still many semibarbarian tribes around the 




∙The subconsciousness operates under the consciousness.

∙The skin was discolored but not broken; there had been 

subcutaneous bleeding. 

*cutaneous/cutis: skin.

∙Hitler viewed Marxism as a Jewish ideology to

 subjugate Germany.

*jug/jugum: yoke, 멍에.

∙$1,000 is not enough money to sustain a travel around 

the world.

*tain/tenere: to hold.

∙Jane is trying to lose weight, but she always

 succumbs to fudge.

*cumb/cumbere: to lie. 

*fudge: 설탕, 우유, 초콜릿, 버터 등으로 만든


∙c, g, f, m, p, r, t, p 앞에서 sub는 자음동화 현상으로

 인해 suc, suf, sug, sum, sup, sur, sus 등으로 바뀐다. 

 success, susceptible, suggest, suffer, summon, suppose, 

 surrogate, suppose, suspect, etc.

∙sur는 그 뜻이 above일 때가 있다. 예: surrealism, etc.


super(above, over)

Superhuman ability is not always necessary to 

accomplish a great thing; honesty and sincerity is 

more required.

∙Necromancy is a supernatural phenomenon; it can't be 

explained by natural laws. 

*necromancy: 강령술, 신내림.

∙"Why, elevate your own servants, for a specimen," said 

Alfred, with a half-scornful smile. "You might as 

well set Mount Aetna on them flat, and tell them to stand 

up under it, as tell me to elevate my servants under 

all the superincumbent mass of society upon them. 

One man can do nothing, against the whole action of a


        -Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet B. Stowe- 

*cumb/cubare: to sit, lie down. m은 ent로 인한 

자음동화로 추가 된 것임.

 *19세기 문학을 자유자재로 읽을 수 있다면, 

  영어공부를 했다고 자부할 수 있다. 

*why: 앞 문장에서 언급 된 사실 또는 상대방의 말에

 놀라거나, 수긍, 망설임 등을 표현하는 감탄사. 

*Mt. Aetna: 시실리 섬의 활화산. 

*incumbent/incumbere: to lie down on.

*for a specimen: for example. 

*(앞문장의 무슨 일을 할 수 있을까라는 질문에 대해)

 "무슨 일이라니, 예컨대, 네 하인들을 일으켜 세워 

 보라구." 알프레드가 반은 경멸조의 웃음을 띠고


 "그들의 머리 위에 에트나 산을 골고루 펴서

올려놓고는, 일어서라고 명령하는 건데, 그 건 내

하인들에게 사회의 모든 짐 덩이를 지고 일어나게끔 

시키라고 내게 말하는 거나 같아. 한 사회가 저지르는 

전 행태에 대항하여 한 개인이 할 수 있는 일이란 

아무 것도 없어."


trans(across, change, through)

∙A transpolar flight goes across the Arctic Pole. 

*Arctic Pole: 북극 점.

∙A reporter transcribed the tapes of the interview 

with a famous star into typed documents.

∙The player's face was transfigured with happiness 

when he won in the game.

∙KAL is a transcontinental airliner.

∙My father transplanted rosemary sprouts from a 

nursery to our garden. 

*nursery: 육아실, 종묘 밭, 화원. 

*rosemary: 로즈매리(연녹색 잎에 푸른 꽃이 피는 

식물. 요리용 향료로 쓰인다).



∙An ultrasound technician works in a hospital, 

imaging center, industry, government and also in 

private business.

∙The elders in any society tend to be conservative, 

while the youngers have a ultraliberal tendency. 

*tend to: ~하는 경향이 있다.



∙The people asked a negotiation, but the government 

took a unilateral decision to suppress them. 

*suppress: 진압하다.

∙A group of Parisian acted in unison to fight against 

Nazis; they were called Resistance. 

*Parisian: 파리 사람.

∙The two countries have a unity of purpose in the 

free trade agreement.


2. Greek Prefix

an(not, without)

∙She took an anodyne to mitigate her migraine.

 *odyne: pain. 

*mitigate[ˈmitiˌgeit]: 진정시키다.

∙France experienced severe anarchy after the French


*arch/archos(ruler, leader)+y.

∙The doctor ascribes her dizziness to anemia. 

*emia/haima: blood.

*ascribe A to B: A를 B의 탓으로 돌리다.

∙ An amoeba is amorphous; it changes from one shape 

into another.


*morph: shape. 

*이처럼 자음 앞에서 n이 탈락하는 

경우도 있다. 이 경우의 a는 라틴어 접두어인 a와 

구별 되어야 한다. 이것이 이해가 되었다면 이와 

동류의 어휘인 agnostic, amoral, apathy, asexaul, atonal,

atrophy, atypical… 등 같은 수많은 파생어들 역시 문장

속에서 그 뜻을 이해할 수가 있다.


acro(top, high)

∙A family of acrobats performs acrobatics in a circus.

∙FTA is an acronym for Free Trade Agreement.

∙Sufferers from acrophobia fear boarding on an airplane.



amphi(around, both)

∙Frogs are amphibian; they live both in water and on 


∙The spectators in the amphitheater cheered the Verdi’s 


∙Oil and water are amphiphilic.

∙Coliseum in Rome or Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles

 is an archetype of amphitheater; it is an open-air venue

 for theatrical performances. 

*archetype[ˈa:rk(i)ˌtaip]: 원형. 

*venue[ˈvenju:]: 현장, 장소.


ana(back, against, up)

∙We have to analyze the social problems of our 

country to look for solutions to them.

 *ly/lyein: to unfasten, to loosen.

∙The anatomy of a frog is similar to that of a toad. 

*toad: 두꺼비.

*tomy: cut.

∙Dictatorship is anachronism today when democracy

 is common.

*chron/chronos: time.

Anabolism causes the growth of cells and muscles; it is 

the synthesis of complex molecule. 

*bol/ballein: to throw. 

*mole(mass)+cule(=cle, 축소사). synthesis: 합성.


andro(man, male)

∙This society is androcentric; all priorities are given 

to male.

∙Frankenstein is an android; it is made artificially. 

*oid: resembling.

∙Oscar Wilde describes Dorian Gray as androgyne; 

Dorian Gray is a male but his appearance looks 

very female. 

*andro+gyne(female, woman). 

*Oscar Wilde(1854~1900): 아일랜드 출신의 작가.

 "살로메", "도리안 그레이의 초상" 등 탐미주의적인

 작품이 있음.


anti(against, opposite)

∙They quarreled and the antipathy between them lasted 

for a long time. 

*path: feeling, suffering.

∙Aspirin is an antipyretic; it reduces fever.

∙When it is noon in Korea, it is midnight in Argentina 

which is Korea’s antipode. 

*pode/pous: foot.

∙It is recommendable to apply an antiseptic to any 

wound, no matter how slight or insignificant it is.

 *sept/septos: making rotten.

∙After the climax of the second act, the third of the 

play was an anticlimax.


anthropo(man, human being)

∙He studied anthropology to become an anthropologist.

∙'Roses are smiling at me' is anthropomorphism; it is 

 a metaphor.

*metaphor: 은유법.

∙Human being, apes, monkeys are classified as 


*oid: resembling.

Anthropophagy was widespread throughout the world,

 especially in some islands in South Pacific. 

Its contemporary example was the crash of 

Uruguayan plane, after which some survivals ate the

bodies of their deceased friends. 

*phagy: eating.


apo(from, off, away)

∙The lady accepted his apology for spilling coffee on

 her skirt.

*logy/logos : speech.

∙The 12 apostles of Jesus Christ spread the words of


*stle/stellein: to send.

∙But this heat, which is sufficient to evaporate the 

waters, would have formed a thick ring of cloud, which 

would have modified that excessive temperature; hence 

the compensation between the cold of the aphelion and 

the heat of the perihelion. 

-Round The Moon by Jules Verne-

*peri(around,near)+ helion/ helios(sun): 근일점. 

*waters: 강, 호수, 바다.

*evaporate: 증발하다, 증발 시키다. 

*that는 excessive를 제한하는 지시부사로 so의 뜻이다.

*excessive: 과도한.

*compensation: 보상. 메우기. 

*앞의 which는 heat를, 뒤의 which는 cloud를 

선행사로 하는 주격관계대명사이다.

 *aphelion[æˈfi:liən]의 예처럼, h나 모음 앞에서 o는 


 *이 열은 바닷물을 증발시키기에 충분했는데, 

두터운 구름 띠를 만들어 그 넘쳐나는 열을 

가라앉히면서, 원일점의 냉기와 근일점의 열기를 

상쇄하고 있었다.



∙Monarchs ruled European countries for many centuries.

 *mon: mono.

∙The society of Abraham and Moses was that of patriarchy.

*patri/pater: father.

∙Pope is at the top of the catholic hierarchy. *hiero: holy.

*pope: 교황.


archa/archaios(old, ancient)

∙Some of the Amazon tribes still do something in archaic 

ways, such as using a bow for hunting.

∙He took archaeology class in a college to become an 


*Egyptologist: 이집트 연구 학자.

∙The style in which it was written was that curious 

jeweled style, vivid and obscure at once, full of argot

and of archaisms, of technical expressions and 

of elaborate paraphrases, that characterizes the work 

of some of the finest artists of the French school of 


  -The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde- 

*at once: 곧. 

*argot: 은어. 

*paraphrase: 의역(하다). 

*symbolist: 상징주의자.

*앞의 that는 지시부사로 so의 뜻이다.

 따라서 that A that B 즉, so ~that 문장 구조를 보이고 

있다. full 다음에 오는 네 개의 of는 모두 full에 걸리는 

형용사구로 style을 수식한다. 

즉, style 다음에 주격관계대명사 which is가 생략된 

것이다. 제2형식 문장이지만, 매우 까다롭고 복잡한 


 *그것을 쓴 문체는 호기심을 일으키는 보석 같은 

문체로, 명료했다가는 곧 모호해지고, 속어와 고어,

전문적인 표현과 세밀한 재해석으로 가득하여 

뛰어난 프랑스 상징파 예술가 가운데 누군가의 

작품 특징을 나타낸다.


cat, cata(against, back, down)

∙Tourists looked amazingly at the mighty cataract 

known as Iguazu Falls. 

*Iguazu Falls: Brazil과 Argentine 접경 지역에

 있는 대폭포.

*cataract[ˈkætəˌrækt]: 큰 폭포, 대홍수, 백내장.

∙The Russian Revolution in 1917 was a political and

 social cataclysmthat overturned czarist society. 

*czarist society: 제정 러시아 사회.

∙The Indonesian Tsunami in 2004 was a catastrophe 

that killed hundred thousands of people.


di(two, twice, double)

∙"Ai" in eye is a diphthong. *phthongos: sound, voice.


∙The Earth is a dipolar planet; it has two poles. 

*pole/polos: pivot.


∙To infinitive에 관한 다음 사항은 매우 중요함으로

 특별히 유의할 필요가 있다.

1) to infinitive를 직접목적어로 요구하는 동사들.

*agree, appear, arrange, ask, afford(afford는 반드시 

 can 또는 be able to 와 함께 사용해야 한다).

    ** I can't afford so expensive diamond.


*care, choose, come.

*dare, decide, demand, desire.


*fail, forget.

*happen, hesitate, hope.


*manage, mean.

*need, neglect.


*plan, prefer, prepare, pretend, promise, prove.

*refuse, remember.



*want, wait.

*would like.

**I would like to go to Paris.

2) 다음의 동사들은 직접목적어로 동명사 또는

 to 부정사 모두 가능하다. 그러나 그 뜻은 

변하지 않는다.



*can't bear, can't stand, continue.



*like, love.



 ** Chris attempted driving.

 ** Chan attempted to drive.

3) 그러나 다음의 동사들은 동명사와 to 부정사

 간의 뜻이 달라짐을 유의해야 한다.

*He forgot to buy milk yesterday. 우유를 사야할 

것을 잊었었다는 뜻이다.

*He forgot buying milk yesterday. 우유를 이미 산 

사실을 잊었었 다는 뜻.

*He stopped to buy milk yesterday. 우유를 사기

 위해 멈췄다는 뜻.

*He stopped buying milk yesterday. 우유 구매를 

 중단했다는 뜻.

*He regrets to buy milk. 사게 될 것이 유감이라는 뜻.

*He regrets buying milk. 이미 산 것이 유감이라는 뜻.

*He remembers to send money to his father on his 

 birthday. 송금할 것을 기억하고 있다는 뜻(아

    직 송금을 안 했음).

*He remembers sending money to his father on his 

 birthday. 이미 송금한 사실을 기억하고 있다는 뜻.

*He tries to buy milk. 우유를 사려고 노력한다는 뜻..

*He tries buying milk. 우유를 사는 방안을 놓고 노력 

중이라는 뜻.

4) 다음의 동사들은 목적보어로 to부정사를 요구한다.

*advise, allow, appoint, ask.


*cause, caution, challenge, choose, command, convince.

*dare, direct.

*enable, encourage, expect.

*forbid, force.


*hire, help(동사 원형을 목적보어로 취하기도 한다).

  ** I helped him fix my car.

  ** I hired him fix my car. 

*instruct, invite.




*permit, persuade, prefer, promise.

*remind, request, require.


*teach, tell, tempt.


*want, warn.

   **I wanted them to come back.

*would like.

   ** I would like him to come back.

5) 다음의 형용사들은 to infinitive를 이끈다.

*afraid, amazed, angry, anxious, ashamed, astonished.

*careful, content.

*delighted, determined, disappointed, disgusted, 





*happy, hesitant, horrified.



*pleased, prepared, proud.

*ready, relieved, reluctant.

*sad, sorry, shocked, stunned, surprised.



  **예문: I was sad to hear of his death.



∙Don’t cross the intersection in a diagonal line. 

*intersection: 교차로.


∙A circle has numberless diameters.

∙The actress appeared on the stage with diaphanous 


*phan/phanes: to see.

∙A disease associated with excess sugar passing 

 through the body is diabetes. 

*betes/bainein: to pass, walk. 

*diabetes는 당뇨병 환자가

자주 소변을 보러 가는데서 비롯된 이름


dys(difficult, bad)

Dysentery is caused by unclean water; it is

 accompanied with severe abdominal pain, 

feces mixed with mucus and blood, fever, and


*abdominal pain: 복통.

 *feces: 똥. 

*delirium: 일시적인 정신착란. 

*entery/enteron: intestine. *mucus: 곱, 점액.

∙The immorality and bad practices of Wall Street 

brought the dysfunction of the world economy.

∙Chan suffered from dyspepsia for a long time and 

had troubles digesting food. 

*pep/pepsis: digestion, 소화.

∙He can't read and learn because he has dyslexia. 

*lex: word.


ecto, exo(outside, external)

∙We can find many exotic tropical plants in Cheju 



∙The exogamy among the Korean young people has

 brought so many multicultural families to Korea. 


∙Ticks or other ectoparasites can also serve as vectors. 

 *tick: 진드기. 

 *vector: 병원균 중간숙주.

 *parasite:기생충, 기생동(식)물.



em, en(in, into)

∙Malaria is endemic disease; it is very common in a hot 

 and humid area. 

 *dem: people. 

 *humid: 습기 찬.

∙My boss loves his job; he works with enthusiasm 

 every day.

 *thus/theos: god-possessing.

∙The player's hat has Nike's emblem on it. 

 *blem/blema: something put on.


endo, ento(within)

Endocrine glands secrete hormones directly in the 

 bloodstream of our body. 

*secrete: ~을 분비하다. 

*crine/klinein: to separate.

*gland: 선線.

∙In a traditional society, endogamy is very common. 

*endogamy [enˈdagəmi].

∙Scientists have found that entophyte infection has 

 a close relation with drought tolerance. 

*phyte/phyton: plant. 

*tolerance: 허용치.

*drought[draut]: 가뭄.


ep, epi(on, after)

∙The epicenter of the 2010 earthquake that shook 

 Chile was 100 kilometers away from Concepcion, 

 the second largest city of Chile.

∙The epidermis is the outer layer that lies upon the

 true skin.

∙The play was about a hero; its epilogue was tragic.

∙I can imagine that the end of ten years we might have 

 a very pleasant correspondence. I shall have matured

 my epistolary style.

        -The Portrait of A Lady by Henry James- 

*stol/stellein: to send. 

*mature: 성숙한, 성숙하다(시키다).

∙Virginia Woolf's epitaph says:

   "Against you I will fling myself,

     unvanquished and unyielding, 

     O death!"

      " 불굴의 내 육신을,

        그대를 향해 내던지니,

    오, 죽음이여! "

*Adelin Virginia Woolf(1882~1941): 영국의 저명한 

모더니스트. “댈로웨이 부인”, 

“등대로” 등의 작품이 있음. 

자살로 생을 마감하였다. 

*taph/taphos: tomb. 

*unvanquished and unyielding: 불요불굴의.

*시는 운을 위해 문장이나 어휘의 

전, 중, 후치가 많기 때문에 그 관계를 잘 

살펴야 한다.


eu(good, well)

∙Spaniards were full of euphoria when their soccer 

team won in the world-cup competition. 

 *phore: bearer, 보유자. 

 *Spaniard: 스페인 사람.

∙The expression "He passed away" is a euphemism for

 "He died."

 *pheme: speech.

∙He is very happy with his eupepsia; he has quite

 recovered from gastroenteritis. 

*gastroenteritis: 위장염. 

*peps/pepsis: digestion.

∙The President gave a eulogy at the general's funeral.

*logy/logos: speech.

∙Many people support euthanasia for terminally ill

 patients who wish to die. 

*terminally ill patient: 불치병 환자.



∙"Eye" and "I" are homonyms.

∙The population of Korea is homogeneous with few 


∙The sugar is mixed evenly throughout the dough, 

so the bread is homogenized. 




∙Jane is hypersensitive to sunlight.

∙John uses hyperbole by describing a wildcat as a lion.

*wildcat: 살쾡이.

∙F-22 Raptor is a hypersonic and stealth jetfighter.

*stealth: 은밀. 내밀.

∙The critic was hypercritical; he found fault with an

 excessive number of details. 

*critic: 평론가.



∙A hypodermic syringe is used to draw blood from 

a vein.

*syringe[siˈrindʒ]: 주사기.

∙He got hypothermia from being exposed too long in 

cold weather.

∙His idea is nothing but a hypothesis; it must be proved

 by a test to become truth. 

*nothing but: only.

∙He pretends to be sincere and honest, but actually

 no; he is a hypocrite. *hypocrite[ˈhipəˌkrit].


mega(l)(large, a million)

∙He is earning megabucks in his new business. 

 *buck: US dollar, 숫사슴.

∙Citizens suffered from city hall's megalomania

 planning to build the  world's tallest skyscraper,

 which costs billion dollars.

 *skyscraper: 마천루.

∙Education has played a important role as a factor of 

production like land, labor, and capital. 

*a factor of production: 생산요소.

∙다음의 불가산 명사(noncount noun)는 특별히 

유의할 필요가 있다. 부정관사 a 또는 an과 결코

함께 쓸 수 없다.

1) 추상명사.

*advice, beauty, confidence, courage, education, energy,

entertainment, fun, happiness, health, help, honesty,

hospitability, hunger, information, justice, kindness, 

knowledge, laughter, liberty, love, luck, music, nature, 

peace, pollution, poverty, progress, recreation, strength,

 time, trouble, truth, violence, wealth, wisdom,

work, youth.

2) 액체.

*coffee, gasoline, ink, juice, milk, oil, tea, water.

3) 기체.

*air, oxygen, smoke, smog, steam.

4) 재료.

*chalk, coal, cotton, glass, iron, lumber, paper, silk, 

silver, wood, wool.

5) foods.

*bread, butter, cabbage, candy, cheese, chicken, 

 chocolate, fish, fruit, ice cream, lettuce, meat,

 mayonnaise, spinach.

6) 스포츠 및 기타 활동.

*baseball, chess, fishing, motocross, shopping, 

 soccer, skydiving, shopping, studying, swimming, 

 tennis, traveling, thinking, working.

7) 날씨 및 기타 자연력 관련.

*electricity, fog, fire, ice, lightening, magnetism, rain,

 snow, sunshine, thunder.

8) 입자(particles).

*corn, dirt, dust, flour, grass, hair, pepper, salt, sand, 

sugar, wheat.

9) 학문 분야.

*architecture, economics, engineering, mathematics, 

physics, psychology, science.

10) 어떤 그릅 또는 종을 대표하는 단어.

*baggage, change, clothing, equipment, food, furniture, 

garbage, homework, jewelry, junk, literature, luggage, 

machinery, mail, makeup, money, poetry, postage,

research, scenery, television, traffic, trash. 이상 열거한

 것이 전부가 아님은 물론이다. 불가산명사

에 관해서는 Longman Advanced American 

Dictionary가 추천할 만하다.

met, meta(after, changed)

∙In "Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka, Gregor Samsa,

 the protagonist, is transformed into a monstruous


∙In "Treasure Island", Jim Hawkins, the protagonist, 

underwent a real metamorphosis in his teenage years 

from a weak boy to a strong young man. 

*undergo: ~겪다.

∙Our body is changed chemically and physically

 through metabolism which gathers and releases energy.

Metaphysics asks fundamental questions about the 

nature of existence and reality.

micro(small, one millionth part of)

∙The being of microbes was asserted by ancient Jainism, 

 but its existence was verified by Antonie 

 V. Leeuwenhoek in 1676. 

*Jainism: 인도의 고대 종교. 

*be/bios: life. 

*Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek (1632~1723): 네델란드 

출신의 과학자. 정규 교육을 받지 않았으나 

미생물학 분야에 위대한 업적을 남김.

∙"Macondo", a small town that Gabriel G. Marquez

 depicted in his"One Hundred Years of Solitude", serves 

 as a microcosm where its readers see all the social

 classes  meeting and mingling.

 *mingle: mix. 

 *Gabriel Garcia Marquez(1927~ ): 콜롬비아 출신의 

  소설가. "백년간의 고독"으로 1982년 노벨 문학상을 



para(side by side, beyond)

∙We sometimes have to take care of our pets by

 providing them with drug to kill parasites. 

 *site/sitos: food.

∙Despite outward appearance of strength, Hitler was a

 sick, paranoid man, full of delusions that Germany was

 being deteriorated by Jews, Russians, and the other 


*noia/nous: mind. 

*delusion: 망상.

∙The twins show a striking parallelism between their 


*allel/allelos: one another. 

*striking: 현저한.


path(o)(suffering, disease)

Pathogens grow in unclean places. 

*gen/genes: born.

∙If you want to be a medical doctor, you should learn 

pathology as a basic course.

∙We always have to feel sympathy for the poor and

 catastrophe- stricken people. 

*sym: together with.

∙The Greek philosopher Aristotle divided the means of 

persuasion and appeals into three categories―Ethos,

 Logos, and Pathos. 

*ethos: (한사회의) 정신적이고 본질적인 특색. 

*persuasion and appeals: 설득과 호소.



∙Look out around the periphery of the army post! 

*look out:


*phery/pherein: bear, 지니다, ~을 낳다, ~의 행동을 


∙He is a travel guide; he must be peripatetic. 

*pate/patein: to walk.

∙Submarines under the sea usually use a periscope

 to see the things on the water.



∙접미사이지만 활용도가 커 여기서 다룬다.

∙Americans sometimes encounter xenopobia when 

they travel in Arab countries.

 *xeno/xenos: stranger, foreigner.

∙He fears of fire; he is a pyrophobe

*pyro: fire.

∙Many people still have a confused view of Muslims, 

and the president seems unable to lead the country

through its Islamphobia.  

*많은 사람들이 아직도 무슬림에 대한 혼란된 시각을 

가지고 있으며,  이러한 이슬람 공포를 헤쳐가며 

대통령이 나라를 이끌기가 불가능한 것처럼 보인다.

*acrophobia: 고소 공포증. 

 *agoraphobia: 광장 공포증. 

*bibliophobe: 책을 싫어하는 사람.

 *photophobia: 빛공포증.

*claustrophobia: 폐쇄공포증. 

*Germanophobe: 독일 혐오자. 

*erythrophobia: 적면 공포증. 

*triskaidekaphobia: 숫자13을 두려워하는 공포증. 

*thanatophobia: 죽음에 대한 공포증… 등 

수많은 파생어가 있다.



∙A polysyllable has many syllables, like the 

 word "transcendentalism". Its extreme example is:






*고대 그리스 희극작가 아리스토파네스의 

희곡 Assemblywomen에 등장하는 가상의 요리

이름. 모두 182개의 철자로 되어 있다. 

*transcendentalism: 선험철학, 초월주의.

∙Our English teacher is a polyglot; he speaks Korean, 

French, Germany, and Spanish. 

*glot/glotta: language, tongue.

∙He is a polygamist with four wives.

∙The development of polyphonic music from twelfth to 

fourteenth centuries was dominated by Notre Dame

School in northern France.

*phono: sound.


pro(in favor of, outward, forward, in front of)

Pro-capitalism asserts that the government's 

responsibility must be limited only to the protection

 of individual's freedom.

Progress is being made in reconstructing old towns.

∙Political leaders always try to proselytize people to 

vote for them.

*pro+se(apart)+lytos(to untie)+ize[ˈprasiliˌtaiz].

∙Stones thrown forward by kinetic energy was the first 

projectiles of humankind. 

*kinetic energy: 운동 에너지.

*ject(to throw)+ile(capable).

∙All the actors' names for an opera are usually listed in

 the program.

∙The prognosis says that the cancer patient has three 

 months to live.

*gno: to know.

∙The ministers prostrated themselves before the 


*stra/sternere: to stretch out.

∙People always are discussing the pros and cons of the 

government's policies. 

*pro and con: 찬반양론.

∙"The Scarlet Letter" is framed by a long prologue, in 

which the nameless narrator relates how he discovered 

a manuscript bundled with a scarlet, gold-embroidered 

patch of cloth in the shape of an A, which is a 

fictional account of the events depicted in the novel. 

*frame: 골격(을 짜다). 

* logue/logos: speech. 

*bundle: 꾸러미(를 만들다). 

*embroider: ~에 수놓다.

*patch of cloth: 헝겁 조각. 

*a fictional account: 가상의 이야기.

*depict: 묘사하다. 

*narrator: 화자話者. 

*The Scarlet Letter: Nathaniel Hawthorne(1804-

 1864)의 소설 명. 

*relate: tell, narrate. 

*관계대명사 which의 선행사는 manuscript이다.

*Scarlet Letter(주홍 글씨)는 긴 서문으로 골격이

짜이는데, 그 서문에서 무명의 화자는, 그가 어떻게 

A형의 주홍빛 금수를 놓은 천 조각으로 싼 원고 

뭉치를 찾아냈는지를 설명하고 있고, 이 원고가 

소설에서 묘사되고 있는 

사건에 관한 가상적인 이야기이다.


syl, sym, syn, sys(together, with)

∙The syllabus for our course in anthropology includes

 biological, cultural, and linguistic anthropology.

∙Chris has great sympathy for people having different 


*pathos: 정의情意, 비애.

∙Let's synchronize our watches before departing, so 

that we may return at the same time.

∙Nurses measure our blood-pressure, the systole and

 the diastole, with a sphygmomanometer. 

*systole: 심장 수축(기). 

*diastole: 심장 확장(기). 

*sphygmomanometer: blood pressure meter, 혈압계.



∙The internal combustion engine produces toxins that 

make air pollution. 

*internal combustion engine: 내연기관.

∙The dictator was intoxicated with his own power.

∙This subtle genetic change might also alter the 

effectiveness of current cholera vaccines which 

stimulate antitoxic as well as antibacterial


        -An Essay from Findarticles.com-

*이 미묘한 유전적 변화는 또한 항독 및 항박테리아

면역을 증진시키는 현재의 콜레라 백신의 효과를 

바꾸어 놓았을 수도 있다.

∙Parenthesis, Dash, Hyphen을 다음과 같이 간단히 


1) Parenthesis(괄호).

*목록표의 순서를 매길 때.

    **(1), (2), (3)… (a), (b), (c)… 등.

*중요한 정보는 아니지만, 독자에게 추가적인 

  정보를 주고자 할 때.

    **Virginia Woolf(English author; 1882-1941)…

2) Dash.

*중요 하지는 않지만, 조금 강조하고자 할 때.

    **We drank hot tea―very good aroma―with

         our sandwich.

*문장 속에 이미 comma로 분리 된 어휘들로 이루어진 

  부분을 별도로 분리할 때.

    **Everyone in the company―managers, directors, 

        and executives―was shocked when the

        CEO quitted.

* 문장 의미의 급격한 전환이 필요할 때.

    **The actor was young, beautiful, and attractive―and

         killed herself.

3) Hyphen.

*특정의 이미 정해 진 어휘: attorney-at-law, good-bye, 

left-handed, old-fashioned, sister-in-law, part-time.

*분수와 21부터 99까지의 문자로 된 숫자: one-half(1/2),

 twenty-one, twenty-first,… ninety-nine.

*all, great, self, ex가 접두사로 쓰일 때: all-star,

 great-grandmother, self-confidence, ex-president.

*알파벳 형태를 표시하는 단어: U-turn, L-shaped,

 E-mail(also email or e-mail).

*고유명사나 고유형용사에 붙는 특정의 

 접두사: anti-Semitism, Pan-African,

 post-World War II, Pre-Colombian, etc.

*명사를 수식하는 복합형용사: This is a very 

 well-written essay. 복합형용사가 보어를 이룰 때는 

그렇지 않다. This essay is well written.


III. Suffix

 본문에서 다루지 않은 접미사는 다음과 같이 


 1. Latin Suffix


가. 명사형 어미

*acity (quality of): audacity, capacity, rapacity,…

*acy (quality, state, office): accuracy, inadequacy, 


*age(process): coinage, breakage, wreckage, 


*ain, (e)an, ian(belonging to): mountain, veteran,

 librarian, barbarian,…

*ance, ancy, ence, ency(state of): vigilance, hesitance, 

fluency, expectancy, influence,…

*and(um), (i)end(um)(something that must be 

done): agendum, memorandum,…

*cle, icle, icule(little): molecule, muscle, particle,…

*el: novel, morsel, panel,…

*esce(to begin, to become): convalesce, obsolesce, 


*et(little), ette: booklet, leaflet, islet, tablet, plummet, 

cigarette, etiquette,…

*il(little): pupil, codicil(부록, 보충서),…

*ion(act of): communion, union, opinion, allusion,…

*ism(action, state, or principle of): romanticism,

 impressionism, cubism, Dadaism,…. 또한 그리스어 

어미이기도 하다.

*itude (quality of): altitude, latitude, solitude, 

plan (full) +itude.

*ety, ity, ty(quality of): society, ability,novelty,…

*ium(little, part of, status, metalic, little): 그리스어 

접미사 ion의변형 . bacterium, tedium, uranium, 

endocardium, consortium…

*ole, ule(little): aureole(후광後光, 배광), capsule, 

globule, scruple, vacuole,…

*ment(an action or result of): abridgement, 


*(i)mony(quality of): matrimony, testimony,


*or(state of , result of): ardor, furor, error,…

*ory(place): dormitory, depository, lavatory…

*tion(action, status): revolution, relation, 


*ure(action, result of): fracture, puncture, rupture, 



나. 형용사형 어미

*ble, acious, al, ane, ant, ar, ary, ate(또는 동사형

 어미), ent, ible, ic(또는 그리스 어미), id, ient, il, ile, 

 ine, itious, ive, ilent, ulent, ory(또는 명사형 

어미), ose, ous, ulous, uous.


다. 동사형 어미

*ate, esce, ify, efy, ise, ize, it(e).


라. 부사형 어미



2. Greek Suffix

 가. 명사형 어미

*ac(one who is): maniac, cardiac…형용사형 

어미이기도 하다.

*ast, ist(one who does): analysit, gymnast, 


*cracy(rule by): aristocracy, bureaucracy, 


*crat(one who advocates): democrat, aristocrat,


*hedron(face,side): polyhedron, octahedron, 


*ic: music, magic, epidemic… 형용사형이기도

 하다(despotic, pathetic).

*ician(specialist in): technician, electrician, 


*ion(little): asterion, communion, stomion,…

*idium(little): basidium, oophoridium, stomidium, 


*in(chemical substances): antitoxin, melanin, 


*iscus, isk(little): asterisk,meniscus…

*ism(belief in): antagonism, capitalism…

*m, ma, me(thing that is the result of): diadem, 

drama, problem, theme…

*mania(enthusiasm): megalomania, nymphomania,


*meter, metry(measure): perimeter, diameter, 

pentameter, trigonometry …

*oid(resembling): adenoid, planetoid, ovoid…

*oma(tumor): hepatoma, osteoma, trachoma…

*ploid(염색체를 갖는): diploid, haploid, 


*rrhea(flowing, discharging): diarrhea, 

gonorrhea, pyorrhea, logorrhea…

*se, sia, sis, sy(act of): dose, amnesia, diagnosis,


*t, te, ist(one who does): poet, athlete, pianist, …

*therapy(treatment by): chemotherapy, 

heliotherapy, psychotherapy,…

*tics(art, science of): ethics, physics, genetics,…

*y(state, quality of): agony, philanthropy, 



나. 동사형 어미



다. 형용사형 어미

*ac, al, ous, ious.

IV. 외래어

    아래의 어휘들은 영어화된 라틴어 및 외래어로서 

빈번히 등장하는 어휘들이다.

ad hoc: adv, adj/. for a particular

   purpose. 특별한(일과 관련한).

∙The government created an ad hoc committee of 

10 specialists for the free trade negotiation. 

 ❑ ad hominem: adj/. 이성이 아닌 감정에 호소하는.

∙Their criticizing against the government is only 

ad hominem.

 ❑ ad infinitum: adv/. endlessly.

∙I asked him all that I needed: foods, water, medicines 

ad infinitum.

 ❑ ad nauseam: adv/. 구역질 날 만큼.

∙The pitcher pit sunflower seeds repeatedly ad nauseam 

during the game.

 ❑ ad valorem: adj, adv/. 가격에 따른.

∙The custom in the airport applies ad valorem tax 

against a traveler's luggages.


alma mater: n/. 모교.

∙I am always dreaming of going back to those days of 

my old alma mater.

 ❑ alter ego: n/. 또 다른 자아.

∙Dr. Jekyll is Dr. Jekyll, but his alter ego is Mr. Hyde.

∙He is a salesman, but his alter ego always dreams to be

 a singer.

 ❑ bona fide(Fr.): adj/. 진실의.

∙Two tickets for only 5 dollars? Do you offer me a 

bona fide offer?

 ❑ bon vivant(Fr.): n/. 미식가

∙I am qualified as a bon vivant except money.

 ❑ carte blanche(Fr.): n/. 백지 위임장.

∙The president gave me carte blanche to sign any 

business contract.

 ❑ cause célèbre(Fr.): n/. 유명한 소송 사건.

∙The Adolf Beck case is a famous cause célèbre in 

history; he was convicted of a swindler by mistaken


*mistaken identity: 잘못된 신원확인.

 ❑ caveat emptor: n/. 구매자 위험 부담.

∙"Let the buyer take caveat emptor because the 

seller hasn't any legal obligation of refund or 


 ❑ Cogito, ergo sum(Fr.): I think, therefore I exist.

 ❑ coup de grâce (Fr.): n/. 결정타.

∙The president lost popularity among people, and the 

worker's strike was the coup de grâce.

 ❑ coup d'état(Fr.): n/. 쿠데타.

∙In a bloody coup d'état, the generals seized hold of

 the country.

 ❑ cull de sac( Fr.): n/. 막다른 골목.

∙It is prevalent "No Exit" in Canada, 

"Dead End" in the USA, 

"No Through Road" in Australia, and

 "Cul de Sac" in the UK, when you

are trapped in only one exit road.

 ❑ de facto: adv/. in fact.

∙The Junta led de facto government before getting 

recognition from other countries. 

*junta: 쿠데타로 집권하는 군사 위원회.

de jure: adj, adv/. 법적인(으로).

∙The Soviet Union was the first country that granted 

de jure recognition of the State of Israel.

 ❑ dernier cri(Fr.): 최신 유행.

∙You always can find the dernier cri from 

Champs-Elysees, Paris.

 ❑ e. g.(exmpli gratia): for example.

∙Joan collects various items, e.g., rhythm &

 blues CDs.

 ❑ entre nous(Fr.): adv/. between us.

∙"Let's solve this problem entre nous, not take it

 to the court."

 ❑ esprit de corps( Fr.): n/. 단결심.

∙Soccer games are always contributed to the

 esprit de corps in the community.

 ❑ et cetera: and so on.

∙We will need a lot of musical instruments to organize

 a symphony orchestra: violins, cellos, violas, 

brasses, et cetera.

*brasses: 금관악기.

 ❑ Eureka: I have found it! (바로 이거다! 됐다! 


 ❑ ex cathedra: adj, adv/. from the chair. (권위

가 ) 지위로부터 비롯되는.

∙Are we to have a Pope of science, with infallible 

decrees laid down ex cathedra, and accepted without 

question by the poor humble public? 

-The Poison Belt by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle- 

*lay down: 땅에 내려놓다. (법으로)정하다.

*of+ 추상명사=형용사 즉, of science = scientific. 

*have는 make처럼 사역동사이다. 

*infallible: 무오류의. 

*decree: 하늘의 뜻, 법령. 

*그의 지위로 인해 정해진 무오류의 법을 가지고, 

가난하고 겸손한 대중의 물음이 없이, 우리는 

교황을 과학적인 것으로 만들고,

그를 받아들여야 하는가?

∙be+to infinitive는 다음과 같이 정리할 수 있다.

1) can의 뜻.

* The book was to be found in the library. 찾을 수 

있었다는 뜻.

2) must 또는 should의 뜻.

* Laws in a society are to be obeyed. 지켜져야만 

한다는 뜻.

*To get stardom is not always to be envied. 스타덤에

 오른다는 것이 항상 부러워할 만한 것은 

 못 된다는 뜻.

3) 운명적으로 예정되었다는 뜻.

*She was to be a movie star. 그녀는 영화배우가 될 

예정에 있었다.

4) if절 안에서 필요한 조건을 말하는 경우.

*You must practice hardly, if you are to be a movie

 star. 만일 배우가 되려고 한다면(배우가 되는 

조건으로는), 연습을 열심히 해야 한다는 뜻. 

ex officio: adj, adv/. from the office, 직무상의


∙At the top are the staffs of the president, who are

 ex officio ministers of the government.

*두 번째 are의 선행사를 찾기 위해 거슬러 올라가면, 

복수형의 명사는 staffs밖에 없다. 따라서 이 문장은 

제1형식 문장으로, 부사구 At the top이 문두에 

도치되어 있다.

ex post facto: adj, adv/. 소급하는.

∙Our constitution prohibits the ex post facto laws.

 ❑ fait accompli(Fr.): n/. a thing already

 done. 기정사실(이어서 다시 뒤집을 수 없는 것),

 엎질러진 물.

∙The audience hated the play, but it was a fait accompli.

*play: 공연, 연주.

 ❑ gemütlich(G.): adj/. cheerful.

∙The restaurant is cozy, and its atmosphere is gemütlich.

*cozy: warm, comfortable.

 ❑ habeas corpus: n/. 인신보호법.

Habeas corpus originated from the English legal 

system; its foundations were established by the

Magna Carta of 1215. 

hic jacet: 여기 잠들다(묘비명의 첫 글귀).

∙'Hic Jacet Mr. High Fee, a dentist, filling his last cavity.'

*cavity: hole, pit. 

 ❑ hors de combat(Fr.): disabled, 싸울 능력을 상실한.

∙In three days, our invincible army was hors de combat

 ❑ hors d'oeuvre(Fr.): an appetizer, 전채前菜.

Hors d'oeuvre is served before the main dish; canapé, 

crudités, deviled eggs, and cold cuts may be included

in it. 

*canapé: 아삭아삭한 비스킷 또는 토스트 조각 위에 

고기나, 생선,캐비어, 거위 간 조각을 올려놓은 것. 

*crudités: 신선한 아스파라가스, 브로콜리, 당근, 

셀러리 등에 소스를 겯들인 샐러드. 

*deviled eggs: 삶은 달걀을 반으로 잘라 그 위에 

갖가지 고명을 얹은 것. 

*cold cuts: 얇게 저민 훈제의 쇠고기, 양고기, 

돼지고기, 칠면조고기 또는 소시지.

 ❑ in absentia: in absence.

∙He was awarded his honorary degree in absentia.

 ❑ in toto: adv/. completely, in the whole.

∙The bridge was destroyed in toto by the storm.

 ❑ ipso facto: adv/. 그 자체가.

∙ Money is ipso facto glee.

 ❑ mens sana in corpore sano.

∙A sound mind in a sound body.

 ❑ modus operandi: n/. 개인의 버릇, 일하는 방식.

Modus operandi is the manner or habit of working by 

an individual; it is frequently used to investigate and 

identify an individual who commits a crime.

 ❑ modus vivendi: n/. (비공식적인) 잠정 협정.

∙During the World War II, the US government even 

considered offering the Japanese a "modus vivendi

calling for a three months' truce.

 ❑ nom de plume(Fr.): n/. a pen name, alias,

 pseudonym, 필명.

∙Eric Blair is the nom de plume of George Orwell, 

under which he wrote most of his novels including

 'Animal Farm' and '1984'.

 ❑ ne plus ultra: 더 이상 존재할 수 없는 최상의 것.

∙The exquisitely distressed walls and wooden-plank

 ceilings make for delightful dissonance with 

 the ne plus ultra modernism on display. 

-New York Times- 

*exquisitely: delicately. 

*distressed: disturbed. 

*wooden-plank: 나무 널빤지.

*dissonance: 부조화. 

*ceiling: 천장.

 ❑ non sequitur: (국면 전환을 위한) 동문서답, 

    전제와는 무관한 결론.

∙Justice O'Connor was asked about the lack of

 geographical diversity on the court, 

 and she answered with a surprising non sequitur.

 "I don't think they should all be of one faith," she said,

 "and I don't think they should all be from one state. 

-New York Times-       

  *justice: (미국의) 대법관.

 ❑ nouveau riche(Fr.): n/. 교양이 부족한 벼락부자.

∙A nouveau riche became the president of a country and 

called a famous violinist a steel-wire worker at a concert.

 ❑ op. cit(opere citato): 전게서前揭書.

∙The footnote reads 'op. cit., p. 100'. 

 ❑ per capita: 1인당.

∙GDP per capita is being increased rapidly thanks to the

government's economic policy.

 ❑ per diem: adj. adv/. 일당(으로 계산한).

∙After economic crisis, a young employee's per diem 

wage is less than $30.

 ❑ per se: adv/. by himself or by itself.

∙No building is a church per se, but a good heart 

towards for God.

 ❑ persona non grata: n/. 기피 인물.

∙The ambassador was declared persona non grata by 

the country he was assigned to. 

*assign: 할당하다. 임명하다.

 ❑ Pièce de résistance(Fr.): n/. highlight, (식사의) 

메인 디쉬.

∙The Pièce de résistance of the program was 

'Concerto for Cello'.

∙The Pièce de résistance of the dinner is beef steak.

 ❑ prima facie: adj/. 명백한, 언뜻 보기에는.

∙John's possession of the stolen diamond is 

prima facie evidence of his guilt; he must be 


 ❑ pro bono publico: adj, adv/. for the 

    public good, 공익을 위한.

∙American Bar Association(ABA) recommend all 

lawyers in the United States contribute at least fifty

hours of pro bono publico service per year. 

*ABA: 미 변호사 단체 연합. 

*bar: 변호사 단체.

 ❑ pro tem: adj, adv/. for the time being.

∙The prime minister will be president pro tem, until 

the new president is elected. 

 ❑ quasi: adv/. seemingly, not really, 외견상의, 준.

∙In the middle ages, astrology was quasi-science, 

but is now considered to be a pseudoscience. 

*in the middle ages: 중세.

*astrology: 점성술. 

*pseudoscience: 사이비 과학.

 ❑ quid pro quo: n/. 대상물代償物, 주고 받기.

∙French and Iranian authorities denied any quid pro quo,

 but the timing was considered suspicious by French 

opposition legislators and the French media. 

        -New York Times-

*opposition legislator: 야당 국회의원.

 *media: 언론.

 ❑ quorum: n/. 정족수.

∙There being a quorum present, I call the meeting to 


*being은 이유를 말하는 분사이다.

 ❑ quota: n/. 몫, 지분, 할당.

∙The government operates an import quota system, 

under which the import quantity of a commodity is

absolutely restricted. 

 ❑ raison d'être(Fr.): n/. 존재 이유.

∙Climbing mountain is his raison d'être.


rara avis: n/. 희귀한 사람이나 사물, 희귀한 새.

∙Tucan is a rara avis; it lives only in tropical rain forest.

∙Andre Kim was a rara avis; he spent his life as a

 genius of fashion design.

 ❑ reductio ad absurdum: n/. (논리)귀류법.

∙In this unlucky chapter, the argument of the book 

confutes itself by a reductio ad absurdum

-Anorld Toynbee- 


 ❑ sine qua non: n/. 반드시 필요한 것, 필요조건.

∙Honesty is a sine qua non to be a high official in 

our country.

sotto voce(It.): adv/. 낮은 목소리로.

∙He explained his escape plan sotto voce to his 


 ❑ status quo: n/. 현상現狀.

∙The status quo between two Koreas has been maintained

 during last 50years.

 ❑ table d'hôte(Fr.): n/. 정식定食.

∙My wife ordered a la carte; hungry I, table d'hôte.

*a la carte: 메뉴(에 있는 음식의 선택 주문).

 ❑ Tempus fugit: Time flies.

 ❑ Tête-à-tête(Fr.): n/. 두 사람 만의 은밀한 대화.

 ∙Two political leaders exchanged their tête-à-tête 

 at the party.

 ❑ Tout comprendre, c'est tout pardonner(Fr.): 

 ∙To understand all is to forgive all.

 ❑ Verbum sat sapienti est

 ∙ A word to the wise is sufficient.



참고 문헌

John C. Trauma. PhD

1995 Latin and English. New York. Batman Books.


2004 Pocket Guide to Vocabulary. New York. Barron's

Peter Jones

1998 Learn Latin. New York. Barnes & Noble.

Owen Barfield

1954 History in English Words. New ed. London. Faber and


Oxford University

2007 Compact Oxford Terminology. Tucson University of Arizona


Rudolph Bombast

1980 The English Language. Norman. University of Oklahoma


Oxford Corpus

2007 Compact Oxford Thesaurus. New York. Oxford Corpus.

Adrian Spooner

2002 Lingo. London. Antony Rowe Ltd.

Donald M. Ayers

1972 Bioscientific Terminology. Tucson. University of Arizona


Kenneth Hudson

1977 The Dictionary of Diseased English. Southampton.

England. Camelot Press, Ltd.

Ann Hogue

2003 The Essentials of English. New York. Pearson Longman.

The American Heritage Dictionary.

Webster's New World Dictionary.

Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary.

The Free Dictionary.com

Sisa Elite English-Korean Dictionary.


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                   초판 발행: 2011년 월 일  





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  2. I thought this was a pretty interesting read when it comes to this topic. Thank you

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